
Impossible Love Connection

This book is about a girl who is an ordinary person suffering from a certain mental condition. Some parts in the story are taken from real-life accounts. Not that she's crazy or anything but something which many people go through. This story also features a very well-known celebrity from Korea who is the main lead in this story. Names are all going to be given by me so it's pure fictional and doesn't belong to anyone. Contains a detailed past of the female lead. Disclaimer: This story will contain strong language, Self-Harm, Crime, Hate, fluff, and some scenes which are not suitable for people below 18. "Sometimes you need to cross boundaries to love someone with all you're might." "Even the prince of the dark realm has a heart"

TheAnimeWriter · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Act 9

{Ha-joon's Pov}

"Who do I have to find? Sounds like something out of a horror movie. Well, maybe I'm too stressed about work and haven't got a chance to relax. I wonder !!!" Tapping a finger on his chin thinks to himself. "Maybe I need a vacation it's been a while since started working I haven't taken a single day off for myself. I think I will tell the management, I need a breather."

{End of Pov}

Lost in thought as he walked along the roads of Hongdae, He felt an eerie presence lingering around him. He decided it was time to head back home. As took a step ahead, he felt like something was crutching onto his ankles and holding him in place.

It was almost as if he was having sleep paralysis, the only difference is he is awake and is standing in the middle of a crowded street full of people, who slowly seem to vanish right before his eyes.

The sky changed to a mix of pitch black with fiery red stripe-shaped clouds. He tried to comprehend what the fuck was actually happening around him at the moment.

"How can this be? This looks straight out of a horror movie." he thought to himself.

He tried to move once again but couldn't. The ground started shaking violently, sounds of unbearable screams echoed throughout, and then a huge bolt of lightning type of shard struck upwards from the belly of the beast. Lightening up the sky with a fiery crimson glow.

You may wonder what happened to the people around him and the city of Seoul! Well, the people were shown a mirage of the city so that they would never know what was happening. As for Ha-Joon was made invisible by the strange force that held him firmly to the ground.

Suddenly the same red orb that he saw in his nightmare flashed past him and flew into the distance, thick red flames erupted to where the orb vanished and a slender-looking silhouette of someone was walking towards him.

"Hello !!! Who's there ?" He called out.

" Heheeh Master we finally meet ." an evil chuckle could be heard and then the figure spoke.

"Who the fuck are you ?" Ha-Joon was now very confused and was ready to put up a fight with whoever was trying to mess with him.

"Master .... you have turned out quite handsome. Allow me to serve you." the unknown figure spoke from afar.

"Spare me your bullshit and tell me who you are ?" Ha-Joon was rather upset that some dumb fuck was trying to prank him.

"If you allow me to please you like the old days, then I will reveal myself to you. Don't you already know who I am ?" She spoke with lustful words.

"That's it I'm calling the cops if you are a stalker. Nice try but no thank you. I don't know you and don't intend to let you close to me." he was fuming with rage that he didn't realize an odd aura all around him.

Suddenly there was a flash and there stood a woman, wearing red and golden armor-like scales on her upper body, barely covering her assets, she had long black locks with the ends of it like embers burning, her arms were thin and slender with fingers that looked like those of a goddess, her eyes were greenish with a hint of brown, her nose looked so well-chiseled and her lips were plump as a strawberry ready to be eaten.

Her long legs were scantly clad with a golden and red cloth that looked like royalty, and her height was almost like that of Ha-Joon. She had these huge red wings on her back which looked eerie but magnificent and to sum up her appearance she looked like a Goddess from hell.

"What are you, a kid dressing up for a fancy dress competition?" he huffed at her as she ran her finger across his facial features.

"It's been a long time master since I pleased you the way you liked it. " she tried to seduce him with her words.

"GET AWAY FROM ME" he shouted.

"Since you wanted to know who I'm then I shall fill you in. I am Himiko Ashtey the princess of the third-palace of hell, and your concubine ." her smile and body language gave off vibes of extreme sexualness.

"Right Right hahaha. Wow, this day could get any better." face-palming himself and laughing hysterically as if she had cracked the funniest joke on the planet.

"What's so funny Master?" she was taken aback by his laughter and demeanor.

"You are funny. Look lady I am a very busy man and don't have time for all this bullshit. Oh and one more thing please dress more modestly you look cheap dressed like that." he snapped at her and glared insulting her.

Her face raged with anger and she disappeared into thin air. The sky changed back to its normal night sky and everything around him went back to normal, he found himself outside his apartment.

"Master .... Master .... You have to find her soon " a wispy voice was speaking to him again.

Ha-Joon holds his head and drops to the ground on his knees and screams out loud, darkness flashes across his eyes and he faints. People gather around him after one of the residences saw him lying unconscious. They immediately called his manager and they rush him to the hospital.

Somehow the media got information and it was all over the news channels, been broadcast all over the world.


The fire in your eyes.

The sound of your voice.

I wish to touch your heart.

Even in disguise.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Sorry for the short chapter my whole family is unwell so I tried to keep the story going for my readers I hope you all stay safe and stay indoors as the virus is spreading.

Hope you enjoy the story and share with your friends.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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