
In Marvel as a Skeleton

*SYSTEM ISN'T SENTIENT* What happens when a person from our world wakes up in a sewer as a Skeleton? What happens when he finds out he is in the ever expanding and dangerous world of Marvel? This is what happened to Ethan Blackett. A normal science teacher in his previous life, he is now thrust into the world of danger and intrigue as a monster. Now, armed with the ability to travel to dungeon World's, and a gacha system, Ethan starts his journey of evolving to the peak and becoming the strongest in the universe. ---------- JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/F4nWPbve96 To discuss ideas, see pictures and generally talk more about the fic. A/N: FL will be Lady Death. The system is a gacha. Also the progression will be a little slower. He won't become instantly overpowered. Ethan uses his wits and not just power, you can see that in the way he deals with goblins in the first few chapters, using his abilities with cunning instead of fighting enemies head on. The Marvel universe will be an AU, a mix of Fantastic Four, MCU, Comics and X-Men. In future, Ethan will only be dependent on system for Gacha, anything else, he will be able to do it on his own, not right now tho.

Berserk_Asura · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Ch-16: Abandonment of the Birth Place

The sound of boots hitting the concrete and a ray of light tearing through the darkness pulled Ethan out of his contemplation.

'What's that?' he thought, instinctively focusing on the noise. 'Alfred must be back.'

Earlier, while testing his abilities, he had moved some distance away from the sewer entrance. He focused, trying to envision where Alfred was, and "Shadow Vision" activated.

Through the darkness, Ethan saw Alfred's outline. The man was dressed in a suit, complete with an undershirt and formal shoes. He had returned after completing his objectives, just as planned.

Ethan reeled in his heightened senses, the echoes of the darkness retreating as his perception returned to normal.

Retrieving the Armor-Slime from his inventory, Ethan willed it to change into an outfit similar to Alfred's. 'Must be from the current era,' he thought. 'It'll help me blend in. Not that a skeleton can blend in much in the first place.' He chuckled to himself at the absurdity of the idea.

His eerie chuckle seemed to be swallowed by the shadows surrounding him, not echoing at all despite the enclosed space of the tunnel. 'That's new,' Ethan marveled at his abilities.

But before he could delve deeper into contemplating his abilities, a sound cut through the darkness, echoing down the tunnel.

"Master Ethan! Are you there?" Alfred's voice carried a note of concern, which struck Ethan as unusual. There was a difference between loyalty and genuine care.

Summons were created to be 100% loyal, but they didn't typically exhibit emotional attachment to their masters.

'What's up with Alfred?' Ethan wondered. 'Why does he sound... worried? Maybe he's an exception, or something's changed.'

Reeling in his thoughts, Ethan called out, "I'm here, Alfred."

Ethan paused for a second, at the sound of his voice. It seemed to have changed from the earlier ghost-like raspiness to a deeper, slightly more human-like tone.

He only heard the changes because it was the first time he spoke out loud after his evolution.

Letting go of that thought, Ethan focused on Alfred's presence and moved towards him. 'Let's see what Alfred has found out.'

As he drew closer, he could see the relief in Alfred's eyes. However, he also noticed that Alfred was shivering slightly, and as Ethan moved closer, Alfred seemed to shiver more.

"Master Blackett, you're... different," Alfred remarked, his eyes scanning Ethan's new form.

"Yeah, you could say that," Ethan replied, flexing his fingers and watching the tendrils of shadow swirl around them. "Had a little makeover. What do you think?"

Alfred's eyes widened slightly as he took in Ethan's new appearance. "It's... impressive, Master Ethan. Your transformation seems quite powerful."

Ethan noticed Alfred's continued trembling. "Why are you shivering, Alfred? It's not that cold down here."

Alfred hesitated for a moment before replying, "It's not the cold, Sir. It seems to be... you. More accurately, your new form. There's an aura around you that seems to amplify fear. It's as if the darkness itself is pressing in, increasing the fear inside me."

Hearing this, Ethan quickly tried to control the darkness surrounding his body and the tendrils of shadow receded back into the swirling mass of darkness in his chest. "Better?"

Alfred exhaled slowly, his shivering subsiding. "Yes, sir. Much better. Thank you."

'My new powers give me an edge, but I need to be smart about how to use it. I can't afford to make mistakes, especially with beings like the ancient one and Heimdall keeping an eye on everything.'

Perhaps one day he would be strong enough to not care about anyone but until then, he had to be careful.

"Good to know I can tone it down," Ethan said, a hint of relief in his voice. "Guess I'll have to be careful with this new form. Now, tell me what you found."

Alfred straightened, adopting his usual professional demeanor. "I've gathered a few pieces of information that might be of interest. For one, today's date is May 23rd, 1943."

"1943?" Ethan echoed, his voice tinged with surprise. "That's quite a leap back in time. We need to be cautious about interacting with this era, considering that anything we change can cause such a massive butterfly effect that our future knowledge might become useless." (A/N: Don't worry, that's just his current thought, of course the plot's gonna change.)

"Indeed, Master Ethan," Alfred agreed. "I also encountered a young man named Steve Rogers. He seemed quite determined and spirited, though physically unimposing. We crossed paths in an alleyway where he was defending himself against some bullies."

Ethan's eyes narrowed in thought. "Steve Rogers... Captain America before the serum, I presume. Did you interact with him?"

Alfred nodded. "Briefly. I intervened before things could escalate. It seemed wise to ensure he remained unharmed."

"Good call," Ethan said. "Making allies with a future member of the Avengers can be helpful. What else?"

"I managed to pawn the jewelry you provided. With the funds, I purchased a car and a house in a secluded area," Alfred continued. "The house should provide a safe base of operations for now."

"Excellent work," Ethan replied, nodding approvingly. After pausing for a second to think, he continued "What kind of car did you get?"

"A 1942 Lincoln Continental," Alfred responded. "It should blend in well with the current era."

Ethan smirked. "Nice choice. Always had a soft spot for vintage cars. Anyway, how's the house?"

"It's modest but comfortable," Alfred said. "Far enough from prying eyes to ensure our privacy, but close enough to the city for convenience."

"Perfect," Ethan said. "We'll need a secure place to strategize and plan our next moves. By the way, did you have any issues during your mission?"

"None significant," Alfred replied. "I took care to avoid drawing unnecessary attention."

"Good," Ethan said, a thoughtful look crossing his face.

Ethan glanced around the tunnel, the flickering shadows casting eerie patterns on the walls. "Let's head to the house. We can plan our next steps there. I need to test my new abilities in a more controlled environment."

"Very well, Master," Alfred said, gesturing for Ethan to lead the way.

After less than a minute of walking and climbing, they emerged from the sewer into the cool night air. Ethan felt the fresh breeze of this new world for the first time.

Although he didn't have the sense of smell, he could still tell that the air was much fresher than the damp and stale sewers.

"Well, this is a refreshing change," Ethan remarked dryly. "Even without a nose, I can tell this air is better than the sewer's."

"Indeed, Master. The sewers are hardly a place for anyone, let alone someone of your... caliber," Alfred replied with a hint of humor.

They walked to the newly bought car, a dark green 1942 Lincoln Continental. Ethan couldn't help but admire its beauty.

The car's sleek lines and elegant curves spoke of a different era, a time when craftsmanship and style were paramount. The chrome accents gleamed under the streetlights, and the dark green paint had a deep, rich luster.

"This is a beauty," Ethan said, running a bony hand along the smooth surface. "They don't make them like this anymore. Pure elegance on wheels."

Alfred opened the door, and Ethan slid into the back seat. As he settled in, he caught a glimpse of himself in the rearview mirror—his obsidian face and the blue flames flickering in his eye sockets. He sighed inwardly.

'Great job, Ethan. Trying to blend in with a stylish outfit but leaving your face looking like a Halloween mask. Brilliant move,' he thought sarcastically.

He concentrated, and the Armor-Slime extended into a mask that completely covered his face. The mask, with a matte black finish, bore subtle, realistic features that mimicked a human face.

Dark, opaque lenses made from manipulating the density of the slime covered the eye areas, hiding the eerie blue flames that flickered beneath, ensuring they remained unseen even in the dimmest light.

He also covered his skeletal hands in black gloves which extended from the overcoat.

Alfred entered the driver's seat and glanced at Ethan through the rearview mirror. "A most effective disguise, Master. I daresay, it even adds a touch of mystery. Shall we proceed?"

Ethan chuckled softly. "Let's go, Alfred. I'm eager to see our new abode."

Abode. Ethan repeated the word in his mind, smiling to himself. Spending time with Alfred was clearly influencing his vocabulary. His refined manner of speaking was rubbing off on him, and he didn't mind it at all.

Alfred started the car, and they began their drive to the newly bought house. As they cruised through the city, Ethan was engrossed in the sights. It was his first time seeing New York in 1943. Roaming through New York City was an entirely new experience.

The city was a blend of bustling urban life with a wartime atmosphere.

The streets were filled with the sounds of street vendors, trolley cars, and the occasional rumble of elevated trains.

As the car moved forward, Ethan saw people were constantly on the move, whether commuting to work, running errands, or participating in war efforts such as scrap drives and bond rallies.

Military personnel were a common sight.

'It's probably due to New York serving as a key departure point for soldiers heading to the European front,' Ethan remarked inwardly. It seemed that some of his historical knowledge finally came into play.

"New York... so alive, so different from the boring and monotonous past life I had," Ethan muttered under his breath as he watched the cityscape pass by.

Manhattan was a hub of activity, with its crowded sidewalks, towering skyscrapers, and iconic landmarks like Times Square and the Empire State Building. The sidewalks were crowded with people in military uniforms and stylish attire of the era.

While Brooklyn offered a more residential feel, with neighborhoods like Williamsburg and Coney Island providing a mix of industrial and recreational spaces.

The streets were lined with a mix of elegant shops and vibrant neon signs advertising theaters and jazz clubs.

Vintage cars of various makes and models shared the road, their headlights piercing the night.

Public transportation was packed, and rationing of goods like gasoline and rubber meant that bicycles and walking were common ways to get around which seemed to be the reason why Ethan saw a lot of pedestrians through the drive.

Despite the war, Ethan noted, cultural life thrived; theaters, jazz clubs, and restaurants were lined with people, providing a sense of normalcy and escape from the stresses of wartime.

The drive continued, and Ethan found himself captivated by the scenes unfolding outside the window. He saw couples walking hand in hand, children playing, and groups of friends enjoying the night.

The architecture ranged from towering skyscrapers to quaint brownstones, each building telling its own story.

Alfred glanced back at him. "Enjoying the sights, Master Blackett?"

"Absolutely, Alfred. It's... remarkable. I've never seen anything like it," Ethan replied, his voice filled with genuine awe. "It's like watching history come to life."

"Indeed, Master. New York is a city like no other, especially in these times. Full of life, full of promise," Alfred said with a knowing smile.

As they drove further, the cityscape began to change, and they entered a quieter, more secluded area. The hustle and bustle of the city gave way to tree-lined streets and larger, more opulent homes.

"We're almost there, Master Ethan. Your new residence awaits," Alfred announced.

Ethan nodded, feeling a sense of anticipation. "Alfred, which area did you say the house was in again?"

"Westchester County, sir," Alfred replied.

Ethan acknowledged with a simple, "Alright." He gazed out the window, watching as the scenery continued to transform.

The urban sprawl of Manhattan and Brooklyn had long been left behind, replaced by the serene suburbs of Westchester.

The streets became less crowded, and the buildings more spread out. Elegant shops and vibrant neon signs were replaced by picturesque houses and well-manicured lawns.

After some time, Alfred finally parked the car in front of a gated estate. He stepped out, opening the gate before driving up a long, winding driveway flanked by tall trees.

The estate itself was a large, two-story house with a wraparound porch, surrounded by lush greenery and high hedges providing natural privacy.

"This is the property, Master Blackett," Alfred said as they stepped out of the car.

Ethan surveyed the property with keen interest. The sturdy construction of the house and the extensive grounds made it appear ideal for their needs. "What are we waiting for? Let's go inside."

"Of course," Alfred replied, leading the way to the front door. He unlocked it and gestured for Ethan to enter first.

As Ethan stepped inside, he was immediately struck by the grandeur of the foyer. It opened into a spacious living room with high ceilings and large windows that let in plenty of natural light.

The decor was tasteful, with a blend of modern and antique furnishings that added character to the space.

Alfred proceeded to show Ethan through the house, highlighting its various rooms and features.

Currently, Alfred noted, he seemed to have changed places with Thomas Reed.

"There's also a basement," Alfred mentioned, opening a door that led down a set of stairs. "It's quite spacious and could be adapted to suit your needs."

Ethan followed Alfred down into the basement, noting the solid construction and the potential for various uses. "This is excellent," he said, already envisioning how the space could be utilized.

They returned upstairs, and Alfred guided Ethan to the back of the house, which opened onto a large, private garden. The garden was enclosed by high walls, adding an extra layer of security.

It was a tranquil space, with well-tended flower beds and a small fountain, providing a perfect retreat from the outside world.

Ethan took a deep breath, appreciating the serenity of the place. "It's perfect, Alfred," he said with a smile appearing on the mask's face. "I think this will do nicely."


A/N: The slime isn't sentient, it's Ethan showing emotions using the mask.

Anyways, I have exams the day after tomorrow, so I will post a chapter tomorrow but then won't be able to post on the day of the exam.

Anyways, Enjoy.

And tell me if any of you has extensive Marvel knowledge and is willing to proofread my chaps and discuss potential future story ideas with me. I will give you my discord and we can talk there. Only if you are interested…