Liliana Goldbrone, she was a normal girl living in a normal world, living out her normal life. As normal as she could make it at least, until one day she found herself drifting away into an endless sleep. Waking up, she found herself in a world she had only seen in stories. She decided to live her life to the fullest in this new world, as a new race. As the Hive.
It was quite easy walking through the city without being noticed or standing out due to once again altering her body somewhat to blend in.
She had to either way— the city had a lot of cameras and she didn't want to take the risk of showing up on any of them and causing issues.
Plus this way if she got into trouble she wouldn't need to worry about being recognized.
And she was very much contemplating getting into some trouble.
Her workers had found the massive tunnel system underneath the city already— it wasn't hard given how massive the tunnel was and how good they were at digging.
She just wasn't sure if she should go and explore it now or maybe wait a while. The reason she was leaning towards waiting for a little was due to the lack of information she had about the Morlocks.
She barely read or even saw anything about them, and the little information she had from them was from detached comic strips and the Gifted series— and who knew how accurate that was.
Originally she had planned to just ignore it for now and only make a move when she thought it was a good time— but stalling for time would get her nowhere with the events to come.
Plus the sooner she acted the more she would get to eat, as such she decided to head down to the tunnels and explore for a little while.
A decision that was easier said than done, since she had to find a way down.
Thankfully after a few minutes of searching around using the combined help from her workers and herself, she was able to find a sewer opening that lead to a location near the tunnels.
After which she just broke her way through using her enhanced digging capabilities— getting into the tunnel in a matter of seconds.
"So this is the alley."
She spoke aloud to herself in a soft voice as she looked around the massive tunnel— it was over 50 feet tall and wide enough to fit a train with ease.
She wondered how something like this remained down here without being noticed by the general public for as long as it has— but she knew that it was the work of other powers.
Maybe the mutants kept it hidden using their abilities— or maybe even the government was involved.
Shield did like to stick their nose into anything that had the potential to be useful— hydra as well.
'This place is so empty.'
Although the place was big and very long— with no end in sight— the room inside of it wasn't filled with anything.
Stone, dust, and humidity were just being collected in such a long and barely used tunnel. As she walked through she could see a few signs of people having been down here.
Litter, burn marks, and even some rags of clothing— all signs of the Morlocks or other people having been here at some point in time.
As she walked further her enhanced hearing soon picked up on something— the echoing of the tunnel not aiding them to hide from her ears.
Yes them— for she heard the sound of voices speaking aloud to each other.
Multiple people from the sound of it— 3 maybe 4— it was hard to tell because of the echoing of the tunnels but she tried her best to figure it out given her capabilities.
She tried using echolocation to get a proper feel for them but because of how the tunnel caused sounds to repeatedly bounce off the walls and echoed a lot it was hard to form a proper mental image.
It was fuzzy— but she could tell their rough outlines.
From the look of it, two of them were tall and two of them were short. Maybe two children and two adults.
From the sounds of their voices, two seemed to be male and two female, at least from what she could hear.
They were most likely mutants, after wall she doubt anyone but the mutants from the Morlock group would be down here— so this was the perfect time to test out something.
Would eating a mutant give her their abilities— she wasn't sure.
Because while mutants were biological matter and their abilities came from a biological factor in their body— she wasn't sure if that factor could be replicated if she ate them.
She knew that in the future she would be able to gain abilities from even non-biological things— as long as her bloodline grows— but that was still far away.
Giving it a try wouldn't be too hard— plus it would allow her to test her fighting capabilities against weak mutants so she decided to eat them.
Why not after all?
Using her camouflage she altered her body and clothing to blend into the area around her, climbing up the wall using the abilities she had gotten from lizards— she hide above the tunnel and waited for them to come.
Slowly the voices got louder until they were within sight and she could see them properly— she was right, there were only four of them amongst the group.
One looked like a short female but it was hard to tell because she didn't really look human— she looked more like a fish person with gills and blue scaley skin. She had long pink hair which was quite odd looking on her blue scaley skin.
The two males seemed the be the tall ones— one had a face that seemed burnt and mutilated, and his skin had weird burn marks on it as well and was covered in wrappings.
The other's body was covered in a thin layer of fur and had a long face that protruded from his body like a horse— his hair was also very long and quite luscious black.
The last one amongst them was surprising— it was a normal-looking girl. She had short blond hair and blue eyes like you would expect from a classic barbie girl— not something you would expect from the Morlock groups.
She definitely didn't expect it, but food was food.