
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs


as the voice despaired so the sensation, Shaozhe stand from his drop place, with cold sweat all over his neck he looked at his wife who nodded in an unpleasant mood, and headed to ray "are you ok Ray? I am so sorry about his behavior" but he didn't answer and only continue to watch XioTao as tried to shake him.

with open eyes he starts to fall down, so Cai Mei'er catches him and looks at his eyes although they are open they are completely void of light "He lost conscience!" she inspects him and then glares at her husband as he was surprised by his wife's angry face he was about to ask but she stop him "NO WORD! NOT ONLY USING FULL PRESSER ON A 'KID'! BUT ALSO THE SAME KID THAT HELPS YOU IN YOUR RECKLESS TRY TO BREAKTGHOU! AND WHAT MORE DID YOU JUST INTEND TO ATTACK HIM? WITHOUT QUESTION ASKED? I AM REALLY DISAPPOINTED!" she stop talking and inspect Ray again, except for a couple of cracked bones nothing bad happened to him but for some reason, he is in the same state as Xio Tao.

she look at him and said "inform elder song to escort the student back to Shrek academy and ask Elder Zhuang to come over.

Yan Shaozhe was about to say something she continued "we will talk later, now both of them are the priority" he hesitated for a second before leaving, he understand that she did so to save him from any other attack from Ray master as the know very will that the one behind that voice, didn't like him the most.

just after he exits the room, Ray starts to float as the mark on his neck starts to shine bright red, and as if responding the mark on Xio Tao Back start to shine as well then they start to float to each other before the mist around covers them tightly.

Cai Mei'er was nervous and look at them using her spiritual sense to try and figure out anything happened inside but nothing come from it as the mist shut them completely.

after seconds she heard a voice behind her "don't be nervous she will be ok, on the contrary, she will be more than ok after she woke up" every hair strand on her body stood up as she didn't even notice a presence behind her until she speech but calmed down after noticing the owner of the voice was probably Ray master.

turning around she start at the lady in front of her, a long unique galaxy hear with the same color eyes, look young and beautiful, beautiful to the point of making Cai Mei'er jealous of her. she look at her carefully and said "I assume you are Ray Master? its an honor to meet a lady the can teach a fine talent like ray"

the lady in front of her chuckled in surprise and said "look like your an interest little girl, don't worry I don't have any ill intent against you, before was your husband's fault to lose control and almost killing my student" Cai flinch for second before sighing.

she may look relaxed but she was fully on guard and after hearing how she talks to her like she talking to a little girl, Cai Mei'er feels like talking to elder Mu, so following her instinct she decides to drop her grade. looking at the lady in front of her nodding, she know that the person in front of her, was way stronger than her, and every move she did since the beginning was in her sight.

as she was observing the lady she smiled "well, my name is Elena, for where I come from? and who am I question doesn't matter, for now, and about what happened there, its a ceremony of soul mate bounding"

Cai look confused and only can say "excuse me?" ELena look at her and said "Little Ray over there is passing his first soul mate bounding. and don't give me that look, no he isn't forcing her, as a matter of fact, they are talking now and after that hey will decide what happened between them"

she look at her and said "any questions?" Cai Mei'er looks confused so Elena restarts her explanation in detail "Ray had unique body property, that allows him to since his fated partners. by the way he didn't know about it as its triggers on its own, and your discipline is the first one who did so."

she look at the door then at the place where Ray at for a moment then look at Cai and smiled "congratulation, you got yourself a great son in low" with her word the mist around Ray and Xio Tao start to transform into flame, but the color is completely out of the norm, Blood red and pure white dancing around them for while before it drowns inside them and leaving Ray with Ma xio Tao in his Lap with closed eyes.

after inspecting them and founding that they only sleeping, Cai sighed and looks at Elena who nodded "now that it passed successfully, I will take my leave."

Cai Mei'er was puzzled "that the only reason you're here?" she nodded at the question "yes, I feel the change in him so I jump here to see if he alright that's all" she turn around about to leave to hear another question, "you said before the 'first one' is that means he will have more then One wife in the future?" Elena stopped and turn with mischief smile "what do you think?" then disappeared,

Cai look at the place where she disappear and chuckled then look at her adopted daughter and sighed "look like you choose a good but troublesome partner."

she come closer and input the soul power in her to inspect her condition more carefully but redrew it faster than she did before with a fracking voice "I take that back, you definitely hit a jack pot" the reason for her freaking out was what she filled inside her daughter, not the normal soul power, or even the feeling she used to, as she made it regulate thing to check on her condition.

what she felt was completely pure and strong fire atritutde with no existence of any evil fire, what more she can sense some dark element but not evil, just darkness attitude with no inpurity like a starless night sky.

"not only he purified her element but also advance it to the ultimate level! just what happened in this couple of minutes!?"