
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 24

Kenta, run faster, if he comes, I'll stop him" Yuna begged, worried for the safety of her childhood friend.

"No, we'll go together or we won't go at all" Kenta replied determinedly. She couldn't allow Yuna to face danger alone. Yuna was moved for a second, but she knew that one must stay, or they would both die.

"Kenta, you must carry the information..." Yuna paused for a moment, grabbed Kenta and moved quickly to the side, dodging a kunai that impaled itself in a tree. A second later, that kunai could have gone through the neck of one of the two.

"You're good, but not good enough" Izumo said with a sinister smile on his face.

"I..." Kenta began to hesitate, the fear of death taking over him, but she also loved Yuna with all her heart.

"How cute! Her love story is very strong. Alright, let's put it to the test. Kenta, I'll let you escape, just leave the girl," Izumo said mischievously.

"Kenta, run" Yuna repeated once more, encouraging him to leave, although deep down, she hoped she would stay, don't look at her strong forehead, her insides were soft.

Sweat ran down her face, her fists clenched tightly, and a drop of blood fell between her fingers, staining the floor. The world seemed to move in slow motion as her ragged breath filled the air.

It wasn't a mighty display of skills or the beginning of the protagonist's path to greatness, but a desperate fight to stay on his feet.

Kenta was hyperventilating, on the verge of collapsing. Yuna watched him with amazement and disappointment in her eyes. She loved Kenta, but at that moment, she couldn't help but feel disappointed.


"I expected more from my brother. It seems that what was useless was inherited from her father"

Yuna, distracted by Kenta's performance, was unable to avoid Izumo's punch, and pain overwhelmed her as one of her legs snapped in two. Her piercing scream filled the forest, and her despair washed over her. Despite being a ninja, she had never faced such a desperate situation.

"Aaaarrrrggg, it hurts! My leg" Yuna cried on the ground.

Kenta looked in shock at everything that was happening, seeing her beloved suffering on the ground. Her single-toned Sharingan eye awoke.

"Not enough," Izumo said, moving in front of Kenta and punching him in the abdomen. Despite seeing the attack coming, Kenta's body couldn't react in time, and she could only fall to the ground, helpless and humiliated.

Izumo turned back to Yuna, who was screaming and crying uncontrollably. She didn't like to hurt beautiful women, but getting more power was more important. Also, beautiful women abounded, the sacrifice was worth it.

"Aaaahhhggg. Stop, it hurts, please stop. Don't hurt me!" Yuna screamed as she felt Izumo stomp on her broken leg.

"S-stop, leave her alone" Kenta begged, crawling on the ground, her body exhausted.

"More worried about her than my words. Didn't you listen when I said I'm your brother?"


"What a fool, I said that I am your brother. Did your parents never tell you? 4 years ago, a boy was born, but he was weak, blind and without a future. Your, I mean, our parents, decided to abandon him to his fate. Surprise, that baby is me. Your brother!"

"Impossible! You should be 4 years old"

Izumo remembered that he was in his adult form, and realized his mistake.

"It's not impossible. Although I'm not going to waste time explaining it to you either"

Tch, he hoped that this news would help open another tomoe, it didn't work at all. Well, he wasn't expecting much. Now, let's torture the girl a bit and take out the three tomoe. If Obito opened the Mangekyō sharingan for Rin, this boy should open all three tomoe at least. I hope you love her enough.

"Liar! My brother died."

Izumo grimaced, raised his foot, brought it down hard, breaking Yuna's other leg. The girl screamed miserably again, the whole forest must have heard it; the birds flew through the air and the beasts ran from danger.


Kenta went crazy seeing his beloved suffering, another tomoe opened. Two tomoe sharingan. She got up and attacked Izumo; as he ran, he prepared a Jutsu, another fireball.

But before he had time to exhale, Izumo was faster, using timeskip, he ran towards Kenta and punching him in the chest, sending him flying several meters. He ran after Kenta, grabbed his ankle and slammed him to the ground.

He picked him up and hit him several times, leaving him in a miserable state. He had both arms dislocated, you could see the flesh of the muscles, blood was running down his head and various parts of his body.

His legs were bent at odd angles, he will die soon. Izumo realized that he exaggerated a bit, the sadistic side of him had come out without realizing it. He couldn't die that easily, even taking his ankle, she brought him closer to his beloved childhood friend.

"Kenta, blame your parents for this. Not for abandoning me, more like making us brothers. Either way, I'd find a way to gouge your eyes out. It's...bad luck, or fate, what the fuck do I know!"

Izumo stopped ranting, and grabbed Yuna by her hair, pulled out a kunai, slashing her throat in front of Kenta. Not content with that, he picked up the girl and bathed him in her blood.

"A bath in the blood of your beloved, isn't it romantic?"

"Lunatic..." he whispered softly, watching the woman he loved die miserably. On her side, Yuna had a look of resentment against Kenta, her death was in vain, she died for nothing.

Kenta was stunned on the ground, not moving, there was no light in her eyes.

"Hey, what happened to your eyes. Aren't the Uchihas all crazy? They love to death, and they hate to death! What's wrong with you?"

Izumo was depressed, Kenta didn't open the third tomoe, instead, she stared into space, lifeless. His sharingan disappeared.

"I can't believe it. I, Izumo, call you the most useless Uchiha of all. You really can't open your eyes to the death of your beloved.

Izumo massaged his temple, he had a terrible headache. His plan failed, he never thought that he would only gain two sharingan tomoe.

"Damn useless. He sighed, what's the matter. I'll keep your body, maybe if I show it to your father you can evolve to two tomoe or three, although that's asking a lot."

Kenta's throat was cut, he died in silence, he didn't try to defend himself or complain, he resigned himself to his fate. Izumo shook his head, his brother was a complete waste of time and effort.

Gouging out his eyes, Izumo put the corpse into inventory, it might come in handy in the future.

Looking at the two eyes with two sharingan tomoe, he thought about what he did. And no, there was no remorse, his mind was as calm as the darkest night.

He walked back to the caravan, there were still things to do, but not before gouging out Yuna's eyes, too bad, she was very pretty, like every Uchiha woman.

Back at the bloody scene, Yor carefully removed the eyes from the fallen. At the moment, they might not be of much use, but with proper research, he might be able to get them to evolve on their own or use them as a replacement should he need Izanagi's power.

Though he still needed to go to the uchiha clan and steal his library and secret techniques to use it. Although it was currently not necessary, he already had three skills that could save him from death.

Esdeath took it upon herself to remove any trace of ice in the area, making sure to leave no trace of her presence. Once the eyes were removed, Izumo decided to set fire to all the corpses to remove any evidence, as he did not want to risk being framed by Konoha's Interrogation and Torture Department, who were experts at finding clues and traces.

"What do you want for dinner?" Yor asked, who occasionally ventured to cook, although he was not very skilled at it.

"As long as it's not venous food, anything will do."

Esdeath nodded at Izumo's words. "That's right, don't do experiments. Or we'll end up dead for your food"

Yor played nervously with her fingers, a little embarrassed by her cooking skills. Learning to cook had been a challenge for her, and so far she could only prepare three dishes that were edible. The rest of her culinary attempts were like poison, one taste and you ended up like Yamcha.

"I'll cook. Besides, I can continue to teach you," Izumo offered with a kind smile.

"Thank you, Izumo! I promise to do my best. In the future, I'll take care of the food and take care of our diet. I promise!" Yor responded excitedly.

Esdeath smiled at Yor's enthusiasm, appreciating her expressiveness at times like this. Also, she was looking forward to trying the food that her teacher Izumo would prepare for her.

"The cargo is already stowed away. And the charred corpses. It's time to go."

Opening a portal, the group returned to their home. They had a nice dinner, chatted, watched TV, esdeath ate ice cream, yor knitted a scarf, and Izumo thought about the future, at the end of the night, they went to her room and slept peacefully.

In the middle of the night, Izumo heard a whisper in his ear, it was the cry of a newborn baby. It was the so-called blood tie, even hundreds of kilometers away, she could hear the birth of his first Son.

Nadeshiko Village is an island where only women live, and it is close to the country of rain and country of wind. The war had not reached the place, it was relatively safe, the only problem was one or another man who was going to challenge women to be able to get married.

In a well-lit room, a blonde-haired beauty was hiding, she was resting on a hospital bed. Sweat ran down her forehead, her eyes were red and dark circles, she looked very tired.

Despite that, he had a smile on his face. In her arms she cradled a small creature, who shared her same color of hair and eyes, it was like seeing herself when she was little, perhaps it was when she was born, Tsunade thought.

Every time she looked at the girl in her arms, she felt enormous happiness and anger. On the one hand, she felt immense happiness when she saw her little girl, whose sweet look illuminated her life. But there was also a deep anger in her heart, an anger that was fueled by the painful memories he had to face to have her in her arms.

The internal struggle between joy and resentment was heartbreaking. Despite the fact that she loved her daughter with all of her being, she couldn't help but recall the past marked by horrible moments.

This abominable man who forced her through difficult situations continued to haunt her dreams, threatening to destroy her bond with her precious daughter.

He wanted to protect her from all evil, raise her in a world full of smiles, but the scar from her past would always be present.

Even so, she knew that she had to overcome those shadows, learn to leave the bitterness behind and focus on the love and hope that her daughter represented. Even though it was difficult, she promised herself that she would do everything possible to provide him with a better, loving future.

The girl cried, looking curiously at her mother's huge tits. She will never starve with such food tanks. Tsunade uncovered her chest, letting her child feed from her. Many men would be envious of the little girl.

"Regardless of the past, I will try to be the best mother I can be."

During the nine months leading up to the birth, she Tsunade was forced to mature quickly, since being a mother was not an easy task, and at times, she even considered the possibility of not being one.

As a medical ninja, she had the ability to dispose of the child in her womb without a problem. However, something inside her stopped her. Every time she thought about making that decision, she imagined the future and she knew that she would regret it if she did. The child she carried in her womb was a Senju, the last one left apart from her.

Above all, it was her daughter. Even when he was inside her, she could feel a strong bond from her binding her, and it couldn't be broken easily. In the end, she didn't, and it was the best decision she could have made.

Seeing the girl in her arms, I swear to protect that smile.

A week later, another baby was born, this time in Konoha. With black hair and white eyes, she was the son of Kasumi, who also smiled with happiness when seeing her son, the fruit of love with the man she loved.

Izumo thought about meeting her two little ones, seeing what they were like and if they looked like her mother or him. She was also curious about the potential that both of them could have and if they would inherit the abilities that he had acquired thanks to the system.

The other question on her mind was, in the future, will they be allies, bystanders, or enemies? Only time would tell.