
Impossible Love Connection

This book is about a girl who is an ordinary person suffering from a certain mental condition. Some parts in the story are taken from real-life accounts. Not that she's crazy or anything but something which many people go through. This story also features a very well-known celebrity from Korea who is the main lead in this story. Names are all going to be given by me so it's pure fictional and doesn't belong to anyone. Contains a detailed past of the female lead. Disclaimer: This story will contain strong language, Self-Harm, Crime, Hate, fluff, and some scenes which are not suitable for people below 18. "Sometimes you need to cross boundaries to love someone with all you're might." "Even the prince of the dark realm has a heart"

TheAnimeWriter · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Act 8

[From here on Gonzo will be called Yuki and The Harp will be called Ryori. Get ready for the drama. Enjoy !]


Ryori too saw the silver string dragging behind her and decided that it's best not to show any abnormal signs that he is not human. At this point, he needed to put Y/n into a trance because of the phenomena that were occurring around him.

He whispers "Mistress you are the only one with a more superior power to control the humans I plead you to put y/n into a trance until I undo my spell on everyone.

A bright flash lightens up the room and everything and everyone is back to normal.

"So I was saying, why have you been so riled up all the time" josh pressed on a topic the y/n was avoiding for as long as she can remember.

"Adsdhgfgdhf..... Please don't even talk about that, you know it makes me anxious and I panic." she huffed and her cheeks became like little buns straight out of the oven.

Both Yuki and Ryori were relieved to find that they had succeeded with the trance spell and everything was now normal. Ryori however had this strange glint in his eyes, there was a weird way he was looking at Y/n. It was a very strange glaze hung upon the two friends sitting right by the window and going through the menu.

"If you keep glazing at her Ryori I will send you back to the past from whence you came." Yuki's voice sounded scary and deep in his mind. She telepathed a message to his brain.

As the conversation continued between the two friends, y/n could sense something strange, it was like a warm feeling which accelerated with the touch of Josh's hand on her skin. He looked normal seemed like a human but it was so strange to see that she was sweating profusely whenever his skin rubbed against hers.

"Are you alright ? " eyes wide Josh asked her.

She didn't speak she just sat there staring in a different direction and she stands up, turns her head to him, and says "Excuse me I need to wash my face I feel hot for some reason." with that she stumbles towards the powder room.

The silver string that was attached to her was now burning a bright red color, which was visible to the eyes of Demons, Spirits, Imps, Heavenly beings, and other supernatural things that existed in the world.

[Y/n's Pov]

"Strange I don't know why does my body feels so hot. Am I sick or something? No No, my immunity is top-notch from every back at home why would I get sick. "

"Hmmm... What's up with Josh's hands? I feel an electric yet hot energy emit from him. Maybe I am exaggerating or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. Garhhhhh... Never mind I think I'm just not used to this place and the people just yet.

[End of Pov]

"Did you see that? The string is now floating above her head and it's glowing red. This is not good Mistress." Ryori spoke in a very worried tone.

"Yes, I saw it we need to keep a watch on these two. I sensed something strange about that guy with her too." Yuki closed her eyes in a meditative way.

"M-Mistress I-I sense an ominous presence emitting from that guy. Look are those horns on his head ?" Wide-eyed Ryori pointed towards Josh.

"He is definitely a Yokai. I had this really gut-wrenching feeling when I was taking their order to come to think of it. We definitely have to guard her." Yuki ordered Ryori.

Y/n comes back to her seat and tells Josh that it's time she went back home as she felt weak and drained and wanted to rest for the rest of the evening. He was reluctant to let her go but didn't say much and just nodded his head in approval.

[Josh's Mind]

"So I was right she is the one he will find soon if I'm not careful. I need to suppress my powers before she gets suspicious about me." "Coming here wasn't a bad idea after all that I needed to find out for General Hanaki, I finally found it. "

"Now, I just need to find the one I'm looking for. Where could she be ?"

[End of Pov]

They paid for their meal which they didn't even touch and left the place. Meanwhile, Yuki summoned a small wisp called Mineko and ordered her to follow both the friends wherever they went.

Y/n finally got home and went to her room, While Josh went his way, he walked in the streets of Hallstad and disappeared into thin air to god knows where, while the wisp stuck out the window of y/n's house.

{Back in Seoul, Ha-Joon's Nightmare}

[Ha-Joon's Dreams]

"Come neigh..... Come Neigh... hither hither.... shhhh he will hear us .... come closer...... " "Who's there? "

"Sssshhhhhh... don't invoke him yet we have to wait." "What is this place? "

"In time ..... one shall be revealed to the world and dominate the land of humans and special beings." "I-I don't understand what your saying? Who are you?"

"In time child in time, you know the truth " "Help....help..... Ha-Joon ah help... us save us." "Find Her ".

"Find who?Mom , dad noooo NOOOOOOOOOOOO"

[End of the Dream]

He woke up startled and perplexed at what he saw. In his mind he was in a place pitch black and voices surrounded him. Then what he saw next scared him to the core of his bones. His parents slashed to death right before his eyes. It was about 3 am and he sat on his bed shivering as he felt the vibe and the air in his room get super cold.

A chill ran down his spine and he was just confused because the thermostat was on full heat. A familiar scent surrounded his room and he saw a tiny little red orb floating before his eyes, then it vanished into thin air.

"What the fuck is happening? This is creepy ." whispering to himself. He removed his blanket and stood up and the chilly feeling in the room vanished completely. The next thing he hears was tapping on the front door.

"Who's there ?" he calls out but there was no answer at all. " I said who's there ?" again he called out but there was nothing. He slowly opened his door and what he saw in front of him was a pitch dark corridor with dimly lit red amber torches on the walls. He proceeds to step out but was just dangling in mid-air, now his room and all surroundings disappeared.

"Find her" a whisper in his left ear made him turn and look and all he saw was a set of razor-sharp teeth, two red-orange glowing eyes hovering in the distance.

"What are y-you?" Ha-Joon was now trembling in fear.

"Master.. I-I"

Suddenly he woke up to his manager, Assistant manager, and a girl name Solice standing by his bed and trying to get him to wake up. .

"Ha-Joon Ha-Joon are you okay ?" Gareth looked worried.

"Who am I supposed to find?" he looked around asking.

"What are you talking about ?" Gareth asked scratching his head.

Ha-Joon took deep breathes and asked them all to leave so that he could relax for a bit. After a little while, he freshened up got dressed, and headed down to the main entrance to leave to attend a photoshoot for an upcoming campaign for his company.

He kept thinking back on the things he saw in his dream and couldn't focus properly on his shoot. After a tiring day he has headed out of the venue and told his chauffeur to go home, he wanted to be alone and walk around Hongdae as a normal person.

This was the wrong choice he made because what was going to happen next was least expected, at least in the human realm.


Crimson Sky

Bloody Tears

Black Veins Unpure

Wings that take me to places unknown.


Hello, My Loves !!!

So, now the story will start developing slowly. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable please stop at any given moment. I hope you all like this book and don't be hard on me. Thank you for reading my story and hope you leave feedback so that I can improve on my work.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!


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