
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 25

Izumo POV

1 month after the assault on the caravan, within the Uchiha clan there was a duel for their fallen young people. Many were angry with Konoha for his lack of research. Only the clan cared to find the culprits of such a barbaric act.

They even came to think that Konoha had to do with the disappearance of his young genin. The clan elders gathered to discuss the matter, gave the relatives compensation and condolences.

Kenta's family was devastated, they lost one of their own. This was the second child they had lost. The only thing they could take out of the matter is that the father managed to open two Sharingan tomoe.

Izumo was happy about the news, soon he would have another pair of eyes on his hands. He would wait for his father to leave on a mission and go after him. As for what was going on with the clan, he didn't give a shit.

He wasn't worried about them revealing themselves either. Due to his actions, the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the town is more tense than ever, but they couldn't do anything. The current patriarch was too old, he would soon take his last breath from him.

And his successor was a useless coward. We all know that Fugaku would let the clan be destroyed and his own wife die at the hands of his son Itachi. He was an indecisive man, unable to do what was necessary for his people.

How a useless became a patriarch? He sighed, they deserve to be exterminated, that's what happens for not knowing how to vote. If he was someone else, he might be able to suppress the clan and make peace with Konoha. They had so many geniuses in their ranks, despite that, the clan was destroyed.

During this month, I also managed to receive several scrolls from Kasumi. I managed to see my son, he is a very cute and adorable boy. He didn't get any of my powers.

I have always been a father who supports his children, not in person, but if in other ways, although of course, this child will need my help, born in the main branch, he will receive everything he needs.

Also, with my genes and those of his mother, he should have a lot of talent, and if he wastes it, it's his fucking problem, Guy kicked Madara, and he was a simple civilian, it was through sheer effort that he managed to get there. far.

On the other hand, my daughter should have problems. Tsunade is not a trustworthy woman. She drinks herself drunk every day and doesn't leave the casinos. Or at least that was in the future. I don't know if she's changed now, maybe mature because of having a child, I couldn't say, I haven't seen her for more than a year.

I was determined to make sure of the situation for Tsunade and my daughter. He planned to visit them soon, but first he had to wait for Yor to mark the right places so he could travel through the portals. Meanwhile, Esdeath was busy negotiating the next batches of military rations.

At this time, I was traveling through the Rice Field Country, where the hidden village of Sound was to be founded by Orochimaru. The landscape was as peaceful as the name suggests, full of rice fields.

The war had also left its traces here. Many fields were burned and there were huge holes everywhere. The villagers had been massacred. You know, when ninjas fight they don't care about civilian casualties.

Unless they were from their own village, in which case they were usually more careful and removed civilians from the area. But in places like this, where it wasn't their village, ninjas didn't mind killing innocent people.

Such is war. He walked around the place, being watched with fear by the villagers. Most of them were women, and you could tell that many of them were pregnant. It was a painful reminder of what they had had to deal with during those dark times. The consequences of the war were terrible, and these women had been victims of violence and despair.

Most choose to have them, not that they had the opportunity otherwise, these places do not have good medical care, much less a medical ninja, an abortion would be extremely dangerous. Also, with so few people, it's the only way to repopulate the town.

As I continued to walk with my katana by my side, I noticed the looks of fear and suspicion resting on me. They knew that I was powerful and they did not dare to provoke me. They were aware that I could be their next enemy, and no one wanted to face that.

I kept moving forward, feeling that it was a good opportunity to see new places, expand my mind and free my body from daily worries.

"Waaaaah, whaaaaaaa."

Suddenly, a childish cry filled the air. It was a faint but persistent sound. My curiosity was aroused and I decided to get closer to the source of the crying.

"Get out of the place monster!"

"Yes! We don't want freaks like you in town"

The crying did not stop, I even heard them approaching my position, I stayed still waiting to see what would happen. Angry villagers came after a little girl.

Wow, the human being is... Well, I'm just as trash. Although the girl looks familiar to me, I saw that pineapple head before, where she was... As I was thinking, the villagers stopped upon seeing me, and the girl bumped into my legs.

"S-sir, that girl is dangerous…"

I looked at the girl on the ground, she curled up to protect herself from her, she must think that she has nowhere to run, and she went into a defensive position. She's smart, so they won't damage her vital parts, it's not the first time she's been hit. It is noted that her position is an almost involuntary reflex, activated when she is in danger.

"Quiet, you can go. I'll take care of… this thing." I released a bit of my aura, and they turned pale. They are not ninjas, these guys are easy to intimidate.

"Yes sir". They fled with their tails between their legs. The girl on the ground was still curled up on the ground, covering her head and chest with her legs.

I squatted down and touched the little face of the pineapple-headed girl. The girl trembled and cried again.

"Sigh... Girl, they're gone. I won't hurt you."

The girl took a few seconds to respond, seeing that she did not receive blows. She poked her little red face out like an apple from crying and running, looking both ways. Seeing that everyone left, she got up casually and cleaned her clothes.

She was all bruised and dusty. "What is your name?" The girl looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Guren"

For some reason she seems familiar to me, Guren, the girl of the crystal element. A very loyal servant to Orochimaru, she even became depressed when he learned that he would not be its container. She was willing to die for him, without an ounce of fear. Orochimaru is a very good at the art of manipulating children.

Well, I won't let him take her. Now that I've found her, it's time to train my own loyal pawn. Also, it will help me to keep an eye on Tsunade and my daughter.

"Guren, nice name. Come on girl, follow me." I turned around when she didn't follow me and said: "Or you prefer to stay and get hit again."

Guren thought about it for a few seconds before running to my side. She occasionally looked at me. She seemed very curious, or maybe I was very handsome. My Uchiha genes are good. If he were a fat, ugly old man, I doubt she'd follow me. Appearance is very important to gain the other person's trust.

"How old are you, little one?"

Guren looked at her fingers and started counting. She was lifting her fingers and lowering others, she seemed in a big bind. I doubted her education, besides, why was she calculating with her fingers?

"I have many!"

"Well..." I think I waited too long. I will have to invest in her if I want her to be a good servant and informant. Don't worry, she's only… she'd say three years old. It is a time where they absorb information like sponges.

We walked for 20 minutes until we reached the house where I'm staying. It is far from the town, I did not want disturbing noises. I invited Guren in. She didn't hesitate. I now understand why Orochimaru took her. She is too naive and trusting. She is easy to manipulate.

"You must be hungry. But first, you must take a bath. Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Izumo"

Guren looked at everything curiously, he rubbed her little feet on the carpet, he seemed to like the softness of it. "Is this your house, Mr. Izumo?"

"If you like?"

"She's very big and cute" Guren wasn't an introvert, she moved around the house as if she were her own, not a bit of surveillance.

The house was well decorated and clean, no one wants to live in a dump, I accommodated it for my daily needs. I took Guren by the hand to the bathroom, took off his clothes, obviously, I didn't blush, I didn't get horny either.

He's 3 years old! What kind of sick do you think I am. I'm a murderer, yes, a liar, too, even a sexual predator, but not a lolicon. If it was legal, I would have no problem trying it out, but Naruto's world doesn't have that kind of women.

"Have you bathed before?" I asked her, she looked at me annoyed, with the typical pose of an annoyed woman, hands on her waist.

"I'm not a pig! I always bathe in the river"

She was not noticeable, she stank for miles, and her hair was very dirty, she could tell that she had not bathed in a long time. How little hygiene these children have, not that you can ask for much, you know, the war and all that.

I sat her on a stool and soaped her, all parts of her. She freaked out a bit, but I kept rubbing her.

"W-where are you playing"

"Don't worry, I don't like little girls" I remember when I bathed my daughter, that girl never complained, she was very obedient.

"I am not small!" Despite her complaints, her satisfied face said otherwise.

"Sigh, stay still." She should use fear... it would be faster. However, it may be useless in this case. This girl is looking for approval and love, if I treat her like this for a few days, she will stick to me like a piece of gum.

It's an equivalent exchange, she gains a mentor and protector. And I earn a good maid. I continued lathering her, I had to wash her twice, and her hair, the same as hers, was already silky and her skin shone a little.

"You don't stink like garbage anymore, good! She now she goes in the bathroom"

"I don't suck! I'm a beautiful girl!"

In the future, 15 years down the road it should be. She now she is nothing more than a brat.

"Yes, yes. She goes into the bathroom."

"Hmhp! I do it because I want to" Guren crossed her arms, looking away.

She already trusts me, it was fast. She knows I won't hurt her, so she lets her guard down. She has a bit of a stubborn attitude, but she'll get better with time. Once she sees me as her master, she will treat me with a lot of respect.

Guren jumped into the water, and began to swim. She is not for that, but she is there, let her be, she is just a little girl, although she should put on a towel ...

30 minutes passed, I had to drag her out of the water. I protest a bit and she threw a tantrum at me, I had to spank her to make her stay still.

I had to give him my clothes, I don't have clothes for three-year-old girls in my inventory. I could buy in the system, I didn't want to. You should always save, and those clothes are too small for me, I am in favor of recycling.

"Guren, sit down to eat."

Her eyes shone like the sun, her pineapple hairstyle swished like a tail. She wiped the saliva from her mouth and began to eat. She had a big appetite, I made a note that I have to teach her how to use cutlery, she can't eat with her hand.

"Use the cutlery."

Guren paid no attention, she devoured the dishes like a bottomless pit. She has no manners, she doesn't know how to bathe, she doesn't know how to add, I already regretted it. Just kidding, in a month, she will be a refined lady and a good servant. She's worth more, if it wasn't for the fact that I have plenty of time, she and she would have left her to Esdeath.

The meal ended smoothly is what I would like to say. I had to help her several times, she choked on a bone, another on a grape, she almost died three times in one hour. Why is she so careless? I don't remember the anime being like that.

I kept everything in the inventory, it was already night, I planned to sleep in the place. I sent a message to Esdeath and Yor not to worry them, they both continued with their own jobs.

Guren was nervous, looking everywhere, she was touching her abdomen and squeezing her thighs.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"I'm a beautiful girl! I don't go to the bathroom..." Despite beginning confidently, the ending was like a whisper.

"Okay. Go to the right, down the hall."

During the meal I asked her about her parents, she said that they died two years ago due to the war, she told it as if it didn't matter, or maybe because of her age she didn't feel so much affection.

Another aspect that surprises me is how I survive with only one year, the children of this world are tenacious. If it were a child from the real world, we already know what the result would be.

An hour passed, I looked towards the town. Several ninjas were going to the place, from their smiles, the villagers would have bad luck. It was good to get Guren out of that place, because of the plot, I know she would still be alive... but, you know, these guys don't even forgive three-year-old girls.

"I see you can't resist asking for trouble" With the Blood Katana drawn in my right hand, I felt the coldness of her power radiate through me. The dark blade seemed to glow with an eerie crimson glow, a manifestation of its deadly nature.

Sometimes life doesn't want you to rest. The sound of rustling leaves reached my ears, two ninjas appeared in front of me. Due to the mark on their forehead protectors, they were rogue ninjas. They are all traitors to their respective village.

The three of us stared, seeing my unsheathed sword. I knew there was no time for dialogue.

Without further ado, the renegades charged at me in a coordinated charge. My body went into action automatically, moving with agility and precision to dodge his attacks. The Rivers of Blood Katana became an extension of my arm, giving fluid and precise cuts.

They attacked me head on, I blocked their successive attacks and dodged two kunai during the battle. They were quite poor and must barely exceed the rank of genin.

Only that kind of ninja will show up in such a small town to cause rampage and mass rape. One of the ninjas surrounded me, I went faster, turned around and slashed horizontally, he retreated in a panic, not expecting my feline reflexes.

Expending some of my chakra, I activated his ability "Corpse Stacker". A large bloodline spread out from the cut, the number 1 renegade ninja didn't see it coming and was sliced in half.

The second ninja, seeing how his partner was cut in two and his guts spilled out on the ground, escaped without further ado. Using timeskip, I appeared behind him, cut his heel preventing his movement.

"Don't kill me! I'll tell you everything I know. I have a family, please"

"Me too".

I ignored his pathetic pleas, and cut him several more times, they weren't lethal, it was more like torture. Esdeath is a great teacher, he taught me to cut without damaging vital points.

At the ninth cut, it seemed that an internal bomb exploded in the rogue ninja. He vomited blood and several cuts appeared on his body. My suspicion was confirmed, the sword has the effect of bleeding.

The subject on the ground stared at me in horror as he lost the light from his eyes. A minute later, he was lying dead in a pool of blood. Using my medical techniques and the All-Seeing Eye of the Gods, I was able to diagnose his physical condition.

The bleeding damaged major internal organs and created deep cuts on various parts of his body. The cuts were precise and clean, he seems to ignore defense. Looks like your defense won't be able to save you Raikage I think.

Good question. However, that is an experiment for this afternoon. I'm a little stronger, but not that much. He couldn't beat the Raikage even if he were blindfolded. At most, I could escape thanks to my cheating skills.

His speed and defense are very dangerous for me, I'm weak. Don't wait too long, I'm only four years old. I went back to the house, Guren was still in the bathroom. Eating too much is not good, I hope it doesn't suck as much as Kasumi. Wait.

I bathed again, took out the blood, and thought about buying a cleaning skill like the ones in the isekai anime. It would be very convenient. Not a bad idea, you could sell wash stamps. They would sell very well, especially among female ninjas.

You would not have to wait for a lake to bathe or be aware of the environment for a possible attack. Its utility level is very high. I'll talk to Esdeath about it later. It is time to sleep.

I went to bed. Minutes later, Guren appeared at the door, which was open. He walked over to me, pulled back the sheets, and lay down next to me. A minute later, he fell asleep while he held my arm.

That was easy, the girl has no prejudice against me and she feels safe by my side, otherwise she wouldn't sleep with me, and she would have run away from home during the battle. The rest is easy path. Over the next month, I taught him the basics and that's how 4 months went by. I never took her home, since she did not belong there. He had other plans for her.

During that time, I searched for information about the Kato Dan mission. She needed proof for Tsunade, she wanted to open her eyes and show her the truth about his life. He wanted her to know the true face of her prized teacher and her beloved boyfriend.

I'm a good man who just wants to light her way. I don't understand why he hates me so much, if I'm the good guy and they're the bad guy. Sigh, how unfair life is.