
The Invite

I was walking down the hallway with my best friend, Anna, talking about her recent breakup. We arrive at her locker and stop talking, just stand there looking glum. I'm thinking about why I hate Halloween, the approaching holiday. Flashbacks start coming and end as fast as they came making the mood even more solemn. "Lore? Lore? LORELEI," Anna shouts at me clearly irritated. Students in the hallway stare some snickering and others just staring. Anna's face immediately has a strong blush. "Sorry, stared into the oblivion for a second there," I apologize. Anna nods and we walk to my locker. I put in my passcode and a white folded piece of paper flutters to the floor. I bend over and pick it up. "What's it say," Anna asks inquisitively.

"You have been invited to come to the haunted house with one friend of choice on XXXXXXX road. Signed Gene and Shane," I read aloud.

"Cool, bring me," Anna says.

"Well obviously!"