

"Iam unique." I give him a confused look with frown on my face but he return his innocent stare at me and said, " What are you looking at unique things are always single. You know why?" I just shrugged my shoulder and give him a small node," You know Moon and Sun is unique because they are single hahaha." I just scoff at his joke sometimes he is little ridiculously idiot but what I like about him is that he make everyone one around him smile.

Atika_Ishtiaq · Teen
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3 Chs



Jack was playing some tunes on his guitar which i can't figure out but sure sounds melodious I went towards him suddenly he stop sensing my presence I smiled at him and seat opposite to him "It's sounds good whom it is for?" I asked curiously "Someone who can't be mine" he replied with a sad smile now looking directly in my eyes I saw sadness in them just like mine "One sided love hurts." i replied I know this shit kind of pain when you love someone but can't be with them "You are in it too ?" he asked "Well.. Yeah but I can't do anything he's someone else and i guess its actually good she knows him better an... and she can make him happy so I will try to move on or may be accept it" I replied being half faithful towards my words " But i can't he isn't for her he's an asshole he can't make her happy and you know what hurts when i see love on her eyes for him." he said while gritting his teeth so i try to change the topic " Well you tell someone else about this. " "No its just u What about you? " "Well I told my cousin about it. " I replied he sigh then we start to practice the song


"You know what nowadays every my dear person is busy can't get time for me." Jane replied while sulking she was damn irritated as Bethany spend half of day at practicing and now still the will have practice for 1 hour after pack up time "Well it's you all fault you are the one shouting at her lungs that chose Bethany she will do it better". Bethany replied mimickering her voice" Jeez stop okay i get it " Jane said rolling her eyes " How's your meeting with Miss kang" Bethany asked " I told her I can't find that book i will rather pay for it" she replied Bethany hmmed "okay then c ya tomorrow Take care" " Yeah bye" the both wave there hands each other Bethany make her way back to music room with her guitar on her back "Oh you came." Jack said while watching her getting in "Yeah" "Took you a lot time". "Jane being sulking baby" I said "okay let's start now I am literally having problem in Farhan's part " "Yeah can understand it's difficult but i know the more you practice the more will you make it right"

"okay done for today" Jack stated tiredly "Well time to go I think" Bethany replied"Let me dro.." Jack couldn't complete his sentence when his phone started to ring he picked up the call and after sometime cut it " Who was it?" Bethany asked "My mom she wants me to come home ASAP don't know the reason but I will drop you first than will go" he stated " "There's no need beside i need to go to Mart to buy some stuff it will take time you better go don't make aunty wait for you." "But still.." " I said naw i will make it to my home you go " he sighed in defeat and said his farewell to her.


I make my way to main gate but stoped noticing a familiar face practicing in field Rick What is he doing here? As Kevin said couch give them short leave today then why is he on the field? I ignore his presence and make my way to gate but his deep yet cold voice stop me "School overed an hour ago why are you still here" his voice make my heart on marathon but ignoring it I turned to him and offer him a soft smile" Couch also give short leave today then why are you here?" his expression turned grave "I asked question first." he replied " I was practicing as tomorrow Jack had something important to do so i chose to skip tomorrow's day" "So your plans will be according to his schedule now" I frowned at his words what's with him today "Well it's not like that I also want to practice my part better so I thought it will be good time and now I need to go" I said kind of rudely why is he behaving like a possessive bf whose Gf is not giving him enough time "I am dropping you home" I stop at his words "No need I need to go to mart to buy some stuff" I said "I will drop you its final its going to be dark soon If you know what I mean Well you" I know what he means I was about to reject his offer when my phone started to ring It was my younger brother Sammy I picked his call "Hey sissyyyy where are you? You promised me to watch movie together come home naw" his pleading voice aghhh can't do anything "I will come late I need to go Mart you know i nee" "I already bought it now come home quickie quickie bye" I sighed and look up to him he was raising his one eyebrow "Okay let's go" we reached to parking lot where his black Mercedes was standing we quickly put our seat belts and drive to my home the whole ride was silent we reached with in ten minutes I was about to get off his car but he locked the door I look at him with my confused face but instead he give me a look which is hard to understand he keeps staring in my eyes I broke this intense stare and he opened the lock I get off his car after mumbling a whisper thank you and ring the bell which was immediately opened by my mom who welcomed me with the smile and kiss on my cheek but I still feel his stare on my back and after some seconds drove away.