
In Harry Potter AU with a system (Myriad Realms Shop owner)

Ten years have passed since my rebirth in the United Kingdom in 1981. Initially, I thought I would use my future knowledge to become rich after being reborn in the past, achieving financial freedom before turning 30. But on my 11th birthday, within my mind emerged a ‘ding’ sound. “Myriad Realms Store has been activated" "store owner, please accept the first task.” Apparently, I was stepping into entirely new and unknown future. However, what the hell is with this Hogwarts Acceptance Letter in my mailbox?(°△°—) And what the hell is this? my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tempestpanda

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235 Chs

HPMRS CH 95: end of darkness.

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After taking out the machine gun and setting it up, Ryan was surprised to find that this was actually a version with a smart assist feature, and the method of use was as simple as if you were playing a game. He couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, this is forbidden forest. If you take it into the school, this will turn into a pile of scrap iron.

The battlefield fell into a weird calm at this time, Mosag retreated to the forbidden forest to avoid the attack of the Gatling Pea and machine gun, because she needed time to gather more spiders in order to offset Ryan's firepower boost through the sheer numbers.

After all, there are not many people on Ryan's side, and there are not many places to choose from for the defense position.

Because no one could have imagined that the eight-eyed giant spiders would come out of their nests this time, resulting in insufficient firepower density in this area. This retreat was advantageous for both parties.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Centaur and the unicorn also began to take a short rest. After all, although the Centaur has a strong physical resilience, still drawing a bow with physical strength requires strength and dexterity, and also consumes a lot of stamina. The unicorns also have to recover their magic power.

Wolfe relied on his agility and began to arrange potato mines nearby.

When seeing Ryan taking out two machine guns, Firenze walked over curiously and asked: "What is this?"

"Muggle weapons." Ryan replied after he turned on the smart computer on the machine gun to show Firenze wonders of muggle technology. Soon this attracted many Centaurs that came to see what's happening.

"This is to launch small metal blocks quickly, which is actually similar to a bow and arrow. If there is targeted magic protection, it will not be of any use. But I think this is a good weapon for those spiders because those eight-eyed giant spiders don't have magic spell protection at all." Ms. Betty made a pertinent evaluation after watching the demo on the computer.

After that, Ms. Betty appointed two Centaur to operate the two machine guns. Ryan asked Betty curiously: "You guys don't shy away from this? I know that many wizards reject everything made by Muggles."

"Of course we don't treat these things as taboo. As long as we can maintain the balance of nature, most of the methods are acceptable. But you can rest assured that no wizard will know what is happening here because this is a forbidden forest. When we protect nature, nature will protect us as well. Not to mention that your headmaster went out early this morning. Even if they have the intention, they will not have the ability to detect what is going on here."

Soon the two Centaur carried machine guns and set them up on both sides of the hill so that they could form crossfire when they fight.

Soon, with a sharp sound like a glass scratching. Large swarms of spiders emerged from the bushes like a flood.

Ryan used Viking befuddlement magic in this intensive assault, as long as a spider is befuddled, it can trigger a chain reaction to create chaos between these stupid creatures. This can slow down the spider's advancing speed, allowing them to be exposed to plants for a longer time.

Slowly, the spiders made a way with their bodies. Ms. Betty detonated many potato mines and delayed the advancement of the spiders, but the spiders still filled those vacancies quickly like a tide.

Finally, Ms. Betty detonated the potato mine belt surrounding the hill at the same time, and then took advantage of the sound of the explosion to disturb the balance sensory organs of the spiders, causing the spiders to crowd together. The machine guns placed on both sides of the hill fired.

At this time, the field became a sacrificial ground, compared with the pea's inability to penetrate the spiders. These 7.62mm machine gun bullets easily penetrated the bodies of several spiders. Spiders are not zombies. Zombies can only be stopped if they are completely burnt to ashes or decapitated.

After receiving some damage, many spiders lost their sense of direction and with waning vitality, they couldn't continue the march.

These spiders make the entire spider colony denser and more convenient for machine guns to perforate them. At this time, the Centaurs also tied cherry bombs on their arrows and shot them at the densely populated areas.

More smoothly, the crowded spiders become a good dry grass for fire, easily combustibles, later on, in the vicinity of the hill burned a sea of fire.

Mosag was wiped out by the fire when he took the lead in the charge. It thought it could withstand the Centaur's arrow and make a way for its descendants. But it didn't expect the Centaurs to use cherry bombs to set fire to it immediately, causing it to die on the spot.

However, the remaining spiders lacked enough wisdom, and they blindly jumped out according to Mosag's last order, and they were all wiped out in the end.

Then the remaining spiders were driven by instinct and fled to the nest. This battle can also be declared as a complete victory.

At this time, the sun began to slowly set to the west, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, the open area in front of the hill could be seen full of the dead bodies of all sizes of spiders.

This is bloody beautiful.

Betty ordered several wounded Centaurs to collect the spoils, and then led others who could fight to hunt down the spiders.

Firenze bends his legs, allowing Ryan to crawl on his back.

When Ryan saw Ronan running by, Ronan only glanced at him without expressing any dissatisfaction. Ryan rode on Firenze's back because he really couldn't keep up with these Centaur in the jungle.

On the way, Ryan asked Firenze: "As far as I know, don't you Centaur generally not allow humans to ride on your back?"

"Yes, in general, we see this as an insult, but now we are allies, in order to maintain the harmony of nature. This is the time of war, letting a comrade to sit on the back is not an insult, comrades help each other, just as you provide us with plants and weapons."

After walking through the jungle for less than ten minutes, they finally came to the mouth of the small valley of the spider's lair. Passing through the mouth of the valley, Ryan found that everyone was standing at the mouth of a cave doing nothing. It turned out that after these spiders failed, they moved to this cave where they are spawning. Because a large number of spiders are blocking the entrance of the cave, there is no way for everyone to enter.

The machine gun bullets have been used up, and the Centaur as your daily weapon junkies basically never let go of the trigger when shooting. There were not many cherry bombs left. After dropping a few cherry bombs and finding that spiders were coming out of the cave, the plan to explode the path was abandoned.

At this time, Ryan rushed over, and he opened the box to try to use the grenade to open the way, but was surprised to find that this was not an ordinary grenade, but a pressure grenade.

This power is much higher than an ordinary grenade, and for a moment, Ryan even wanted to save this thing to use when fighting the basilisk.

But when he thought of fighting the basilisk, it was in that small space, so he gave up on this suicidal plan.

Ryan quickly informed the Centaur of the effect of these grenades. After several Centaurs who were investigating determined that the cave was not particularly large and there was no other exit, the final battle was about to begin.

It is likely that after this battle is over, the darkness that has been entrenched in the Forbidden Forest for decades would be completely resolved. The force of nature is great, when these dark creatures are eliminated, all kinds of creatures will also return here to let everything go back to the old times when life was exuberant here.


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