

"Iam unique." I give him a confused look with frown on my face but he return his innocent stare at me and said, " What are you looking at unique things are always single. You know why?" I just shrugged my shoulder and give him a small node," You know Moon and Sun is unique because they are single hahaha." I just scoff at his joke sometimes he is little ridiculously idiot but what I like about him is that he make everyone one around him smile.

Atika_Ishtiaq · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs



I came out of my trance when Kevin hide behind me to save himself from Jane's wrath but finally when she gave up both were breathing heavily when Jane breath come to normal she stated " I just did it cuz u weren't giving me attention and was busy in your practice" she stated with a pout and Kevin just squeeze her cheeks and said with soft smile"O My My love sorry for that but i will make it up to you what about today's lunch with you both" Jane immediately hugged him tight and in return he hold Jane and patted her back. I love how they lovey dovey couple are indeed they are made for each other after that Kevin said bye to us head back to the boys and we make our way to our class but I glance back at the field to watch Rick engaged in practice and averted my gaze to front. Well our first class was chemistry I took my book from locker so do Jane head to class after 2 to 3 minutes Professor Pitt came and start his lecture well chemistry being my favorite I love to take notes from Professor.


After 3rd period the bell rang and everyone was dismissed to canteen as it was lunch time Jane and Bethany was heading towards canteen and found an empty spot for them and settled there but Jane was looking again and again to entrance just to get Kevin news but she huffed in annoying ness and almost yelled " Where the fuck he is.." she didn't even complete are sentence when cheers and loud started because of the Football captain and his best friend charm Jane smile widely while waving at her boyfriend but Bethany was in utter shock at unannounced arrival of Rick well they never interacted that much just glance not even a Hello Hi but now he being here and cherry on top having lunch with them was so astonishment for her Kevin and Rick make their way to the girls. Kevin set beside Jane and Rick and Bethany opposite to each other Bethany just focus on her plate and didn't dare to look up not untill when Kevin said "I told you I will come see Iam here now." Jane just rolled her eyes at his sassy attitude and started to eat now everyone started to eat their lunch not untill a shrill voice get their attention "Ricky" Eliza Stone she came towards Rick and kiss his cheeks and said "How was your day?" she said with joyful behavior but Rick replied dryly "Good" but Eliza didn't give much thoughts to his behavior and sit beside him and look towards us and said "You all wouldn't mind if i join you guys right" well Jane and kev just smiled at her as approval while i continued to eat but had loss my appetite. Eliza Rick's girlfriend also ex best friend well she proposed him and he accepted.


I was feeling suffocated Eliza was talking to Rick and being too touchy I couldn't help but to envy her How much I want to be in her place but do have any right to be jealous? No i haven't we were nothing to be start with to feel this way but I can't help but to endure it. A lump was forming in my throat it was difficult to be here and see them. But It was like God heard my cries we heard a deep yet soft voice " Bee" and I know who was the person turning my head towards the source of voice I saw Jack Wade he came closer to where I was and said"Bee you are here do you forgot we have practice to singing for Welcome" Yes we had to we both were selected to sing a Welcome song for upcoming match for other rival teams well it was like we both were actually forced he and I got bad luck last Monday as everyone vote both of us for this purpose. I replied to him "Oh yeah we do have let me finish my lunch I will meet you at music room" He give a nod and ruffled my hair I give him an annoyed look he just smile and said "I like your hair and can't help but to touch it" he offered me his wide smile while saying it but his eyes suddenly move to the cold pair of green eyes staring him Jack expression turn grave and both stare at each other in dead silent Kevin noticing the tension between both pock Rick shoulder and give him a sign through his eyes and Rick aggressively leave the chair and canteen too and Kevin following behind meanwhile Jack also excused well Jack and Rick are rivals where Rick is Football team captain and Jack is basketball team captain both never get along with each other even it was a time when both get into serious fight which cause a massive damaged to school property as well as their body . I sigh Jane noticed it and asked "Anything wrong" "No... it's..just i guess i should leave Jack must be waiting." she replied okay and got up from seat and head towards library to talk with Miss Kang the librarian and I move towards music room.