
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


-------------------3rd Pov-----------------------

the lady in question, Ma Xio Tao was floating in her place with some of the free mist around as her bed, and for some reason, they cant sense her soul or spiritual power.

each one of them has a completely different reaction, both Yan Shaozhe and Cai Mei'er come closer to her, while Ray froze in his place while looking at her with a shocked face and clenched hand, and the reason for that is simply because he knows the reason of what happened to her and he didn't expect to happen this fast.

______back in time______

as Ray leaves the room after asking them to put in an order, he feels lightheaded the moment he was out he intended to head to plana but the gate he opens wasn't stable ending up hitting the wall head first, before reopening the gate and entering.

the moment he was inside he start to feel the heat in his heart spread to his body causing him to drop to the sea and on contact, it started to stem out and vapourize as he keep on diving deeper while fighting to keep his condition under control until the heat fades out. Only the right side of his neck still had the sensation of burn but the funny part was he kind of feels happy when he feels it.

the reason wasn't real fire, no, it was just the side effect of something taking a place in his heart and side neck and although he wasn't in real danger what happened put pressure on his vitality for one reason, the mark was made from his blood essence giving it a deep ruby color.

after a while, he got out of the water and lay down on the shore inspecting his body and to his surprise, except for the tattoo on his neck nothing visual had changed but after deep inspection, he found a spark of some kind of flame in his heart, white with blood red color in the middle. not knowing what was wrong he use his scan, which leave him with a wary smile

sighing while looking at the horizon "seriously what's wrong with my life" as if answering a crystal practicals from beside him "what was that ray?" he looks at her as he lay on his back "just my bloodline being a greedy pervert?" as he said that, he starts to look at his status and sighed.


Ray [age: 12 y ]

Ray Solaria

Rank: 42


Fairy kings Bloodline (10% -> 16% unlocked): the eyes turn gold-green color along with the appearance of 3 pairs of dragonfly wings and little lengthened ears when activated.

a unique BloodLine from another universe got affected by this world's rules and evolved, every unlocked stage will follow by the formation of a special tree linked to the holder, and change part of his body to hold a spark of its power.

- the holder's body can't accept a soul's bone.

- every effect the bloodLine brings becomes a passive innate ability.

[Formed Trees

- First tree: green tree(sapling): purification effect on the surrounding/ high life element earth and heaven energy generation (Body link (lungs): minor purification, minor life element generating


------------fate treads mark (half-awekend)--------------

formed Mark :

- Fury Phoenix.

the presence of a soulmate candidate will push the body of the holder to form a mark from his blood essence based on the instinct image of the triggering person, if he or she proves to be one of the destined ones will automatically form a host emblem in their body.

(all the conditions not met to full unlock, can't full scan until full unlock)

- host will form the mark on his first meeting, it will dispair if no close emotion change felt from the candidate.

- the partner's time of forming the mark depends on the emotion and her opinion of the host

• active sub ability:

- fate vision: allow the user to see the fated relationship of people and their emotion

- ....


sighing, he recounted what happened to Sophia"...so if I get this right, every time someone had some chance to be with me come in specific radius of me will activate this ability and if the other side doesn't have a positive view of me the mark will despair with time. and on contrary, if they had some kind of positive emotion toward me they will gain my own mark too"

Sophia sighed "you really have a unique bloodline, so what you will do?"

Ray look at her "what do you think of that lady?"

hearing and thinking for while "I think she will be a good mate, good background, and good strength, and from what I saw her body is excellent for giving birth" the weird answer earned her a weird look from Ray so she asked "what?"

ray sighed and shook his head "noting, well let's leave this for later at least she didn't form the mark yet, so I still have time to at least know her better."

Sophia smirked " Oh! I can say that time is close now." he pretend not to hear her comment and jump to his room to put on some clothes as what he was wearing is almost burned completely.

_________________flashback end________________

(3rd pov)

he look at the scene in front of him, coming closer, and asked with concern and a confused voice "can you look if she had any mark or symbol of some kind on her skin?" this question surprised both elders, what more they really found a weird symbol in her back right below the neck, between the shoulder blade, the mark had a tree with 3 pairs of fairy wings beside it, a mark they sow and know very well, but in addition, there are some read feathers instead of leaves on the tree.

Seeing the mark Yan Shaozhe locked Ray under his spiritual pressure causing him to kneel "what you did to my discipline!!"

but to his surprise, Ray's eyes didn't leave Xia tao for a moment so Shaozhe got angrier at that and was about to attack him, but was stopped by a hit on top of his head that come out of nowhere sending him crashing to the wall.

he and his wife felt a crawling sensation on their skin at that moment before hearing a calm voice in ther minds 'behave if you still want to live, the next time you try to bully my student will be the last day you live' the voice stopped before adding 'also the condition of your student is something my own cant control as its fate work, he will help her so don't worry, also don't you dare to tell him I talk to you guys ore even I was here.'