
A lovely duo is announced

"Jay I have good news." They both looked at each other and Jay prayed the news was they news he wanted.

"Sure. Tell me." He replied.

"I'm... you're... I'm having twins. No. We are!" Protection said.

"No way! Yes! Yes! Twins? How do you know already?" Jay cheered.

"God pregnancy's last no more than a week, no less than two days."


"Girl and a boy. Tomorrow."

"Oh my god. I'm going to be a dad of gods."

"Yes we know their powers as well. Would you like to know?"

"Yes of course I would!" Said Jay and he leaned closer to Protection.

Our other heroes were in the base either sitting around playing games and talking or training, the two training was Joe and Tom.

"Your suit is very durable, more durable the Simons or even Jay's skin." Said Tom as he bounced around the room and throwing out tons of attacks.

"I know. The was the most important thing to me when designing it and then constructing it with my technology. I tested it in extreme conditions for a month straight." Replied Joe with just a little to much confidence whilst flying around the room taking hits because he can and occasionally shooting beams at Tom.

"I love training with you Joe. You and Jay are the only two that actually offer a challenge and Jay has became a ladies man of sorts recently." Said Tom before he stopped moving entirely, "Oh God. What if there is a version of you in this universe that didn't get superpowers and they other way around as well."

"Damn it. I hadn't thought about that. We have to go look. If you want you can go and find you and I'll find myself." Said Joe as he stopped fighting.

"Yeah... lets do that." They both turned to the door and swiftly left the training room. Tom walked pat the other and activated the portal then casually walked through. He left the Curators base and looked at the date on his display hud in his mask as he did so. Tuesday. School is one. Tom strolled down the road and head to his old school was. He the stopped. Tom had left school so this Tom would have as well. He then pulled out his phone that was rarely used, being a super hero and all. He went on to social media's and looked himself up. He found himself. He had a glimpse into his life without superpowers. Tom is happy. He found pictures of him, Jay, Simon and Olli, they were all happy. Even when powerless he was happy. This took Tom completely by shock, he thought that being as bright as he is would be angry at existence being powerless when heroes were around.

"Hey. That's me mate." Said Another Tom to our one.

"Err. Hey. I'm not from around here before you ask who I am. You wouldn't know."

"Shut it. Ok. I know you're me. I'm stronger though. I'm sure of it. I am a GOD. Call me The Only." The Only said.

"Stronger. And a god. Funny. I literally have part of a god in me." Said Tom.

"I am beyond men. And I keep it a secret."

"Show me your strength."

The Only waved his hand and made a stone pillar.

"You made yourself seem way better than that." Tom said as he made a stone pillar as well, "I can do that. The Only. Just get some lovely hero gear and go off into space and save lives. Just we shouldn't cross paths to often. You being me and all."

"Got it." The Only then turned on his pure white suit and covered himself in stone then shot himself into space.

"I didn't... oh well at least I know now and I know I have powers. Do the others? I have to find this universes Jay." Tom said as he began running at insanely high speeds. He knocked on Jay's old house in his universe which was soon answered by Jay's mum.

"Is Jay home? I need to talk to him. Don't worry about my suit I'm in the Curators."