
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

5•18- ; Sourceless - Black Desire

(How could this be... Impossible... What kind of results are these? A shocked-to-the-core voice echoed in the utterly silent hall.

However, no one cared or even bothered to look at the source, since everyone's brain short-circuited and their frozen eyes fixatedly stared at the ether screen displaying Sora's assessment results. In fact, one should praise this guy for reacting to the shock so quickly.

Meanwhile, on the grand podium, Sora's translucent figure still hovered in the sphere of pure-white program, with her consciousness immersed in the pristine realm of her partially awakened concept.

In this pristine realm, where the conception of darkness/evil is nil and void, Sora's image was drifting in an omnipotent sensation of blissful comfort. Here, only 'her' existence is absolute, and everything other than 'her' doesn't exist. But she didn't feel sad due to the absence, because she felt like she could shape everything she desires in this pristine realm. As long as she wants, she could design that possibility and give it a definite meaning of perfectionality. This concept of hers truly gave the imaginative feeling that 'nothing is impossible'.

[Do you really believe that?] However, in this euphoria of whiteness, where nothing should exist, a dark shadow personified behind Sora, whispering close to her ears, just like a black dot of ink mistakenly spilling on a blank sheet of paper.


Consequently, Void, who is still immersed in the vision of whiteness, is another 'exception'.

[This is it, this conceptual feeling is what I originally desired in nihility. As long as I have this, I feel like I can 'truly' exist. A conception that is the reverse paradox of 'what I am'.] Void has been extremely obsessed with 'this' since his perception-altering dream/blank visualization. Now, finally, he experienced this feeling again, but this time it's the 'truth', not 'falsity'. So, it's natural that Void is filled with excitement and uncontrollable desire for possession.

Without further ado, Void's obsidian eyes gleamed in blankness. A shadow of his consciousness intruded into the {Conceptual Immersion} of her partial awakening.


Upon hearing a voice next to her ear, Sora's image was jolted out of that incomprehensible sensation. Yet, her vivid eyes displayed no confusion about her pristine surroundings. Instead, she felt like this was where she belonged; there was no need for bewilderment or panic. After all, in her concept, she was absolute and perfect. She could maintain her calmness and process any kind of understanding at the speed of light, something absolutely impossible in her external reality. Essentially, this image of her conception is the ideal version of her current self.

Yet, something manifesting in her conceptual immersion without her comprehension is even unexpected for this ideal version of her present self.

[Who are you?] Sora uttered without turning back because she is omniscient in her concept.

[I am your deepest darkness. The negative aspect that this perfect version of yourself discarded,] the dark shadow vocalized eerily.

[Deepest darkness? Are you referring to my black desires? If that's the case, your existence here is irrelevant because in my conception, I can design anything I wish for,] Sora nonchalantly responded, completely rejecting her negative aspect.

Hearing her composed response, the dark shadow's eeriness intensified. It malevolently spoke, [Kekeke. Are you sure? Maybe you can shape your positive desires, but what about your negative desire? After all, you do know that your concept needs you to discard your negativity while embracing positivity, right?]

[I don't care, since I never harbored black desires because of my purest soul in existence. Besides, my mom always gave me anything I wished for. So, I don't need any negativity, no matter how small it is,] Sora replied in the same composed tone.

[Is that what you truly think? Do you feel like you are the ideal version of your current self? However, you sacrificed your biggest desire to attain this perfect ego of yours. Are you truly satisfied with this? Don't you feel like you are even more imperfect than your present self by disregarding that wish?] The dark shadow's malevolent voice rang in her conceptual immersion like a devil's whisper, unsettling her perfect ego.

[What are you talking about? I don't remember ever having a black desire that could taint my purest soul,]

[Of course you won't remember. After all, the moment this perfect ego of yours discarded me - the negative aspect - you also dismissed the memories related to that wish! But fortunately for you, even though you discarded 'me,' I returned to remind you of the greatest mistake this perfect ego of yours made. Now, be obedient and drown in regret.] Whispering that, the dark shadow behind her vanished.

Before the ideal Sora could react to the the contents, The dark shadow appeared right in front of her. It took the form of a black version of her appearance - with overflowing black hair, corrupted black eyes, and a celestial black gown. The distance between them was almost non-existent. The shadow touched its pristine forehead to hers, sending an electrifying shock through her immersed consciousness.

With that, Sora felt her world crumble. The pristine realm surrounding her returned to white dust, vanishing into the void. Sora's image clenched her head, crumbling into a kneeling position in the dark void.

Subsequently, the dark shadow merged and reintroduced her negative aspect into her existence.

Sora parted her obscured lips and whispered in a pained voice, [I remember now, I remember my secret wish - onii-chan, how could I have forgotten you? I-i-i,] Sora's imaginative face was streaked with tears, while an excruciating pain consumed her innermost being. As if her inseparable half had been shattered into pieces.


[That's right, you and him are inseparable. Whether it's hate or love, bliss or corruption - from the moment you both were born in existence, your destinies became intertwined. You both desire each other to the extreme, yet are never able to understand each other due to the complete contradiction of your beings. Your inseparability is beyond the scope of the concept itself - a paradoxical coin.] The disappeared dark shadow's sweet nothings echoed in the dark void. 💔💔💔💔