
Immortal monster

I’m a monster, immortal yet not like the others. Cover art and any character besides the oc does not belong too me.

Obito_Black · Films
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: Your nothing mor....

[flash black - new world - ###### BP]

"Ahhh!" Elu let's out a cry as her body bends up and her fangs grow.

"I am here love" the man says too her.

"What is this love?" Elu says as the dark cave looked so clear, her ears picked up the sounds in the forest.

"You will learn in time, you are no longer who you were. You are something more." The man says, grabbing her hand.

They both walk out of the cave, the man, the love of her life spoke as they looked at the large forest.

"Come I will show you the world I see" the man says, moving forward at great speed. The shadows danced as they moved too the top of the mountain snow fell and the cloud line was broken through as they reached the top.

"Beautiful, I do not feel the cold nor the snow at my feet" Elu says looking at the big beautiful moon.

"There are many beautiful things in this world, we will see them all" the man says, pulling her close.

"As long as we are together that is all that matters" Elu says, resting on his chest.

The two helped her people, she had too watch them pass as we left but stories of the mato and his queen that blessed this mountain, where passed down.

[flash forward - 2400 BC]

"Come lela, sev, now!" Christina yells at the two women.

"Is it time my lady?!" Lela says, moving fast with sev beside her.

"Yes!, it is born" Christina says as they make there way too would would later be known as Iceland.

A large castle like building stood as cry's a women could be heard.

"Lord, she may not be able too handle.." a new born wet nurse tried to say to me.

"Enough!, save them both!" I say giving her blood.

"Yes lord" the new born takes it and leaves.

"Lord you must calm down!" Lela says, walking up to me with the others bowing.

"I would do the same if it was any of you, you are it's mother's as well, go to her and make sure she is ok" i say, sitting on the throne with my head down.

"Yes lord, we will protect them" Christina says moving towards her sisters room as the others followed.

Soon cries of a child could be heard through the castle, walking too the room I saw the women lay next to Elu holding her as she held a beautiful baby.

"Come lothric, meet your daughter" Elu says, calling out to me as she caressed the babies face.

I walk up and pick up the child with care seeing her eyes were light blue and purple.

"Beautiful, have you thought of a name, my love?" I ask Elu.

"She will be Taini love" Elu says.

"Good, moon huh, very well.. you will watch over her and teach her." I say looking at all the women.

"Say lord" they all say. As new borns came to clean the blood and bringing new clothes.

[flash foward - 2050 BC]

"Stop!" Elu yells, being held up by taini.

"I don't want to be held back by you and fathers rule, that's why I left. You still keep coming you and the others but I have made a family of my own. I'm sure father has told you many times to end it, you only clean up my mess." Taini says, looking up at her mother while her new borns stand. There eyes red glowing in the night.

"Please you must stop Taini, come home stop this fighting, he will still forgive you" Elu says, falling too the ground.

"I do not care, he will do nothing because his love for us, now go back home mother, I have more places to deal with" Taini says, turning too her new borns as they part ways.

"Lady, please we must" Christina says.

"No, do not lay a hand on her Christina!, we will bring her back, where is lela and sev" yells at Christina.

"Here my ladies" lela and sev say, coming out of the dark carrying bodies of the new borns that taini created.

"Lady, lord lothric has spoken if she can not be stopped with reason.." lela says.

"No I can not, could you do so?" Elu yells.

The ladies looked at each other and looked away.

Over time Taini rampage went across Europe finding a man she fell in love, once human turned immortal saying they could rule forever using her understand of the world they conquered at night becoming a plague that people feared. Yet I had enough, sending her mother was not a good idea, the many times she let her go, I finally moved not telling my women I would come to Europe.

"My love we can not go pass the northern mountain" Taini says to her lover.

"Why can we not our armies has sweep away everything along this region, we even were careful to not let the humans know of our kind Taini" the man says coming up to hug her from behind.

"I said we can not everything beon this land is the beginnings my father" Taini says to him Turing and kissing him.

"Your father is old what can he do, are you scared of him" the man says.

"Listen to my words the only reason will still walk this land is cause of my mother's love for me and my fathers love for her, if he comes we can not fight we must leave, promise me my love. We will head west for here and conquer those lands" Taini says, walking to the bed.

"Ok my love" the man says following, yet had different plans in mind.

The world kept moving as the night armies were killed by my women there strength was nothing and Elu slaughter everything in her path to our little one. The man Taini fell in love with did not listen and moved into the land of her father. Even though she had fear she loved the man and moved forward with his plan, until.

"You are still a child you brought him here of all places Taini" Elu screams.

"Mother let him go!" Taini screams bleeding.

"You will learn, he tried to kill me yet you still want to save him" Elu says.

"Mother please let him go, I love him" Taini screams.

"Love?" Elu said letting him go, walking to Taini.

"Mother please" Taini says, crying.

"Get out of my sight!" Elu says, holding her heart as she turned around.

Taini rushes too the man and grabs him moving away out of this land bringing there army moving more inland in Europe. The mans mind had been changed from this defeat feeling if he could kill the ancients there would be nothin in his way. Moving Taini heart and manipulating her to do his will. After fighting and seeing it would not change lela sev and Christina followed Elu to end this. Fighting and killing all and Elu could not recognize her daughter any longer, they fought but Elu still had love in her heart. Being stabbed by Taini man and her daughter until.

"So this is your choice little one" a voice echoed in the large hall.

"My love please" Elu says too me, reaching her hand up my face as I pulled the sword from her body.

"Enough, Elu she is not a little girl anymore" I say laying her down.

"Father?!" Taini says, looking at me and backing away.

"It has been a long time little moon" I say dropping my fur cloak off my shoulders.

"We must go love!" Taini looking at her man who had a crazy look.

"No we can do this with them out of the way, there will be nothing left to fear!" The man yells rushing at me.

"You could not see what laid in his heart" I say as my body changed, roaring and standing over him.

Smacking him away and smashing him into a wall, walking up to him grabbing his head while my daughter screamed.

"Noooo father please!!" Taini watched as I ripped his head from his body.

Breaking for a moment she moved too her mother at speed, holding a sword.

"You took what I loved I will do the same father" Taini says, looking crazy at her mother who smiled at her.

I moved blurring as I picked her up, my eyes black turning back too my human form, holding her neck I saw the look in her eyes love, pain, confusion and fight.

"I am sorry little moon, I did not think the world would turn you too this. I should have watched you closer." I say squeezing her neck.

"Lothric no please!" Elu says grabbing my leg, watching as i Broke her neck.

Leaning down and putting her body on the ground. While the women cried, looking at the one so little child so happy and cheerful dead her white hair and the tan skin, she still had a smile on her face.

"What have you done!" Elu says smacking my back.

"What needed too be" I say.

"You killed our little girl!" Elu screams dropping too her knees grabbing the girl, pulling her close while holding her.

"Elu" I say, trying to lean down.

"No! Do not touch her nor me!" Elu says with tears in her eyes.

"Very well" I say turning around.

"Your nothing more then a monster!, I hate you!" Elu says, crying and squeezing her little one.

"You are right, stay with her, burn everything" I say too the women who nod.

Walking too the castle doors after grabbing my fur throwing it over me. As the door opened showing the night the stars seemed so lost there shine.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Elu let out a pained cry behind me, her fangs elongating.

What no one saw was the tears that ran down my face as i walked into the night.