
In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Mike, a 16-year-old gamer, dies in a tragic accident after a long gaming session. He finds himself in a void, where a being of light tells him he can be reincarnated. The being explains that his new powers and destination will be based on his last game and show. Mike, having played Elden Ring and watched My Hero Academia, chooses to go to the world of My Hero Academia with the powers of Rahdahn. However, the being informs him that his reincarnation will be determined by a wheel of fate, and he ends up being reincarnated as Miquella. I want to clarify that this story is purely for fun and to help me practice my writing skills. While I am open to receiving constructive criticism to improve my writing, I kindly request that any feedback provided remains respectful and constructive. Insults directed towards my story will not be accepted. Image not mine I found the image on Tumbler by someone named serrraphim.

thereddeath · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


Since the twins awakened their quirks, they dedicated themselves tirelessly to achieving their goals. Marika, their mother, remained true to her word, leaving no stone unturned in preparing them for any challenge they might face. She transformed one of the spare rooms in their home into a training ground, complete with dummies and ranged targets.

During that time, Marika stumbled upon a small dojo called the Bushido Dojo, owned by a seasoned martial artist named Hiroshi Yamamoto. Hiroshi's skills were truly remarkable, as he possessed the ability to manifest energy clones that flawlessly replicated his every move. His expertise extended beyond judo, having spent two decades traveling the world and becoming a master in various sword styles, including kendo.

One day, as they were about to leave the dojo after their judo class, Malenia's eyes widened with excitement as she spotted the sword-fighting training. "Mama, look!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the practice session. "They're doing sword fighting! Can we try it?"

Marika chuckled and replied, "We can watch, but I'm not sure if Mr. Yamamoto would be willing to teach you both just yet. You've only been doing judo for a few weeks."

"But Mama, it's so cool!" Malenia pleaded, her voice filled with longing. "I think I'd be good at it!"

Miquella, who had been quietly observing the training session, raised an eyebrow and asked, "What makes you think that?" he questioned. Malenia quickly responded, "I just have this strong feeling, Miquella. I know deep down that I'm destined to become a skilled sword-wielder one day!" On the surface, he appeared delighted, listening to what seemed like a child's enthusiastic ramblings about a new dream. However, deep inside, he couldn't help but ponder whether Malenia's desire to be a swordsman was ingrained in her blood. After all, not only was her original counterpart one, but now she was unknowingly following in their footsteps.

Seeing the determination in Malenia's eyes, Marika decided to give in. "Alright, alright, we'll ask Master Yamamoto if you can try kendo for a day. But no complaining if he says no or if you find it too difficult."

And so, Malenia and Miquella approached the stoic figure of Master Yamamoto. "Hello, sensei," Malenia introduced herself with a mix of nervousness and excitement. "We'd love to try kendo for a day if you're willing to teach us."

Master Yamamoto studied Malenia for a moment, his eyes seemingly piercing through her. "Very well," he finally said, his voice deep and resonant. "But be warned, the way of the sword is not for the faint of heart."

Malenia's face lit up with a triumphant smile. "Bring it on!" she declared, her confidence unwavering.

The training session commenced, and to everyone's surprise, Malenia proved to be a natural. After only a few attempts, she flawlessly replicated Yamamoto's moves. Her movements were graceful, precise, and powerful. Even the stoic Master Yamamoto couldn't help but nod in approval.

"You have a natural talent for swordsmanship, young one," he remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "A one-in-a-million prodigy, I'd say."

On the other hand, Miquella struggled to keep up. While he was decent in judo, swordplay didn't come naturally to him. He fumbled with the wooden sword, his movements clumsy and awkward.

"Don't worry, Miquella," Yamamoto reassured him with a smile. "You'll get the hang of it eventually. Remember, even the most skilled swordsmen were once beginners like you. Just keep practicing, and you'll become a force to be reckoned with."

Miquella nodded, appreciating Yamamoto's encouragement. Taking a deep breath, he refocused his efforts, determined to improve his swordplay skills. With each practice session, he worked on his technique, learning from his mistakes, and steadily making progress.

Meanwhile, Malenia continued to excel in her training. Her natural talent for swordsmanship shone through as she effortlessly replicated Yamamoto's movements. She embraced the challenge and pushed herself further, eager to become the best sword-wielding expert she had envisioned. Her goal expanded from being just a hero to becoming the strongest swordsman as well.

As weeks turned to months, Miquella's perseverance paid off. Though progress was slow, he gradually became more comfortable with the wooden sword. His movements became less clumsy and more controlled, reflecting the dedication and effort he had put into his training.

Yamamoto noticed Miquella's improvement and approached him, nodding approvingly. "You're making great strides, Miquella," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Your determination and hard work are paying off. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll continue to surprise yourself."

Marika, always attentive to her children's well-being, made a conscious decision to strike a balance in their training schedule. Aware of the potential risks of overexertion and the importance of maintaining their academic progress, she carefully structured their routine. The children would train at the dojo three times a week, ensuring they received comprehensive martial arts instruction. However, it was during their dedicated ranged combat sessions with Alfred, their skilled butler, and mentor in all things ranged, that Miquella discovered his true calling.

Recognizing Miquella's inherent talent and natural aptitude for ranged combat, Alfred wholeheartedly embraced the role of his devoted mentor. Under Alfred's expert guidance, Miquella's precision and adaptability blossomed as he delved into a multitude of techniques. Meanwhile, Malenia diligently honed her quirk, discovering its optimal effectiveness in mid to close range due to the relatively slower flight speed of the scarlet butterflies.

Alfred's encouraging words and skilled tutelage served as an unwavering source of motivation, igniting Miquella's passion for the discipline and providing him with a clear sense of purpose and direction.

"Your mastery of ranged combat is truly remarkable, young master Miquella," Alfred's voice resonated with genuine admiration and pride as he spoke. "The precision and adaptability you demonstrate are beyond impressive. Your techniques are executed with creativity and flair, and your ability to devise innovative maneuvers is a testament to your exceptional talent. It brings me great joy to witness your remarkable growth."

Grateful for Alfred's recognition, Miquella beamed with pride. "Thank you, Alfred. I've been practicing and experimenting with different techniques to find what works best for me."

During their training sessions, Miquella showcased his skills with energy-based light bullets, his primary attack. Although they caused minimal damage, akin to a BB gun, their rapid-fire capability and low stamina cost allowed Miquella to unleash a flurry of shots on opponents without pause.

With a swift motion, Miquella released a barrage of light bullets, each one soaring through the air with remarkable speed and accuracy. The room resonated with the soft hum of energy as the bullets found their intended targets.

"Your proficiency with those light bullets is impressive, Miquella," Alfred remarked, nodding in approval. "Your control and speed make you a natural marksman."

Encouraged by Alfred's words, Miquella's confidence soared. He continued to practice and refine his skills, incorporating techniques he had observed from various media and his own spells. In addition to his light bullets, he recreated the Solar Flare technique from Dragon Ball, finding it useful for creating distractions when cornered. The blinding burst of light provided a momentary advantage, allowing him to reposition or launch a counterattack with his light bullets or his own version of Radagon's Ring of Light.

Beyond ranged combat, Miquella also trained in riding Torrent. He discovered new tricks that Torrent possessed, abilities not present in the game. Miquella was amazed to find that Torrent could use his rear legs for a swift and powerful kick, catching unsuspecting opponents off guard. And unlike the game, Torrent's horns were not merely decorative; Miquella learned how to use them for a wicked headbutt maneuver, a move that could send opponents reeling.

After witnessing Torrent's new skills, Miquella always rewarded him with a handful of graham crackers. This action puzzled Alfred, who questioned him, "You do know that since he is your quirk, he doesn't need to eat, right?"

Miquella quickly responded with a smile, "I know, but he's a good boy. Besides, how can you resist giving him treats when you look at his face?"

Curious, Alfred peered at Torrent. All he saw was the horse creature lazily chomping on a stack of graham crackers with the most bored expression imaginable. "Right," Alfred nervously chuckled, "I suppose you're right. He does have a certain... persuasive quality." 

Just then, Alfred's watch started ringing. "Mm, it seems our time is up. Remember to wash up before dinner, young master Miquella."

"Of course, Alfred," Miquella replied, nodding in acknowledgment and quickly rushing to take his shower. As he stood under the warm water, the thoughts swirled in his mind. He couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come in just a year of intense training at the Bushido Dojo and with Alfred. The progress he had made filled him with a sense of pride and determination.

However, Miquella knew that he and Malenia still had a long way to go to be fully prepared for the upcoming UA exam and the challenges that lay ahead. The path to becoming a hero was a demanding one, and he understood that the next ten years would be crucial for his growth. He resolved to continue pushing himself, honing his skills, and overcoming any obstacles that came his way.

As the water cleansed both his body and mind, Miquella emerged from the shower with renewed focus. He dried himself off and dressed in fresh attire, ready to join his family for dinner. With each passing day, he would strive to become stronger, knowing that the future held countless challenges and opportunities for him.


Just a heads-up for everyone! I went back and revised the first chapter to give a clearer explanation of why the character wished for what he did. I also corrected a mistake about his wish to break miquellas age cureser. Other than those changes, the story remains the same.