Reaching there I received hugs from both Emma and Hermione. Greeting them and Dan, I gave them the newly made rings.
"What are these for? " Dan inquired.
"They are occlumency rings I told you about previously. I just made them and I want you both to wear them all the time.
Hermione, it's risky for you to carry them with you. Any experienced wizard will identify them at a glance. I did try to make them look as normal as I could so Emma and Dan can wear them without fear but for you it is too risky."
"Then what have you thought of for Hermione? "
"It's a ritual.... " I told them all the details about the ritual, its conditions and consequences.
"I want you to consider this very carefully and then answer it."
" I'm ready. " Hermione's shout of agreement interrupted us.
"Hermione, it's not just about you.. I need Dan and Emma's words.. I know it is a tough decision.. I'm even surprised you agreed so fast.."
"Harry, I know you will never harm us deliberately. And even if you do harm me, I know it will be for my own good." Hermione said seriously looking in my eyes.
I was speechless with the amount of trust she had on me, and it made something crack inside me.
"Yes Hermione, I will never harm you deliberately... Thank you so much for placing your trust in me." Looking at Dan and Emma, I said, " What are your opinions. I promise to not feel offended and that I will not force you so please don't feel any kind of pressure or hesitation."
"We agree Harry. You could have harmed us easily if you had wanted to. We have seen your prowess in magic and even with magic you are more than capable of subduing us forcefully. Even without the ritual Hermione is already very... We don't think the ritual will change anything much."
"Thanks Dan, Thanks Emma.. It means a lot to me.. And I will never break your trust.. But there is one thing I want you to change-" I said suddenly.
"What is it Harry? "
"Never trust Harry completely. There are magics with which someone can easily impersonate me. Without looking at my Lord ring, and some other secret password, don't let your guard down around me. " I said seriously. If a fake moody can really fool everyone then I don't want to take any risk.
"Alright Harry, but what kind of password do you think we should set." Emma asked excitedly. She is actually the one having the most fun doing all these as in her words 'It 's like we all are some secret agents'.
"Call for Alfred. Nobody can deceive him when it comes to me." I told them..
"Anyways, since you have already agreed to it, let's do it without delay."
"Harry, why are we in such a hurry? I mean can't we do it tomorrow also.. " Dan asked, confused by my actions.
"Dan, I'm in a rush to perform this ritual because it will give Hermione some days to adjust with everything. It's better to do it as soon as possible."
"Alright Dan, Harry knows more about these things than us. Let's go." Emma said.
"Alfred, have you seen the location? " I asked my trusty elf.
"Yes sir. Bogrod had shown me the ritual chamber."
"Good, take us all there."
"Sir, I can't take all of you together. I will elf travel with 2 at a time."
"Can't you just use your space abilities on all of us?" I asked seriously as I had really failed to consider this.
"Sir, I'm bonded to you and by extension to Hedwig, that is why I can help you appear in space without worry but for others I will have to continuously protect them." Alfred explained while bowing.
"This won't do... No, we must be doing it the wrong way.. With you having max level space affinity... Alfred, remind me about this problem when we are free. For now, just pop us to the ritual chamber."
After Alfred left me and Hermione in the chamber, I took out my mother's portrait from her trunk and placed it on a wall facing us.
"Mom, this Hermione. She and her parents have agreed for the ritual, and we are in an especially prepared ritual chamber right now."
"Hello Hermione, nice to finally meet you." Mom said smiling.
"What.. How??, Harry? " I had forgotten that Hermione is not aware of there being my mother's portrait..
"Don't worry Hermione, I will tell you sometime later.
Mom, tell us what to do now? " With the help of my mother's instructions, I was able to quickly prepare everything for the ritual.
"Now Harry, put my painting back in the trunk and give it to someone outside. Everything is ready, you both just have to pour your magic in your respective ritual circles."
"Mom, how long will it take? "
"It should be over in 2-3 hours. Don't worry it won't take much time." Nodding, I put her portrait back inside the trunk and handed it over to Alfred. Alfred will stay in space for any emergency.
"Alright Hermione, ready? " I said looking at her.
"As ready as I can be." she replied in a confident voice while gripping my hand tight.
"Let's start then.." as we started pouring our magic in the ritual circle, it started to shine, first somewhat dimly but then a bright golden light blossomed and engulfed everything in the room.. Hermione lost her consciousness immediately and I too started feeling faint.
But before losing my consciousness completely I hurriedly performed a series of actions.
What rewards will Harry get from the system after the rituals??