
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Films
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141 Chs

Exposure and Death

"By the way how did you make the statues disappear" Blade asked the same question that is on everyone mind's there.

"Magic" Dominic replied hiding the fact he is storing them. 

Blade : "..." 

Blood pack : "...." 

Hearing the words Blade and his team felt silent, Blade cause he never expected to meet a Wizard whom he previously assumed as Mutant, Blood pack cause this wizard might interfere with their plan to Capture Blade. 

"hmm, Mr. Toretto you said it's your mission to hunt them" Blade asked as they moved together in the sewers. 

"Hmm, a crazy guy experimented with Vampires creating a new Strain Reaper, So I have to come here to eliminate all Mutants before they increase any more" Blade hearing this momentarily stops then continued, His mind is processing the information as he learned from Blood pack that Vampires Evolved not mutated cause of experiments, he don't know what to believe now. 

Blade started moving with Whistler as whatever happens he will protect Whistler.

While the Blood pack already planned to eliminate Dom after knowing that he know the truth about Mutant Vampires. 

After they walked some more way, Reinhardt proposed to split up, he carefully splitted Dom and Blade. No one doubted him as this is the most rational thing to do, Though they don't know that the Mutant vamps have already increases from the pitiful number they have seen in House of Pain.

Reinhardt, Whistler, Blade, Asad and Nyssa formed one team while Dom, Snowman, Chupa, Verlaine and Light Hammer formed another team.

Blade sticked with Whistler as he is wary of both Blood pack and Dom. Dominic didn't mind it as when they will separate, it will be easy for him to kill everyone without any reason to explain to anyone. 

After separating both team went in opposite direction, In Dom team when they reach some distance from Blade team Chupa tried to sneak attack, Dom simply used protect spell and then finished everyone with Sunshine spell, not giving a second to others to realise what killed them. This process hardly took few seconds after that he resumed his mission of collecting mutant bodies.

On the other side Asad suddenly grabbed Whistler and pointed gun to his head, taking him hostage, Blade was late to react and was captured as they used Whistler as constraint to him. 

After taking Blade and Whistler they went back to to Eli Damaskinos place after learning from Scud that everyone on Dom team is dead, while thay were taking Blade to Whistler Nyssa had her head down all time. Reinhardt all the time was anxious fearing Dominic will come to save Blade, but even after 10 minutes there were no sign of him he sighed in relief as he thought they were all killed by mutants. 

As they were leaving the area Samuel tailed them while using stealth to ensure nothing out of ordinary happens. 

After the Blade group left Drake and Dom harvested as much as they could, with totalling amount of 9596 bodies. They were forced to use Sunshine spell many times when Mutant vamps ambushed them from both sides. 

Drake met Jared in sewers but he didn't pursued him as he was focusing on collecting bodies. 

After 2 hours of work they were finally able to wipe out all Mutants vamps. 

"Alisa, hack all cameras you can find in the world and search if there are any more of these bald Vamps with same body temperature any where else" Dominic said as both him and Drake came out of Sewers after killing every Mutant. 

"Sir, there are two more locations with same body temperature as these Mutants and they are near normal Vampire filled places" Alisa replied after 2 min. of deep scanning. 

"Let's take one place each, as for Blade side, Sam is there" Dom said to Drake and started flying towards the location which is a hidden club for Vampires and Drake also flew towards the other location which is another club

On Sam side, following the Blade kidnappers he reached their headquarters, he then used stealth and entered their headquarters without alerting any guards. 

Blade wokes up and finds himself hanged, he also saws Whistler hanged like him, he started searching for his hidden weapons. 

"They have took every weapon of yours" Whistler words caused him to cease his actions but he still founds the switch for minibomb he planted on Reinhardt back.

" I knew you would betray" Blade said and press the switched but nothing happens. Seeing confused face of Blade Reinhardt laughs and rip out the minibomb from his neck. 

Scud also came out and laughs at Blade while taking the minibomb from Reinhardt. 

"This is just a dud, to lower your guard" Scud smiles and explains that he is familiar of Eli Damaskinos and started boasting about their plan to capture Blade. 

"you are wrong at one thing though, the bomb isn't dud" Blade says and pressed the right switch this time.

Scud was exploded into crimson mist cause of bomb explosion as his mortal body wasn't able to take the damage of bomb designed for vampires. 

The guards seeing this once again electrocuted Blade with their batons, Eli Damaskinos then enters the room along with Nyssa. 

"Please treat our guest with care as he will be our species benefactor" Eli said to guards who electrocuted Blade. 

"Hello, Blade" Eli said to Blade arriving in front of him.

"So you were the Mastermind Damaskinos" Blade said to Eli Damaskinos. 

"Mastermind no Blade I am only a lost person who wants to help his species to be able to walk in Day, and you are the key Blade" Eli chuckles as he replies. 

" Care to explain how did Jared got this ring" Whistler said as he throws the ring with Damaskinos family crest towards Eli. 

"Of course it was a gift from father to his Son" Eli said as he pickups the ring. 

Nyssa who was hearing from side wasn't able to hold anymore and went out of the chamber. 

Eli Damaskinos didn't pay any attention to her and walks towards the center and shows countless embryos to Blade. 

"This is my creation Blade a species of Vampires without any weakness and the only missing ingredient is what makes you Day walker Blade, we will drain your blood, bone marrow every thing to find that ingredient" Eli said as they moved him towards the place where he will be drained out. 

While they were discussing, Drake who has informed Nomak of the lair's location, and the angry Mutant Progenitor arrives just in the nick of time. While Reinhardt and the gang are snickering about how awesome they are, Nomak charges the compound and begins draining the life from every security guard he can grabs.

Originally it was Blade who informed him but due to butterfly effect cause of Max, Blade was captured before he meets Jared in Sewers So Drake takes Blade place and informs the Jared of Damaskinos location.

Soon Nomak reached the blood chambers where Eli was draining Blade blood, seeing Nomak appearing he makes a run while rest tried to stop him, this caused Whistler to freed from his constraints, he then quickly reached Blade and unties the almost drained Blade, suddenly one of the guards came flying and knocks Blade into the Damaskinos blood pool. 

This caused Blade to regain all his strength, he then snatches his Katana from Reinhardt and kills him. 

Running after the Nomak he arrives at a place where Nomak has already killed Damaskinos and is now biting Nyssa. 

Blade quickly rushed towards them, Nomak and Blade then starts fighting, Nomak overpowers Blade, suddenly Blade grabs a chance to insert his Sword towards Nomak Heart but the bone armour that guards the Mutant vamps heart hinders Blade Katana, Nomak kicks away Blade. 

"It hurts" Nomak grabs Katana handle and says to Blade, he then forces the Katana inside his Heart "Now it won't.." and drops helplessly on the ground, taking his last breath. 

His life was full of pain, the only reason he was living for was to kill who filled his whole life with Pain, Damaskinos but now he is dead he wants to rest too. 

Blade ignores him and went to Nyssa who was dying She then ask Blade to full fill her last wish of watching Sunrise. 

Blade then took her to roof where she becomes ashes while seeing her first and last Sunrise in Blade's embrace.

As for Sam he was busy stealing the Treasury of Damaskinos family, he also saved the Damaskinos from Nomak fangs, what Nomak killed was nothing but illusion. 

Sam then read his memories using the Psychic power provided by Trickster ring to find out all the secret vaults if he has any and he finds two hidden places where he has hidden his stuff since 14th century as expected of old bastard. 

Sam then kills him and stores his and Nomak body, he then left the headquarters as there is nothing of value there. 

Shield and other organisation, when reached here were puzzled as all the treasury of Vampire overlord was empty. 

As for Thief responsible for it was already on his way back to New York.