
Haunted House

"Well, look who showed up," Gene, a handsome 17 year old with black hair and deep brown eyes, says excitedly. "Why wouldn't we," Anna asks. Shane blushes looking at Anna. "Well you would be scared obviously," Gene states as though it's a fact. Shane, a 17 year old boy with light blonde hair a light blue eyes, says, "H-h-hey Anna."

"H-hey Shane," Anna replies a deep red blush set on her face.

"Well let's go," Gene says. We walk in and immediately a zombie pops out at us! I scream as though I'm getting murdered and hold onto Gene who puts his arm around me. I look up at him with fear in my eyes and he just smiles and laughs. We go to a door and see it leads to the basement. Anna starts going down the stairs and then Gene and Shane, then me. On my way down I trip falling down 10 stairs and hitting my head on a desk.


Lorelei comes tumbling down the stairs and hits her head on a desk. Immediately we all see blood pouring from her head! "CALL AN AMBULANCE! HURRY," I scream desperately.

"I DON'T HAVE WIFI," Gene shouts.

"SAME," Shane shouts. I run upstairs and take off my eyepatch unleashing my unknown power.