
In a New World as a Shinobi God

after having sealed Kaguya "The Rabbit Goddess" in Naruto with the help of Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi and having freed everyone from the "infinite tsukuyomi". Naruto and Sasuke went to "Valley of the End" to solve the true way to save the world. After having clashed their last attacks, where both died in the process. In a dark place where there was no end, Naruto was where he would meet an old acquaintance, who would tell him that something very big was going to happen to him and his new life with gifts and help from family, old friends, new and old acquaintances. enemies? as the new Shinobi God. Clarifications: The characters from Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Highschooldxd, from other animes and movies do not belong to me but to their respective creators.

EsCarabajal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chapter 7- End of the War in the Underworld and Visiting the "Supreme God"


-"Person Talking"-

-(Person thinking)-

-<Mental Conversation>-


(JC: Author's Notes)


Let us begin


In the Underworld, two months had already passed since the fight between Sirzechs and Naruto; and also how the latter joined in the war to help the Anti-Maou Faction. And during those days many changes happened in the war, which were in favor of the Anti-Maou Faction.

The first thing Naruto helped with was to create, through Fūinjutsu, a better barrier to protect and hide the base of the Anti-Maou Faction. It should be noted that when the Demons saw the barrier, they were surprised by the improved barrier; but the most surprised was Ajuka, so much so that he asked Naruto how he did it, causing the Demon in question to become interested in Fūinjutsu and try to replicate it through magic with the help of Naruto.

Also during that time Naruto helped train the soldiers at Sirzechs' request, at first the soldiers refused to be trained by Naruto because he was a "human". But they agreed after the beating that Naruto gave them, causing all the forces of the Anti-Maou Faction to have respect towards Naruto.

Naruto also began a friend/rival friendship with Sirzechs. And the two always had duels where Naruto always won.

Although they also tied when Sirzechs used his true form with the [Power of Destruction]; but not with all its power since it could cause a lot of destruction.

Naruto also began a friendship with Ajuka and Falbium. Where Naruto always helped Ajuka with his research to be able to use Fuinjutsu with magic and with Falbium he played chess where they always tied.

While with Serafall at first they had a bit of a strange relationship, since Naruto couldn't start a conversation with her, since every time he tried to talk to Serafall, she would blush and make an excuse to get away from him.

But as time went by, Serafall began to get closer to Naruto, thus forming a stronger relationship, causing Naruto to become interested in her, so much so that they began to call each other more affectionately, much to the chagrin of some girls within his subconscious.

Naruto was also able to establish a friendship with Lord and Lady Gremory, Sitri and Phenex, where the latter Lord Phenex began to respect Naruto for the strength and power that he showed during the battle against Sirzechs.

Also during that time the Anti-Maou Faction was able to win battles against the Ancient Maou Faction, little by little recovering the territories in the Underworld.

When the battles were taking place, Naruto with his [Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu] and the Taijutsu of the Uzumaki Clan, was able to turn the war around.

Thanks to those achievements, Naruto was nicknamed Naruto Thousand Clones by both the Anti-Maou Faction and the Ancient Maou Faction. Causing the Ancient Maou Faction to become aware of Naruto's presence, causing some to worry about the power he possessed and others to not care as they thought the Anti-Maou Faction was desperate to ask a puny human for help.

Naruto was also able to meet Sirzechs' secret informant, only known to the top brass of the Anti-Maou Faction called Grayfia Lucifuge, who was a servant of the Lucifer clan.

According to Sirzechs, he met Grayfia during a battle, where she was sent to the front by the Ancient Maou Faction.

Sirzechs did not tell Naruto the reason because he trusted Grayfia and because she helped them, but later he learned the reason thanks to Serafall.

At that moment Naruto could only laugh knowing that both Sirzechs and Grayfia fell in love during the battle.

Right now, in the main tent, a meeting was taking place where the leaders of the clans affiliated with the Anti-Maou Faction, the four generals and Naruto participated; the latter included by the consent of the four generals.

The meeting was discussing the upcoming attack on the Ancient Maou Faction, an attack that if successful could be the end of the war with the victory of the Anti-Maou Faction.

-"So if the attack goes well, the war will end?"-

Naruto asked Sirzechs seriously.

-"Yes, in the capital Lilith there is most of the forces of the Ancient Maou Faction as well as the leaders of the clans affiliated with them" - Sirzechs answered seriously, and then put on an angry expression. -"As also the current leaders of the Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub and Asmodeus Clans"-

Naruto seeing how angry his friend was was not surprised, since he knew all the things that the leaders of the four Maou clans did, such as trying to provoke another great war just to have the Demons rule over the three Bible Factions without matter the decisions of the other clans and the possible extinction of the demon race if they lose.

-"And we have the advantage of having taken Fort Leviathan"-

Added Ajuka, remembering one of the great blows that the Ancient Maou Faction suffered from the Anti-Maou Faction.

It was during the middle of the second month when Fort Leviathan was attacked by an army of Naruto clones, who were responsible for distracting and buying time for Falbium to arrive with the army.

That day many of the Leviathan Clan as well as some other clans died or were imprisoned, causing the Ancient Maou Faction to lose some of its forces.

That blow was one of Naruto's great achievements, since the clones were fighting for three days in a row.

-"Yes, but we still have a problem, Lilith has great security both inside and out and we cannot teleport using Magic Circles through the barrier that surrounds her" - Falbium reported. -"And if we try to break the barrier, we would alert them, ruining the surprise attack"-

Everyone agreed that that was a problem. Everyone was trying to think of a solution but their thoughts were cut off when Naruto spoke.

-"I think I have a way to take the entire army without alerting or destroying the barrier"-

What he said caught the attention of everyone in the tent.

-"Which one would it be, Naruto?"-

Sirzechs asked curious about the idea.

Then Naruto explained the entire process of the plan to them.

-"Interesting"- Falbium was interested in Naruto's plan. -"But will it work?"-

-"I'm completely sure it will work"-

Naruto said that being sure that his plan will work.

-"Well, the plan will be carried out tomorrow, now we must prepare for the attack"-

Sirzechs said that, and then ended the meeting.

Everyone started to leave the tent to prepare everything for tomorrow, but Naruto was stopped by Serafall.

-"Hey, Naru-kun"- Serafall nervously itches. -"Can we talk in private?"-

-"Of course, Sera-chan"-

Naruto nodded with his typical smile bringing a blush to Serafall's cheeks. They stayed for a few seconds until only the two of them were left in the tent.

Serafall squirmed nervously. -"Well, what I wanted was to ask you something"-

Naruto looked at her curious. -"And that would be?"-

-"Well, if everything goes well tomorrow and we win the war"- Serafall looked at Naruto with fear. -"You're not leaving, are you?"-

Serafall knew that Naruto was only in the Underworld to help in the civil war, and he was afraid that he would never see him again if they won the war.

Hearing the question, Naruto became serious. -"If everything goes well tomorrow, maybe I would stay for a few days. But at some point I will have to leave"-

He was also sad, since he would also miss everyone and Serafall the most.

Naruto knew that he was sent to this world to live its life. But he wanted to go around and see everything, even go to other factions to meet more people or even help them with something.

He also believed that the other Gods, as well as the Supreme God, would give him more missions like this.

Then Naruto smiled at him. -"But that won't stop me from coming back to visit"-

Those words calmed Serafall a little, but still a little afraid.

-"Good"- Serafall nodded, then looked at Naruto with a pout. -"But promise me that you will send me letters"-

Naruto just smiled as he couldn't help but think that Serafall looked cuter with that pout. -"I promise"-

They stayed for a few minutes talking about what was going to happen tomorrow, and then went out to organize everything for the attack.





The next day, in the center of Lilith, a large Victorian-style mansion could be seen. Some would think that someone important or rich lived in that mansion, well they were not wrong.

Since one of the most important clans of the Underworld lived in that mansion, as well as the first demonic clan, which would be the Lucifer Clan.

Since the beginning of this world there was an Angel created by the Biblical God himself, this Angel was known as the Light-Bearing Angel, Lucifer.

Like every Angel, he lived in Heaven with his brothers and his father. But later he believed himself to be someone powerful and became arrogant, so much so that he tried to overthrow his father, the Biblical God, to take power and dominate the entire world as well as eliminate other Pantheons such as the Olympians or Asgardians.

But he failed, causing his exile from Heaven, but that did not stop his ambition to dominate the world. During his exile he met a woman named Lilith who was the ex-wife of Adam, the First Human.

With her and some Angels who followed him for sharing Lucifer's ideals, they were able to create the Demon Faction.

And years would pass where the demon race would grow, with many Demons with incredible and surprising abilities, giving birth to the 72 Pillars of the Demon Faction.

In the mansion was an albino man sitting on a throne, this man was Rizevim Livan Lucifer, head of House Lucifer, as the son of the original Lucifer and Lilith, who had the title of the Mother of All Demons.

-"Haven't you yet discovered who the Human is who is helping the Anti-Maou Faction?"-

Rizevim asked authoritatively to the person who was kneeling in front of him.

-"Nothing important, Lucifer-sama"- The man responded politely. -"We only know that he calls himself Naruto and he possesses the ability to make solid copies of himself, and that he is powerful in both strength and speed"-

That man was about 20 years old, with long white hair. He was wearing a butler's outfit showing that he worked as a servant of the mansion.

This person was Euclid Lucifuge, belonging to Clan Lucifuge, a clan that served Clan Lucifer since the beginning of the Demonic Faction.

Euclid was not only Rizevim's exclusive butler, but also his right-hand man. He is the most devoted and loyal to Rizevim, so much so that he did not hesitate to follow him when the civil war began in the Underworld.

-"But we also have suspicions that he is a Yõkai"-Euclid continued speaking while still kneeling. -"Since some Demons who were able to escape from Fort Leviathan felt Senjutsu in it, but we cannot be sure"-

-"I see"- Rizevim said calmly. -"Leaving the topic of the Human, have you discovered what the Anti-Maou Faction's next plan is?"-

-"We couldn't find anything either"-Euclid responded politely, but with a little nervousness when he saw that his leader made a face of frustration at the answer. -"The spies we sent couldn't get past the barrier"-

Rizevim was angry, and it was no surprise. First it all started with that Human.

At first he believed that the Anti-Maou Faction was desperate for war, so much so that they asked a Human for help, but upon seeing the ability of said Human he became a little worried.

When he learned that the Human could make copies of himself he was surprised, since there was only one person who could make copies of himself and that was the Buddha Sun Wukong, who was able to make copies with his hair.

Also that he had incredible strength capable of killing with a single blow and unparalleled speed.

But what surprised and angered him the most was when the Anti-Maou Faction took over Fort Leviathan, but he became angrier when he learned that the Human himself caused the fall with an army of clones who fought for three days.

Rizevim wanted to win the war, as this was an obstacle to his goals, which was not world domination like what his father or the other original Maou wanted.

What Rizevim wanted was to show the world what a true Demon was; beings that have to be malignant, perverse, brutal, evil, scum, incorrect, beasts and depraved. That is his role, to kill every person he doesn't like and he would make the world see it and suffer it.

And he would fulfill it, if someone got in the way or was a threat, he would not hesitate to kill him or his entire family. But his thoughts were interrupted by the door being roughly opened by a soldier.

-"Lucifer-sama!, have-"

The Soldier could not continue because Rizevim was giving him an angry look and unleashing his power causing him to freeze in fear.

-"What is so important for you to interrupt here?"-

Rizevim asked him sternly while still releasing the power from him.

-"E-E-It's w-w-w-w-"-

The Soldier only stammered, as he was fainting from fear.

-"Lucifer-sama"- Euclid spoke calmly. -"If he continues to release his power like this, we will not be able to know what happens"-

Although he is also nervous about Rizevim's power.

Rizevim just huffed in annoyance, and then stopped releasing his power to relieve the Soldier, but he became nervous again seeing his angry face, which meant: "keep talking or I'll kill you."-

-"We-We have an intruder from the Anti-Maou Faction!"-

Rizevim, upon learning the information, only raised one of his eyebrows.

-"Just that?"-Rizevim asked boredly, thinking that he was a simple spy who was discovered. -"Capture him and then torture him to obtain information from the Anti-Maou Faction"-

-"Well-Well Lucifer-sama"-The Soldier nodded nervously, since he had to add something. -"But-But the problem is that the intruder is the famous human Naruto Thousand Clones and the strangest thing is that he asks to speak with the leaders of the Maou clans"-

Rizevim, knowing that the intruder was the Human he hates so much, could only put on a macabre smile.

-"I see"- Rizevim said without stopping his macabre smile. -"Where is he now?"-

-"It-It is located south of Lilith"- The Soldier answered nervously. -"And the other leaders have already been notified, now they should be there"-

-"Good"- Rizevim agreed. -"Euclid"-

Then Euclid appeared next to him, and then a Teleportation Circle formed below the two.

Although the barrier surrounding Lilith prevents the Teleportation Circles, that does not include them, since Euclid himself was the one who created the barrier giving it the configuration so that only the leaders of the Four Maou clans, as well as the clans affiliates can use Teleportation Circles.

But before the two were teleported, Rizevim looked at Soldier, then a Magic Circle of Fire came out of his hand, and then launched a large burst of fire at him, burning and killing the screaming Soldier.

-"That was because I interrupted earlier"-

Rizevim said simply as if he had never killed anyone. Then both Euclid and him were teleported by the Magic Circle.





In the south of Lilith a clear valley could be seen, and in that valley there were many Demons, or rather soldiers of the Anti-Maou Faction. And currently everyone was surrounding one person.

All the soldiers looked in fear at the person they were surrounding, and it was not surprising, since the person was Naruto Thousand Clones, famous for defeating and killing many Demons and for his power to make copies of himself.

But among all the Demons, only three looked at Naruto with different feelings that would be superiority, curiosity and even lust.

These people are Creuserey Asmodeus, Shalba Beelzebub, and Katerea Leviathan, leaders of the Four Maou Clans.

Currently everything was silent, but that silence was interrupted by a Magic Circle where Rizevim and Euclid came out.

-"It's about time you arrived, Rizevim"-

Shalba speaks calmly when she sees that she has just arrived.

-"Yes, where is he?"-

Rizevim asked, looking for the cause of all the commotion, until he saw Naruto causing his macabre smile to appear again.

-"First he appeared as if nothing had happened and then he wants to talk to us" -Shalba said, analyzing Naruto, who was just in the middle of everything with his arms crossed, acting as if he was waiting for something. -"It's very suspicious"-

For Shalba this was suspicious, since Naruto was able to pass without alerting the barrier and the strangest thing is that he wanted to talk to them.

-"Jujujujuju"-Katerea laughed lustfully and with a noticeable blush on her cheeks. -"He is very handsome"-

Katerea was already thinking about having Naruto as her personal slave.

-"He's just an insignificant human"-Creuserey said with arrogance, totally belittling Naruto. -"Now let's take advantage and kill him before he continues giving us problems"-

Creuserey thought that Naruto was just a normal, average Human and that all those rumors about him were exaggerations.

-"No"- Rizevim denied with a smile. -"I want to know that he wants to talk to us"-

Then he calmly advanced to where Naruto was along with Creuserey, Shalba, Katerea and Euclid, the latter going a little further away.

Seeing who was coming towards him, Naruto could only smile to see that his plan was going in the right direction.

Rizevim and the others were finally in front of Naruto. They remained silent for a few seconds which were then cut off by Rizevim.

-"Ah yes"- Rizevim smiled macabrely. -"You are the famous Naruto Thousand Clones, right?"-

Naruto smiled back. -"And you must be Rizevim Lucifer, right?"-

-"Oh~"- Rizevim laughed amusingly. -"It seems like you know me"-

-"Something like that"- Naruto said. -"I heard about you from Sirzechs"-

Naruto's smile widened when he saw the angry grimace Rizevim made when he mentioned Sirzechs, but quickly as the grimace appeared it changed back to his macabre grin.

Among all the Demons of his generation, Rizevim hated Sirzechs the most. He and his friends were one of the causes that caused the rebellion of half of the clans against the Four Maou clans.

Furthermore, he also hates him because he surpasses him in power and strength, something that broke his pride when he was surpassed by another Demon who did not even belong among the clans of the Four Maou.

-"Changing the subject"- Rizevim looked at Naruto curiously. -"What did you want to talk to us about?"-

-"I just want to ask you..."- Naruto then looked at him seriously. -"Let them surrender"-

When Naruto said that, he had many reactions, including fury from Creuserey and Euclid, since he insulted them that this human told him to surrender. Suspicion on Shalba's part, for him it was suspicious that only Naruto came to ask for that knowing that it would never happen. And Katerea didn't care, she just continued ogling Naruto with her eyes.

But for Rizevim, that comment made his smile widen, but he also became offended.

-"Oh? Let's give up?"-Rizevim asked with an amused tone, clarifying that he was laughing at what Naruto said. -"No, I can't do that"-

-"I see"-Naruto said seriously, but with a dangerous voice showing that he did not like the answer. -"Then it seems that we will continue fighting"-

And the feelings or emotions that they gave off didn't help either.

From superiority to greed. Naruto knew why they wanted to continue the Great War against the other Biblical Factions, just to gain power, but the one that bothered him the most and made him sick were the ideals of Rizevim.

According to Sirzechs, Rizevim did not want domination, he only wanted to spread chaos and evil to the world; and only because, in Rizevim's opinion, that's what a Demon should do.

That bothered Naruto a lot, since in his childhood he was called and considered a Demon in his Village and he never wanted to take revenge or anything like that. What he did was earn the respect of his Village, which he was able to achieve. His thoughts were cut off by Rizevim's words.

-"Yes, but not you"-Rizevim said, and then gave a sign with his hand. In seconds, the thousands of Soldiers present there prepared to attack Naruto with [Elemental Magic], who realized this and was not surprised. Rizevim smiled macabrely. -"You have been a problem since you appeared, but that ends now"-

Without Naruto in the way they still had a chance to win the civil war and he believed that he would not be able to against multiple magic attacks.

Naruto just lowered his head, making his hair cover his eyes a little, Rizevim thought he saw how his eyes turned purple, but he left it aside.

-"Any last words?"-

Rizevim asked him still smiling, ready to give the signal for them to attack Naruto.

-"Yes..."-Naruto nodded with a stoic expression, then looked up and showed the [Rinnegan] in all its splendor. -"[Shinra Tensei]"-

In an instant, a gigantic force pushed everyone away, canceling the magical attacks and sending all the Soldiers thousands of meters back.

Rizevim and the others were shocked when an invisible force pushed them, causing them to collide with everything or each other.

-"I tried to do this the peaceful way"-Naruto said as he approached them calmly. -"But it seems that it didn't help" -Then he started making hand seals, which he confused the Demons. -"It's time to end this war... [Kuchiyose: Guntai]"-

Then he hit the ground with the palm of his hand.

Where Naruto struck with the palm of his hand, many symbols appeared that covered the place for thousands of meters.

What happened next impressed the Ancient Maou Faction, as thousands of Demons began to appear in explosions of smoke.

What they saw was that Naruto literally summoned all the forces of the Anti-Maou Faction or at least some of them.

-"But what...?"-

Rizevim murmured in surprise that in less than a second, half of the Anti-Maou Faction's forces were with them.

-"Impressive, right?" - spoke a voice that Rizevim knew very well. -"I was also surprised by such an idea"-


Rizevim glared at the newcomer, who was accompanied with Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium.

Creuserey, Shalba, Katerea and Euclid, also noticing the four aforementioned, also began to look at him with fury.

-"Euclid!"- Rizevim shouted. -"Warn all the forces that are-!"-

Suddenly Rizevim was interrupted when an explosion was heard coming from the center of Lilith.

Everyone from the Ancient Maou Faction was shocked to see the explosions coming from the Lilith Center.

-(What's going on?)-

Rizevim thought in surprise as he watched the explosions from afar.

-"Lucifer-sama!" - shouted a Soldier, who seemed to receive information from a Communication Circle. -"We are informed that the Anti-Maou Faction is attacking Lilith from the North!"-

Rizevim was surprised to hear that. He was going to ask about that, but another Soldier interrupted him.

-"They are also attacking from the West!"-


-"They are also attacking from the East!"-

Another Soldier shouted, also receiving the information from a Communication Circle like the previous two.

Rizevim was surprised and he was not the only one, since Katerea, Creuserey and Shalba were the same.

Rizevim's head was in chaos, he wondered how everything had gone so wrong. Until one person came to mind, the only person who could pass without alerting the barriers, the only person who showed that I could move armies and the only person... Capable of making copies of himself. His gaze shifted to that person who was smiling.

-"You never had to underestimate me, Rizevim"-

Naruto told him while still smiling, causing Rizevim to explode with fury.

This was Naruto's plan, all planned by him. He first had to appear at a point far from Lilith and draw the attention of the forces and affiliated leaders of the Ancient Maou Faction. Later, when they appeared, Naruto's clones, which they found at different points, summoned the rest of the forces to attack Lilith.

Naruto thanked himself for having invented that Jutsu that allowed him to summon armies.

-"Rizevim is over"- Sirzechs said seriously, bringing Rizevim closer together with Ajuka, Serafall and Falbium. -"Lilith will be under our command in a matter of time, so surrender peacefully"-

-"Do not declare victory yet, Sirzechs"- Rizevim said furiously, confronting them along with Creuserey, Shalba, Katerea and Euclid. -"Maybe you surprised us with this surprise attack, but this..." -Then he released gigantic Demonic Power, making the ground tremble at his feet. -"It's not over"-

Everyone looked at each other, no one made a move. But that silence was cut by the impact of fists between Rizevim and Sirzechs. And that's how it all began.





It had been hours since the fight started. Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium faced off against Rizevim, Katerea, Shalba and Creuserey. While the Soldiers of the respective factions faced each other.

Naruto was faced with the Soldiers of the Ancient Maou Faction with ease and also did not want to intervene in the fight that his friends were having, knowing that they wanted to solve this by themselves.

Rizevim was furious, hours had passed and he knew that the war was in favor of the Anti-Maou Faction, he even thought that Lilith was already ruled by them.

All your ideals, all your plans broken by these who call themselves Demons.

Or at least that was Rizevim's thoughts.

Furthermore, he knew that he and the others would not be able to continue fighting. Although he won't admit it, he knows that Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall and Falbium were stronger than them. In a nutshell.

This was the day that the Ancient Maou Faction would fall.

-"Surrender Rizevim"-Sirzechs said seriously as he looked at the very injured Rizevim. He was hurt too, but not as badly. -"You can't fight anymore"-

During the battle, Sirzechs had to show his true form, far surpassing Rizevim's power.

-"N-No"- Rizevim said angrily. -"I won't let you get in the way of my plans"-

He didn't care if he was hurt he would complete his plans.

-"You are very stubborn"- Naruto spoke, appearing next to Sirzechs. Rizevim didn't answer, they just glared at him. Then he looked at Sirzechs. -"Do you need help for those wounds?"-

Naruto intended to help him with his Iryō Ninjutsu. Sirzechs only denied it and then returned to see Rizevim.

-"It seems you don't see it Rizevim"- Sirzechs said seriously. -"You don't have a chance, Lilith must already be under our command"-Then he looked at the very injured Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea. -"And they can't continue either"-

He also noticed that another place far away was Euclid, fighting against his sister Grayfia.

-"Never..."- Rizevim muttered angrily with his head lowered. -"I don't care if you defeat me, I don't care if I get expelled from hell"-Then he looked up from him, showing the pure fury in his eyes. -"I don't care if you kill all my subordinates! As long as I have my Demonic powers I will do everything possible so that the world enters a time of chaos and terror!" -Then he smiled madly. -"AND NEITHER YOU, NOR ANYONE IN THIS WORLD WILL STOP ME!"-

Sirzechs and Naruto, upon hearing his response, could only shake their heads.

-<Wow, it seems like he's already lost all his sanity>-

Kurama spoke from Naruto's head.

-<And it seems that he will not give up>-

Gyūki said, adding his opinion.

-<Yes, but I think have a way to make him give up>-

Naruto said, drawing the attention of everyone in his subconscious.

-<And which one would be souchi?>-

Kushina asked curious about the idea of her son.

Naruto then began to explain his plan.

-<Hohohoho >- Shukaku laughed evilly. -<Like >-

-<That would break his pride into pieces>-Madara said, approving Naruto's idea with an evil smile. -<Good plan, kid>-

-<Not bad>- Kurama said, and then smiled when he had an idea. -<But I will add something so that they don't underestimate you again>-

-<And what is it?>-

Naruto asked, interested in what Kurama was going to say.

-<These guys think they're a big deal because of their Demon power, right?>- Kurama asked, and then smiled with emotion. -<Then let's show him a greater power>-

-<I understand...>- Naruto smiled as he understood Kurama's plan. -<Let's do that>-

Afterwards he came out of his subconscious and looked directly at Rizevim.

-"You think you are superior to everyone because you are Demons, right?"-

Naruto asked, drawing the attention of Rizevim who was still angry.

-"Of course!"- Rizevim responded arrogantly. -"We Demons are the most powerful beings, not even the Gods can against us!"-

-"I see"- Naruto said seriously and with a little anger at Rizevim's arrogance. -"But you are wrong, there will always be someone more powerful than you and me, and I will show you now"-

When Naruto said that, it caused Rizevim to become more angry and Sirzechs, who was next to him, to become confused.

-<Let's do this, Kurama!>-

-<Yes! >-

Then, to the surprise and intrigue of everyone present there, the ground began to shake and it was not because of an earthquake, but rather a powerful power that they soon witnessed and the most surprising thing is that it did not stop growing.

Everyone was trying to find where that power came from, except for some people who were now in shock when they saw who it was that gave off such power.

That person was Naruto, he gave off so much power that the ground where he was standing began to crack.

Sirzechs, who next to Naruto, could only take a few steps back in shock at the power that Naruto gave off.

Rizevim was the same, only with a feeling that he never thought he would feel, especially in a Human.

That feeling was fear, which was further increased by what he now saw, which was Naruto being enveloped in a large cloak of red energy, increasing his power to unprecedented heights. But what scared him was that a gigantic nine-tailed fox made of the same red energy appeared, completely enveloping Naruto.

Sirzechs who also saw the gigantic fox could only say something.


He now he was very surprised. Currently there are few Kitsunes in the Yokais Faction, among them is the current leader Yasaka, the only nine-tailed Kitsune with a power capable of confronting a Maou.

But the Kyūbi he was seeing was thousands of times more powerful, with a power that seemed like it would never end, a power that would be felt throughout the Underworld.

But this for Sirzechs only brought more questions about Naruto's identity.

For Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium, who were also watching the scene a little further away, they were also surprised by Naruto's power. But Serafall, in addition to being surprised, was also excited by Naruto's power.

There is a well-known fact in the Supernatural World, and that is that all Supernatural Beings are attracted to power.

The more power, the more attraction. Even more so for beings like Demons who are the representation of Sins.

Meanwhile, Shalba, Creuserey, and Katerea were not only surprised, but also scared by such monstrous power.

Many of the Soldiers or leaders who participated in the great war could not help but be surprised since that power is on par with the Celestial Dragons, it could even surpass it.

But what they didn't know was that both other Factions and Pantheons also felt Naruto's power.





In Heaven, home of the Angels, everything was in chaos.

The Angels were scared and nervous because of the power they felt, but the most nervous were the Seraphim.

Recently, before the monstrous power appeared, the Seraphim composed of Metatron, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel and the current Overlord or leader of the Angels, Michael, who took the place when his Father the Biblical God died in the Big war.

They were having a meeting that could bring a big change not only for the Angels, but also for the other Bible Factions and that would be the Devil Civil War.

They knew that if the Ancient Maou Faction won the Civil War, they would have to prepare for another possible Great War, as well as the possible extinction of the Angels.

Everyone was aware that if another Great War started, the Angels would become extinct.

But before continuing with that meeting, they felt that monstrous power, that power that was capable of equaling the power of the Biblical God, the same God who was placed in the Top 3 of the Most Powerful Beings in the World, on par with the Shinto Gods and below Hindu Gods.

(JC: You may be wondering, what is the difference between the Shinto Gods and the Gods that Naruto knows? Well, the answer will be later)

-"Where does that power come from?"-

Michael asked, surprised and nervous by the monstrous power they felt.

No one could respond, because they were still in shock. But Gabriel was able to give an answer.

-"O-Onii-sama"- Gabriel spoke, surprised by the power, but even more so by where it came from. -"This power comes from the Underworld!"-

-"So this power comes from a Demon?"-

Metatron asked, surprised by the new information and afraid that a Demon had that monstrous power.


Gabriel denied, almost in a whisper.


Metatron was taken aback by what his sister said.

-"The power is enormous and seems to come from a Demonic entity, but this energy is warm and comforting"- Gabriel said in a low voice, but enough for everyone to hear it. -"It's like it will purge all evil, it's beautiful"-

Everyone, upon hearing what Gabriel said, could only be more surprised and how could they not be.

Gabriel had a special power, that power allowed him to see people's souls as well as the emotions they felt. And everyone, upon learning that the one who gave off that power had no malevolent intention, could only sigh in relief. But they knew something.

What happened today would bring many changes.





Just like in Heaven, in Grigori, home of the Fallen Angels, they were also in chaos due to the immense power.

But the one who was most nervous and surprised was the current leader of Grigori and the Fallen Angels, Azazel, who was in his office with his research on the Sacred Gear; but when he felt that power he was surprised and nervous, since he knew where the power came from.

Like everyone in the Supernatural World, he knew about the Devil Civil War, as they also know that if the Ancient Maou Faction wins, they would have to prepare for another Great War, something he didn't want.

Azazel had not yet overcome all the deaths of his companions during the first Great War and since that fateful day, he has done everything possible to avoid another possible War.

His thoughts were cut off when the door to his office slammed open.

Azazel, seeing who it was that entered his office, could see his colleagues/friends Baraqiel and Shemhazai, who had worried and nervous faces.

-"It seems like they felt it too"-

Azazel told them seriously, but with some sweats.

-"And how not to do it"- Shemhazai said seriously, but a little nervous because of the monstrous power. -"It is a monstrous power"-

-"Yes"-Azazel said, changing his seriousness to a mocking smile, but his nervousness was still noticeable. -"It seems that something interesting is happening in the Devil Civil War"-

He was aware that the power they felt came from the Demonic Faction.

-"Do you think it will be a threat?"-

Baraqiel asked him seriously. He was aware that if that power came from a Demon, it could be a threat, even more so if it belonged to the Ancient Maou Faction.

-"It's possible"- Azazel said. -"If that power comes from a Demon of the Ancient Maou Faction... Then we will have a lot of problems"-

Now Azazel will hope that there is not another possible war, especially if the owner of that power participated.

But what Azazel and all the Fallen Angels did not know was that the owner of that power would bring a great change for the better.





In a dark and gloomy place, which was surrounded by gigantic rocks or completely destroyed buildings, you could see Destruction as well as suffering.

Another characteristic were the people, or rather souls that traveled throughout the place and not with happy faces, but with faces of agony and suffering.

This place is neither more nor less than The Kingdom of the Dead, the same kingdom that was ruled by the God of the Dead as well as one of the strongest demands, Hades, one of the main Gods of the Olympic Pantheon.

Just a few minutes ago before the monstrous power appeared, Hades was thinking about the events that would happen in the future, events related to the Devil Civil War.

And why was a God of rank like his interested in the Demonic Faction?

One of those reasons were some Demons like Sirzechs, Ajuka or Rizevim. Many in the supernatural world knew about those Devils, as they were recognized as the Super Devils of this era.

Like Sirzechs, who possessed unparalleled power and had master control of the Bael Clan's [Power of Destruction]. Furthermore, when he showed his True Form he is able to equal or even surpass Hades, much to his anger.

For Hades, all Demons were a nuisance and not only them, but also people or creatures from other mythologies, bothered him so much that his goal was to rid the world of these beings.

But all his thoughts were interrupted by the monstrous power, which surprised Hades, since this power far surpassed him.

But what surprised him the most and made him a little angry was that the power came from the Demon Faction.

Hades knew that this power was not that of Sirzechs or Rizevim, who are one of the few Demons with the power to rival Gods.

This power belonged to another person, a person Hades did not know or recognize.

Hades thought that perhaps he was an individual that the Anti-Maou Faction or Old Maou Faction hid to use in the Devil Civil War.

But Hades was also not sure that the owner of this power belonged to a Demon.

But what Hades did know is that if this person gets in the way of his plans...






In Lilith, everyone was still in shock from the power that Naruto gave off or they were dying of fear.

-"N-No, no c-it can be"-

Rizevim spoke in shock.

Rizevim was surprised and fearful and not only because of Naruto's power, but also because of the monstrous Zorro that he was forming from the same energy that covered Naruto.

In all his years, Rizevim has never seen such a terrifying monster, it is as if he is seeing a ruthless and powerful monster.

In short, he was seeing something very familiar to him, a Demon.

A Demon Fox...

-"Do you see it, Rizevim? He will always see someone stronger than you and me" -Naruto spoke calmly. -"And this proves it since this power does not belong to me"-

What he said angered Rizevim and caught Sirzechs' attention.

-"You-You, damn you"-

Rizevim murmured with fury, so much so that he trembled with fury.

-"It's time for you to pay for what you did Rizevim"- Naruto said seriously. -"And you will pay for that with your power"-

Sixteen golden chains came out from behind him, quickly binding not only Rizevim, but also Creuserey, Shalba, and Katerea by the arms and legs.

These chains are [Kongō Fūsa] is a Fūinjutsu used by members of the Uzumaki Clan.

Chains capable of physically restraining their opponent, as well as being able to absorb the energy of the person they are restraining.

-"Damn it! Let go of me!"-

Rizevim shouted angrily as he tried to break free of the chains along with Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea. But they were surprised when they felt their energy being absorbed by the chains.

Although the chains are made of Chakra, they do not have that much difference with Magical Energy, the only difference would be that Chakra is denser than Magical Energy.

Naruto just continued looking at them seriously, and then four arms made of the same energy appeared on the body of the gigantic fox and quickly went to the four Demons for the next technique.

-"[Uzumaki Fuinjutsu: Chikara No Zettai-Tekina Fūin]"-

Then the four newly created arms will collide on the abdomens of the held Demons.

What happened next was that symbols appeared on the bodies of Rizevim, Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea and then disappeared like the chains that held them.

When Rizevim was freed, he could only see his body in shock and he was not the only one, since Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea did the same.

Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall and Falbium who saw everything were also shocked.

What surprised those present was that they could not feel the Demonic Power of Rizevim, Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea, and it is not as if they were hiding it, it is as if it was never there.

-"You..."- Rizevim looked at Naruto in shock and anger. -"What did you do to me?"-

What was happening to him made him angry and surprised.

The thing was that he didn't feel the Magic Power from him, nothing, not a single bit of magic.

He was the same with Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea.

-"What I did was seal all of his powers"-Naruto answered seriously. -"They are still Demons, but without a bit of power"-

What Naruto used was one of the most powerful seals of the Uzumaki Clan, which was about completely sealing the opponent's power, even those who possessed Magic or Chakra as great as the Bijūs from one to seven tails were completely sealed.

The only way to deactivate the seal would be for Naruto to deactivate it or for the one with the seal to gain a power boost large enough to break the seal.

Rizevim upon hearing Naruto's response, he could only fall to his knees and look at the ground in shock.

All the power of him, everything he always prided himself on as a Demon...

He was gone, as if he had never existed.

Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea felt the same.

Rizevim couldn't believe it, not only his power, but also all his plans, all his ambitions, everything he worked for.

They were ruined by a simple Human...

But his thoughts were interrupted by a scream.


Euclid shouted, drawing the attention of everyone there; It was obvious that he was hurt, since he was fighting against his sister Grayfia, but they stopped fighting when they saw the big scene. And Euclid was worried about Rizevim, so he went to help.

Rizevim, seeing that everything was already lost, would have no choice but to surrender, but his pride would prevent it, so it was better to escape.

-"Euclid, prepare a circle to exit the Underworld, now!"-

Rizevim ordered him, so that Euclid would later appear next to him, to prepare a Magic Circle to leave the Underworld.

Creuserey, Shalba and Katerea also teamed up to escape through the Magic Circle.

Before he could escape, Rizevim sent one last look of fury at Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall and Falbium, and then stopped at Naruto, who seemed to be trying to stop them with one of the giant Zorro's hands, only missing by a few centimeters.

When Rizevim and the others left, they also left with a goal or rather a revenge, a revenge that will not only affect the Demon Faction, but the entire Supernatural World.

But what they didn't know was that one person... No, a whole new and powerful Faction would stand in their way.





A few days passed after the battle in Lilith, as the Anti-Maou Faction won the civil war and took over the Underworld.

During that time, all those belonging to the Clans that were affiliated with the Ancient Maou Faction were either imprisoned or banished from the Underworld.

Although the civil war was over, they were still on guard against any outside attack. It would not be a surprise if other Factions invaded the Demons at their weakest moment.

They are also trying to put new leaders or Maou to lead the Faction. But he already has four candidates who could be perfect.





In a room at the Sitri Territory Hospital, Naruto was lying on a bed.

It wasn't that Naruto got hurt, but that he was forced to stay by his friends, but more so by a worried Serafall.

Not only a few days ago was Naruto helping with the reconstruction of Hell, and then being taken to the hospital to be checked out to see if he had any injuries.

The reason for Naruto's friends' concern was that since the civil war ended, Naruto did not rest for a minute, worried that he was trying too hard.

Also, both soldiers and civilians were worried about Naruto, since the soldiers respected Naruto while the civilians saw him as their great savior.

They also gave him the nickname the Sun of Underworld because of what happened during the civil war.

What they didn't know was that Naruto had a resistance beyond the supernatural.

Naruto was thinking about something right now.

That something was related to Rizevim and the others.

Naruto knew that Rizevim like the others were still dangerous without his magic power. He still blamed himself for not being able to stop them in time.

But his thoughts were cut off by a voice in his head.

-<Hey gaki, go into your subconscious, it's important>-

Kurama told him in a serious manner making Naruto curious, but he entered without asking.

The first thing was the gigantic forest next to the houses where his tenants stayed, he could also see that everyone was gathered.

Naruto looked at them curiously. -"What's happening?"-

-"Someone wants to talk to you"-

Kurama replied, making Naruto raise an eyebrow.


-"I, Naruto-kun"-

A female voice spoke, which caught Naruto's attention.

-"Shinigami-chan"- Naruto was surprised by the sudden visit of the Goddess of Death. -"What is he doing here?"-

Everyone in Naruto's subconscious made a horrified face at the way Naruto spoke to the Goddess; Even Madara Uchiha himself also made that face.

But then his horrified face changed to one of shock when he saw that the Goddess blushed and covered her mouth while she let out a small laugh.

-"Fufufufu, with what Shinigami-chan ehh?"-Shinigami laughed with a noticeable blush on his cheeks. -"But changing the subject, I came here to congratulate you for completing the mission we gave you" -Then she became serious. -"As also somewhat of an informant"-

Naruto also became serious. -"And that would be?"-

-"The Supreme God wants to see you"-

Shinigami's response surprised everyone present.

The Supreme God himself, a God who seemed to be the most powerful and important.

-"Me? Does the Supreme God want to see me?" Naruto asked, surprised that literally a Supreme God wanted to see him. -"Because?"-

-"It seems that he wants to reward you for seeing the mission accomplished"-Shinigami responded seriously. -"And he also wants to talk about something else"-

-"I see, but is it necessary to go now?"- Naruto asked worried. -"I just don't want to worry anyone out there"-

He knew that he would worry his friends if he disappeared right now.

-"Calm down"- Shinigami said with a reassuring smile. -"You'll be back before you know it"-

-"If so, then I will go"-

Naruto accepted it calmly, but still not so sure.

-"Well, outside your subconscious there is a portal that will take you"- Shinigami said with a smile. -"We are waiting for you there"-

Then he disappeared from Naruto's subconscious.

Seeing that Shinigami left, Naruto quickly left his subconscious and then saw that there was a portal in his hospital room.

Naruto took a deep breath, then passed through the portal, preparing for what was coming.





When Naruto crossed the portal, the first thing he saw was a room, which looked like a waiting room, it already had armchairs and a medium-sized table. There was also a door that he was to lead to another room.

Something that caught Naruto's attention was that the room had no roof, it showed the entire blue sky with clouds passing by.

Naruto also noticed that in the room were the Gods he knew.

-"Just in time, boy"- Susanoo spoke after realizing Naruto's presence with the other Gods. She then pointed to the only door in the room. -"The Supreme God is waiting for you in the other room"-

Naruto just nods nervously; nervous to meet the Supreme God.

-"Calm down Naruto-kun"- Amaterasu said with a smile trying to calm Naruto down. -"Everything will be fine"-

Then she took him by the hand and led him to the door accompanied by the other Gods.

When they opened the door, a large light was shown that temporarily blinded Naruto, and then he clearly saw where he entered.

The place was strange, as it had no walls or ceiling and the floor was made of clouds, but they seemed to be solid enough to walk on. In the room there was also a small wooden table with an old telephone on it. There was also a large screen television.

But what caught Naruto's attention was the person who was in the room sitting on the floor.

He was an old man with gray hair. He has long eyebrows and a long beard. His hair is combed back and he wears a pair of black glasses. And he wore a light brown robe with a darker brown robe on top.

The man was watching something on the big screen while drinking tea. What also caught Naruto's attention was what was happening on the screen.

What was happening was a landscape of a large ocean, where there was a large ship that in the shell part of the bow had a head of a lion with a mane that looked like flower petals and in the sails they had the typical skull with crossed bones. , but with the difference that the skull is wearing some kind of straw hat.

But the screen turned off, only to see that the man in the room became aware of their presence.

-"Oh, they're here"- said the old man with a kind smile. Then he motioned for her to come closer. -"Come, sit down"-

After that, the Gods also sat down as if nothing had happened, while Naruto did so nervously.

-"It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person Naruto, I am the Supreme God"- The Supreme God introduced himself. -"But just call me God"-

-"Y-Yes"- Naruto nodded nervously, bowing -"It's also nice to meet you"-

The Supreme God did not say anything, he just continued looking at Naruto, making him more nervous.

-"Hohohoho, it seems I wasn't wrong"- God smiled. -"You do have a pure heart, like the first time I saw you"-

Naruto was surprised by what the God said as he also became curious about the last thing said.

-"Like the first time?"- Naruto asked interested. -"Have you met me before?"-

He tried to remember if he had met him, but maybe he forgot.

-"One could say, Yes"-

God responded with a smile, then snapped his fingers.

What happened next was the screen turned on, showing the screen split into many screens showing Naruto's entire life.

His birth, his childhood, his life at the Ninja academy, the missions he did with his team, the Chūnin exams, the invasion of Suna and Oto, Sasuke's recovery mission, his training trip with Jiraiya, his return in the Village, Gaara's rescue from Akatsuki, the fight against Pain and ending in the Fourth Great Ninja War.

-"I've seen your whole life"- God said with a smile, and then put on a sad expression. -"From the beginning to the end"-

-"Wow"-Naruto was amazed that the Supreme God saw his entire life. -"I did not know that"-

-"And I wasn't the only one"- God smiled at him. -"Believe it or not, you are very famous in the World of the Gods"-

That was very surprising to know what was famous in the World of Gods.

-"Wow, that's surprising"- Naruto said surprised, and then changed to one of curiosity. -"But I have a question"-

-"Oh, which one would it be?"-

God was interested in the question Naruto had.

-"Are there more Gods besides you?"-

Naruto is curious about the information from the World of Gods.

He was also confused, since when he was in the Underworld, he heard from Sirzechs that in that world there were many Gods or Deities. And he did not know if the Gods of that world were the same as the ones he knew.

-"Ah that, well in answer to your question there are many Gods as well as worlds"- God responded with a smile. -"Since when I create a world I also create a God who will be in charge of that world, or Gods like in your previous world. There are also times when one God is in charge of more than one world"-

-"I understand"- Naruto nodded. -"So the Gods that I heard in the other world, are the Gods in charge?"-

-"No, they are just beings who call themselves Gods"- God explained to him. -"They are not in the same category as us, there is only one God in charge of that world"-

-"Ah"- Naruto nodded, but then looked at the other Gods in the room. -"And why in that world, are there Gods equal to you?"-

He had also heard of the Shinto Gods, where there were Gods with titles and names the same as the Gods he knew.

-"As the Supreme God said, they are beings who believe they are Gods, they are very different from us"- Tsukuyomi responded. -"An example would be that the Tsukuyomi of that world is a man"-

Naruto nodded in understanding. -"That explains"-

-"Well, changing the subject"- God caught Naruto's attention. -"I and the God in charge of that world want to give you a reward for having completed the mission"-

-"A reward is not necessary"- Naruto smiled at him. -"I only did what you asked me to do"-

-"No, you deserve it" -God said- "Besides, the God in charge of that world was the one who asked for that mission" -Then he frowned. -"Speaking of which, she is taking a while to come"-

But as he finished saying that, he opened the only door in the room to show that a woman entered.

That woman had black hair, golden eyes, and was wearing some kind of tight-fitting wizard's robe.

Naruto couldn't help but blush at such a beautiful woman, something that some Goddesses present didn't like.

-"Sorry for the delay"- Said the woman in a melodious voice that would enchant any man. -"She was resolving some issues in one of the worlds she took care of"-

-"It doesn't matter"- God said with a smile. -"I was just talking to Naruto about the rewards we will give him"-

When the woman saw Naruto, she could only smile lovingly as a pink tint appeared on her cheeks.

-"It's nice to finally meet you Naruto-kun, I am Gaia, the Magic Goddess"- Gaia introduced herself with a smile. -"As also the Goddess in charge of the world where they took you"-

Naruto bowed politely. -"It's also a pleasure to meet you, Gaia-sama"-

-"There is no need for formalities, Naruto-kun"- Gaia told him with a loving smile. -"Just call me Gaia or whatever you like"-

Naruto smiled innocently. -"It's okay, Gaia-chan"-

When Gaia heard the way Naruto called her and also when she saw her smile, she could only blush as her smile grew wider.

But all that was interrupted by a fake cough caused by the Supreme God.

-"Sorry for interrupting"- God said calmly. -"But we still have to give the rewards to Naruto, remember?"-

-"Y-Yes, I'm sorry"-

Gaia apologized now with a blush of shame, and then approached Naruto, grabbed him by the cheeks, and then kissed him lovingly.

Naruto seeing what the Goddess did only froze as she blushed massively.

Those who were in Naruto's subconscious, like the Gods present, had different reactions when seeing the scene.

In Naruto's subconscious, the Bijūs laughed at the situation, some men complained about their luck and others only watched the scene with sweat.

But there was only one man who only cried because he was proud of his student.

While the women, some also watched the scene with sweat and others watched with jealousy.

But there was only one woman who fantasized about the future grandchildren she would have to spoil, while her husband looked at him with sweat on his head.

While the Gods. The Goddesses looked on with jealousy, Susanoo also sweated and the Supreme God only shook his head with a smile.

After a few seconds, Gaia stopped kissing him, and then saw the blushing Naruto with a smile and a noticeable blush.


Naruto tried to say a word, but couldn't since he still hadn't recovered from the kiss.

-"My reward is three powerful magics from one of the worlds that I took care of"-Gaia explained, even though she was blushing from the kiss. -"And also of course I gave you the ability to use magical energy, as well as this book that will help you use and control Magic"-

She then gave Naruto a book that had the title Magic Slayer.

-"I-I see"- Naruto said still surprised by the kiss, but he looked at the book curiously. -"Thank you so much"-

-"Now it's my turn"- God spoke calmly, but then looked at Naruto seriously. -"But before I give you the reward, I want to talk something or rather propose something to you"-

Naruto also became serious. -"And that would be?"-

-"Naruto..."- God looked at him seriously. -"Would you like to form and lead a new Faction?"-

-"Me? Form and lead a Faction?" Naruto asked, surprised by the proposal that the Supreme God made to him. -"Because?"-

-"You see Naruto, as you know, the world we sent you has many problems, like dangerous people who want to put the world in chaos and that is why I propose this to you" - God explained to him. -"I propose that you create and lead a group or a Faction that helps avoid that. But if you don't want to do it, I will understand"-

Now Naruto didn't know what to do, he knew the problems that the world he was sent to was suffering from.

And that's why problems caused chaos and death, something that Naruto didn't like.

-"I... I am aware of what is happening in that world... And I was going to help with whatever it took"- Naruto said seriously. -"But now I realize that I can't do it alone..." -Then he smiled at them with confidence. -"I agree"-

His confidence generated smiles to the Gods present, as well as those who were in his subconscious.

-"Good"- God smiled. -"Then my reward will be something for your Faction, as well as a gigantic piece of land for you to stay in"-

-"Thank you very much"- Naruto thanked him. -"But I still have a question: Who would be members of the Faction?"-

-"Don't worry, I already took care of that" - God responded with a smile. -"Now Shinigami will take you to the place and so you can meet the members"-

When the Supreme God finished speaking, Shinigami stood up and then created a portal.

-"Come on, Naruto-kun"-

Shinigami told him with a smile. Naruto quickly stood up to head to the portal. But before entering, he looked at the other Gods again.

-"Thank you very much for everything"-Naruto thanked them with his typical smile. -"And I swear to you that I will not fail you"-

Then he went through the portal, followed by Shinigami. So that later the portal will close.

-"I know you won't fail, Naruto..."-

God said with a smile as he looked at where the portal used to be.

The room was silent for a few seconds, only to be interrupted by the only door opening.

When the door opened, his could see a muscular man with short black hair, along with a beard. He wore clothes made for expeditions or trips and at the same time for fighting. In short, adventurer's clothes.

-"Eh? Has he left yet?" The man spoke with a voice that showed that he was disappointed. -"And I just wanted to meet him and talk to him"-

-"He just left"-God told him, and then looked at the man with curiosity. -"What did you want to talk to him about?"-

-"I wanted to ask for his help in one of the worlds that I took care of"-Replied the man, and then showed a fruit, which seemed to be larger than normal and had swirling patterns. -"I was even going to reward him with some of his special fruits"-

-"Maybe for another time"-

God told him with a smile. While the man just sighed in disappointment.





In the middle of the Pacific Ocean was a beautiful island full of large grasslands, lakes and large forests. In the middle of a large plain a portal appeared.

From that portal came Naruto followed by Shinigami.

-"This is the place?"- Naruto looked around with fascination. -"It's lovely"-

-"Yes"- Shinigami nodded with a smile. -"This is where you and your Faction will stay"-

-"And who will be the members?"-

Naruto asked him, as he looked around looking for the members the Supreme God mentioned.

-"Now I will bring them"-

Shinigami told him with a smile. And then rise to the heavens. Then he started to say some words in a language that Naruto didn't understand.

When Shinigami finished speaking, millions of blue particles appeared. Naruto also noticed some particles coming out of it as well.

What happened next surprised Naruto a lot, because when the particles touched the ground, each one transformed into a person.

People he knew. Like those who were in his subconscious, the other members of Akatsuki, the previous Jinchūriki of the Bijūs, famous Ninjas and millions of other Ninjas who belonged to the Five Great Villages of his previous world.

-"They will be the members"- Shinigami told him with a smile, while all the Ninjas there smiled at Naruto. -"And don't worry, none of them will give you problems"-

Naruto didn't say anything, he could only smile and think what awaits him and his Faction in the future.

That was the day one of the most powerful Factions in that world was born, along with its leader.

That was the day the Shinobi Faction was born.



Author's Notes


[Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu] Literally means: [Jutsu: Multiclones of Shadows].

[Shinra Tensei] Literally means: [Celestial Subjugation of the Omnipresent God].

[Kuchiyose: Guntai] Literally means: [Summon: Armies].

Iryō Ninjutsu Literally means: Ninja Medical Techniques.

[Kongō Fūsa] Literally means: [Adamantine Sealing Chains].

[Uzumaki Fuinjutsu: Chikara No Zettai-Tekina Fūin] Literally means: [Uzumaki Sealing Style: Absolute Seal of Power].

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