
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

6•44 ; Fear of Black?

On Geas CD: In a distant desolate land, a blue light shimmered in biometrics and vanished the next moment. In its place, a few kids who appeared ragged and exhausted materialized out of thin air.

(Boss, why do we need to escape? If we had used our team formation and combined our strength, we could have beaten him for sure!) Jack yelled in frustration.

(Shut up, how dare you yell at me. Don't you value your life anymore? I'm the boss of this group, not you! You will follow whatever I say and do, is that clear!) Rock, who was scanning the surroundings, became annoyed at Jack's interruption. He shot an angry glare and reprimanded him for questioning his decision.

Feeling the angry glare and a slight murderous aura emanating from his boss, Jack instinctively shrank back a few steps in fear.

The air around them seemed to vibrate, as if a gruesome scene was about to unfold. Jack shivered and looked in terror at the illusion of numerous departed ghosts appearing behind rock. Their sharp claws seemed to be reaching out to him, as if inviting him to join them in the illusion.

(Boss, that's enough! Please stop scaring him. He's just upset about the trouble he caused and getting us beaten due to his recklessness. Please calm down and think carefully, boss! You know better than anyone about Jack's timid nature.) Seeing Jack trembling and paralyzed with fear, the bespectacled kid couldn't bear it any longer and protested against his boss in a pleading voice, trying to defuse the situation.

Upon hearing the rational plea from the brains of the group, Rock calmed down and dispelled his intimidating presence, causing Jack's petrified body to slump to the ground.

Quickly, his team rushed to help him steady himself and retrieved a small vial to administer its contents to him. Soon, his body relaxed and the shivering stopped.

(It would be best if you refrain from provoking entities beyond your capabilities, like the sept-nemesis. Fortunately, this time I have saved enough points from our last mission for emergencies,) Rock solemnly stated.

Just as Jack was about to stand up, he heard his boss's casual warning, causing him to subconsciously nod.

Meanwhile, upon hearing his boss's stern warning, the bespectacled kid couldn't contain his curiosity and asked skeptically, (Boss, are the sept-nemesis really that powerful? What sets apart us unranked false-god experimentals from the ranked sept-nemesis? I've even heard rumors about there being a league of difference between the eighth strongest among us and the seventh-ranked nemesis. Why is that?)

Upon hearing his subordinate's question, Rock was transported back to the scars of the past. He took a deep breath before responding, "The Sept-Nemesis, also known as the seven rank holders, are unique because that madman nurtured them unique. They are a group of monstrosities who possess powers that defy logic, especially the ranked one , who were said to be in a league of their own.)

He continued, his fists clenched, (While I cannot vouch for their strength, I do know of one whose abilities could only be described as illogical for our age.)

Witnessing their boss's clenched fists, his subordinates gasped, as if they had grasped something.

) Boss, are you saying...) the bespectacled kid asked nervously.

Rock's fists tightened even more as he confirmed their suspicions with a frustrated voice, (Yes, I did indeed fought one of them in battle and was defeated within a few moves. It was the worst day of my life." my life.)

Before his subordinates could further question, his elaboration continued, (Before I was brought to this hellhole, I was just a beggar on the roadside. I can't even remember who my parents were, just a scruffy 5-year-old kid who fought dogs for food and ate scraps from the garbage. Until one day, when I passed out from hunger and the next thing I knew, I woke up in a dark room locked up with many other kids my age.)

(As for what comes next, hehehe, I don't think I need to spell it out, right? Tinku) he stopped, glancing at the kid with glasses.

Tinku adjusted his glasses and described in hatred.

(We have undergone all kinds of nightmarish experiments and had been put through hellish training in combat arts and other professions, including practice of mortal jobs like culinary. Until we were thrown into that nightmarish room for our final test of survival, where our minds broke hundreds of times and our bodies shredded countless times. In fact, we struggled with every ounce of our being, enduring what seemed like an eternity.) Tinku convoluted in tears as he remembered the past nightmares that continue to haunt every child of madness in the present and potentially in the future.

Listening to his monologue, the team members surrounding him also shuddered in sorrow and resentment as they recalled their not-so-distant past memories. Despite their fractured mentality and premature maturity, in the end, they were just children of ten years and less. For them to survive an impossibly cruel phase of life, even if they have a resolute spirit and unyielding nurtured will. Children, at their core, are fragile. It is natural for them to accumulate exhaustion and the burden of enduring constant tragic suffering, causing their worldview to become bleak and even suicidal.

(*sigh* It's all my fault. Sorry for bringing up our past.) Rock sighed and felt guilty for reminding them of their nightmarish past.

(No, boss, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. It's all that madman's fault; he is the one who abducted us and subjected us to all that suffering. In fact, if it weren't for you, we would surely have ended up dead on our first mission,) scolded the only girl in their group for his self-blame.

Hearing her shout, Rock got startled; her words caused him to look at her, his eyes softening. However, shaking his head, he replied, (No, Daina, I'm not blaming myself. It's indeed my mistake for delving into the past. Nevertheless, I need to emphasize the past for the elaboration of my encounter with the 5th ranked nemesis - 'Fiend'.)

trepidation(What! Fiend, isn't he that dark-haired bastard?) Tinku exclaimed.

(Ah! Dark hair, doesn't that mean he excels in dark formulas?) someone in the group voiced in trepidation.

(Damn those bastards. In the outside world, there are rumors that those with a preference for black are lunatics at their essence. They tend to be inherenitly cruel in their acts and are destined for darkness.)

(Yeah, yeah! I heard of those rumors. After the doomsday era, people seem to have developed an instinctual dislike for those born with either black hair or red eyes.} Intrigued by this peculiar topic, the group of kids perked up and discussed it with curiosity, completely forgetting about the gloomy mood from their previous conversation..