
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

5•24 ; Lunar Shine - Eraser

(What the fucking hell!)

(How is this possible! How can it be zero?)

(This can't be right, it's inconceivable for there to be 0% in an analyzation! Could there be an error in the results, or is there a glitch in the analysis tower?)

(Has the analysis tower been compromised? No-no-no, I shouldn't even consider it! With the nexus system - the acem of perfection supporting the analytical programme and the fact that the analysis tower is a intergal part of its database, it's completely absurd to even entertain the idea of it being hacked!)

Observing the assessment results on the translucent dark screen, the people in the hall buzzed in utter perplexity. They couldn't comprehend what the heck was going on anymore...?

(It's truly ridiculous for code attunement to be zero! I mean, even those abominable undead creatures and departed ghosts wouldn't have {0% CA} when undergoing primeval analysis)

The known ones in the hall nodded in agreement. After all, the statement was undeniably true.

Even though dead beings don't have a life force, they can generate their own animation energy from the concept of death, known as {Nether Force}, to sustain themselves, which is the opposite of the concept of life and life force.

In Code Attunement percentage, while life forms were analyzed with positive numbers {+1 life force}, the dead were given negative numbers {-1 nether force} to calculate the exact synchronization with material code, drawing a parallel between the living and the dead.

Basically, the conception of zero percent has never existed since the inception of material code.

What does zero signify? It represents nill & void, neither the start nor the finish. In simple terms, zero means none.

As previously mentioned, every life form was born with at least +1% CA, as zero did not exist. Consequently, every deceased form also holds -1% CA since their resurrection or inception.

(And more importantly, what the heck does it mean by 'None'?)

(It means that the child doesn't have a concept and will never be able to formulate a source in his life, you idiot.)

(Ah, I see!)

(Commoners are always commoners. A bunch of ignorant fools.)


(Darkness? Hmm. It's surprising to see a darkness possessor in this paradise-like city of all places. What do you think, uncle?) Azul questioned.

Hearing the blue-haired boy's question, the old man, Cavve, went into contemplation. (Hmmm. From the moment I saw his abyssal black hair, I already expected that child to have darkness affinity. But, what a pity, if only that child could formulate a source. Then, another abomination would have been on the rise,) the old man sighed.

(Also, I don't know if this is my misconception, but I don't think I've ever heard of a person with darkness affinity in that 'family'. I wonder who their father is?) The old man continued while subtly glancing at the frowning-like-hell Sarah.

(Now I'm really curious as to who you are referring to by that 'family'?) Azul voiced out curiously.

(It's too soon for you to know about them. Don't fret over it. Once your fragmented memories are complete, you'll naturally know about them,) the old man emphasized with profundity.



(Hahahaha, so much for being the child of the fabled lunar goddess.) A resounding laughter echoed in the hall, capturing everyone's attention.

Thomas Thunpit, the humongous man, stood up and began laughing hysterically while mocking the black child and, at the same time, mocking Sarah in a roundabout way.

Everyone frowned in displeasure.

(This guy, does he want to die so badly?)

(This dog's head must have been eaten by dogs. Who does he think he is, insulting a god-like being with a heavenly title? Does he want his family to be wiped off existence?)

However, rather than the earlier fear towards Thomas and House Lowen, some of the aristocrats ridiculed him for digging his own grave without lowering their voices.

After all, the moment that mad dog Thomas mocked Void and Sarah, he essentially signed his death warrant.

The entities at Sarah's level can easily crush a branch family like the 'Thunpit Family'. In fact, some of these beings could even barge into House Lowen and might even be able to come out unscathed.

Upon being shunned and ridiculed, Thomas's face turned scarlet with anger. He pointed towards the people who ridiculed him and shakily uttered, (You - you - you, do you want to di~?)

Nonetheless, before he could finish his words, a blue beam pierced through the ether, arriving in front of his eyes in an instant. Before he could react, it struck him.


A booming sound shook the floating seats, with some crashing into the cuboid floor. Digital particles rose into the space, scattering across the Hall.

("lWaste, stop barking already. I'm fed up with that ugly voice yours by now. I should just kill you and be done with it,) a soft and melodic voice resonated in the sudden chaos.


The digital particles settled, and a silhouette of a wobbling man came into view. The crowd expected the humongous man to be heavily injured, if not outright dead.

After the digital particles completely dispersed, everyone was finally able to scrutinize Thomas's condition. However, to their surprise, Thomas was fine for the most part, with only a trickle of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. A golden barrier encircled the small crater created from his downfall. From its aura, anyone could guess it's a high-grade armament.

Nevertheless, the most surprising thing was that the child, or more specifically, his son who should have been beside him, was nowhere to be seen..

(Is this the reason behind your confidence for going against this noble lady? Do you really think this scrap metal can save you?) In the center of the hall, a peerless beauty with free-falling platinum hair and depthless oceanic eyes hovered in the ether, looking down at all, as if they were nothing more than a bunch of measly ants.

Sarah gestured at the golden barrier and uttered with disdain.

Cough - cough - cough.

Thomas coughed and gazed at Sarah, trying to match her eyes. But the moment he made eye contact with her, his body instinctively trembled, as if still reeling from the sky-falling pressure he had been subjected to at the gateway.

(Although this is an ultra artefact, I'm not stupid enough to depend on it to save my ass, especially when confronting a being of a higher plane,) he said in a shaky voice, trying his best to muster up the courage to speak.

He persisted, (However, even if you can beat me to death, you still won't be able to kill me. Since I'm not originally from this world. But even if you have the means to kill a guest, then I'll simply have to utilize the given time to inform the heavenly orde~~~.)

Yet again, before he could continue spouting more nonsense, he felt the scenery around him shift, and the next moment, he was surrounded by white clouds and a blue sky.

When he glanced downward, he was terrified. A sizable humanoid orifice was visible in the upper right corner of the towering augmented ceiling of the analysis tower.

Thankfully, as soon as he left the vicinity of the analysis tower, he felt the restrictions Inputed into his being vanish.

Yet again, before he could regain control of his powers, a chilling voice echoed, {Lunar Break,} and just like that, the golden barrier encircling him shattered into glass particles and dissipated.

And all he could do was watch helplessly as the figure of his impending nightmare came into view, steadily walking on the white clouds, with an expressionless face.

(Perhaps if it were anyone other than me on my level standing in front of you, your delusional plan might have worked. Unfortunately for you, you just had to provoke me,) Sarah said in an emotionless voice, contrary to her usual self in the presence of Void & Sora.

(Now, farewell. It's time to wipe your existence from 'this world'. Never show your disgusting presence in front of me again. ~ {Lunar shine - Eraser})

With that, an intense purple light shrouded the blue sky, disappearing into the void as soon as it manifested.

After the purple intensity subsided, Sarah's figure could be seen unscathed and without a speck of dust on her cloak.

Sarah looked down at the analysis tower, murmuring under her breath, (Now then, Lowly Alphis, let's see what kind of explanation you have for me.) 🌀