
In Harry Potter AU with a system (Myriad Realms Shop owner)

Ten years have passed since my rebirth in the United Kingdom in 1981. Initially, I thought I would use my future knowledge to become rich after being reborn in the past, achieving financial freedom before turning 30. But on my 11th birthday, within my mind emerged a ‘ding’ sound. “Myriad Realms Store has been activated" "store owner, please accept the first task.” Apparently, I was stepping into entirely new and unknown future. However, what the hell is with this Hogwarts Acceptance Letter in my mailbox?(°△°—) And what the hell is this? my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tempestpanda

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HPMRS CH 96: Conclusion and harvest!

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Standing at the entrance of the cave, Ryan had to sigh to the mystery of destiny. Originally it was supposed to be just ordinary hunting, but it turned into a thorough cleanup of the eight-eyed giant spiders.

However, looking at the faces of the Centaur around him, Ryan found that they were very happy with this unexpected situation. After all, for them, it was considered to have eliminated a major scourge of the forbidden forest. Even if this was unplanned, it was fantabulous.

Although blocking the door of a group of old, weak, sick, and disabled creatures like this, it seems a bit like a villainous act to wipe them out, but doing everything to wipe out evil is also an important principle to have. Ryan didn't think this was an evil act, after all these spiders were invaders and were terrorizing the creatures of this forest, even the unicorns who are a symbol of goodness, did not oppose this act.

It also made Ryan think about the judgment against the death eaters when Voldemort was first defeated by an infant, even though they killed a lot and did great injustice, but since they had contacts in the ministry and were the members of the ruling regime, the ministry of magic, they were put into the prison only. At least that's better than the similar ones from his previous life, when the criminals are in cahoots with the rulers, doing land grab and harassing people, while the police just turns blind eye to these criminals and if you fight back, you'll be jailed for disorderly conduct and some random vague charges.

This made it easier for Voldemort's minions to escape from prison and do more killings after Voldemort was resurrected.

If you kill them all directly and do proper prosecution work, redistributing their wealth to the ones they've harmed, would they still be able to take lives afterward, will others think about joining such terrorist organization? In this respect, Ryan felt that the British wizards are ruled by Pure-Bloods, thus the laws made are in favor of Pure-Bloods, people praise and trust the ministry and ministry-controlled papers as people used to praise and trust some certain party in his previous life.

While thinking of these things in his mind, Ryan was not lazing around. He tied all the grenades into a large cluster grenade, and then discussed the battle plan with the Centaurs.

Following Betty's order, the Centaur threw all the remaining seven or eight cherry bombs at the entrance of the cave. With a few bangs and explosions, the spiders at the entrance of the cave were cleared out.

Before the spider in the cave rushed out, Ryan used his magic wand to direct the cluster grenade to fly directly into the cave, and at the same time used magic to open the fuse of the grenade.

Feeling the grenade successfully fly into the depths of the cave, Ryan shouted 'take cover'. After running like a flying rock, he squatted down and held his head while opening his mouth wide.

Immediately after hiding, Ryan heard a huge explosion, and could even feel the shock waves in the air making his internal organs a little uncomfortable. Even though he had covered his ears and opened his mouth in advance, the loud noise still made his ears buzz.

After confirming that the explosion was over, Ryan walked out of the hiding place. At this time, the Centaurs and unicorns also walked out of their hiding spots.

Just as Ryan was about to observe the result of the explosion, he saw a dark shadow leaping over from the mouth of the valley. It turned out to be Mr. Wolf because he couldn't cover his ears, so he had to wait outside the valley.

"Oh my god, what a terrible explosion. You don't know, I even saw a spider leg flying directly in front of me." As soon as Wolf arrived here, he began to describe what he saw and felt.

Ryan also saw the scene clearly at this moment: the remains of spiders and green blood spurted out of the cave in a radial pattern, some large and small flames were burning on some of the remains.

Ryan released the life-surveying magic into the cave and found that the spiders inside were all dead. After ten minutes, the two Centaurs went into the hole to check. When they came out, they reported that all the spiders in the vicinity were blown up, especially when they found Aragog's blown head on a sharp rock in the cave.

In addition, many spiders are still in good shape and may have been smothered or burned to death. They found dozens of eggs in the deepest part of the cave, but they were all cooked by high temperatures. It seems the Forbidden Forest's eight-legged problem is completely solved, everyone involved in the battle was jubilant.

After the unicorns left, Betty arranged for the Centaurs to collect the spoils from the spiders.

Ryan still set up altars on the two battlefields according to the previous rules, and then purified these lands that were flooded with death energy due to the battle. By the way, he chose some of the dead spiders that looked fatty and gave them to crazy Dave through the gate of space and time.

The purification at the riverside station was quickly completed, but the purification in the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider's Lair was far more difficult than imagined. In the end, Ryan had to use a lot of magic materials that he had previously hoarded before the place was completely purified.

After the ceremony was over, Ryan thought that this forest had accumulated countless vengeful souls because of the killings done by the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider. The eight-eyed giant spider, a dark creature, polluted the jungle and made these souls unable to return to nature. In these decades, the soul has gradually been polluted by the dark environment.

So Ryan purifies not only the soul of the Eight-eyed Giant Spider but also the soul accumulated over the past few decades.

Although the material loss was not small, Ryan still gained a lot of things. The most important gain is that his soul magic has been further strengthened. At the same time, every time he purifies a soul, Ryan can feel that his merit grows by a point, and at the same time, it accelerated his spiritual power cultivation.

Also, at the same time, because of clearing the eight-eyed giant spider in the forbidden forest, Ryan gained 6 offset points.

After doing all of this, Ryan found that the sun had set and he had to go back to the castle quickly. Ms. Betty asked Wolfe to send Ryan to the entrance of the Forbidden Forest, and an appointment was made with Wolfe to send the materials from the processed spiders to Ryan after a week. As for the specific time, it will be notified in the Emerald Dreamland.

On the way back, Wolfe chattered non-stop. Ryan could only listen with a smile. At the exit of the Forbidden Forest, Ryan found that Wolf looked a little reluctant.

As expected, it is rare for such a lively creature with a young soul to live together with those stoic Centaurs for a long time without becoming depressed or something.

So Ryan promised to Wolfe that he'll visit him the next time he comes, and Betty would inform him of the specific time.

After comforting Wolfe, Ryan returned to the castle smoothly. It's a pity that it's half-past seven, and dinner time has passed.

Ryan thought about the compressed biscuits he has stuffed in the space bag that hadn't been eaten yet, so he decided to go back to the dormitory and use cold water with compressed biscuits to satiate his hunger.

After he dragged his tired body into the common room, a brown hairy head broke into his field of vision. Then he dragged him to the corner of the common room following with the bombardment of questions.

"Ryan, where did you go? I didn't see you during the meal. Your roommate said you were not in the dormitory at all in the afternoon. If I couldn't find you before the night curfew, I was going to inform Professor McGonagall."

Ryan felt a little guilty when he saw Hermione's angry look, after all, it was not a gentleman's behavior to trouble others and what's the point on bickering. So he organized a sentence and said: "Sorry Hermione, I worried you. I went to the Forbidden Forest alone in the afternoon and met an interesting friend." Later, Ryan introduced Wolfe's life and experience to divert Hermione's attention, and also gave her an Explanation.

Ryan also felt a little happy when he explained it to Hermione, after all, the feeling that someone else other than his family cared about him was a really good feeling, or are the teenage hormone kicking off again.


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