
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

03 : Basic History

Managemental rights of code theories... 

(What an interesting theme, although I have no idea what this so called managemental rights of code theories referred to. I'll have to ask aunt about it later. Let's see - Next page_) 

(Eh! Wait, what? Why isn't there anything written on the next page _ this page too, this & this too. Why are all pages blank? Dammit don't give me that, I still have a lot of unanswered questions.) 

Even after flipping the entire book, {void} still couldn't find any written words on it. Its as if no one even writtened anything in the first place - leaving the after mentioned pages blank like a white sheet. 

(Perhaps no one knew much information about material code other than what's known publicly. No on second thought! Impossible, with my aunt's status in this existential realm - there's no way she wouldn't no more. Then that means _ _ _) 

While saying that, {void} involuntarily looked towards the forbidden door sitting in a corner of the library - gathering dust just like the white book.

Which his aunt forbidden him entry. 

(Don't tell me that door contains the secrecy's of the world hidden from the public eyes. No wonder, she strictly told me to not touch door. Oh well! I guess I have do with this information for now.) 


With that, he returned the white book to its dust gathering shelf, and took out another book which as a ancient feel to it. 

(Basic history huh! So is this the book that supposed to contain this world's background, let's see _ _) 

[Basic History :- At the {Dawn of Creation}, Everything's nothing but chaos. 

As for what came about next is unknown, but everyone at least has a vague idea of the primordial creatures birthed at the beginning of

{Time & Space}.

They are the {Gods} that were given the authority to balance the rules of creation and the {Demons} who were given control of the destruction cycle. 

Basically being in the opposition to each other. 

And as you may have expected, these two races are born to fight to the death. Not giving any chances to the {Mortals} that were birthed with them. Causing utter {Ruin} across the whole of creation. 

Because of that, the mortals who couldn't resist their power started dwindling to almost extinction. 

But the gods and demons who were aware of this didn't give a damn about those weak humans & animals. Continuing their mission that was given to them by the universe. 

At least that's what they thought, until finally their rampaging actions angered an unknown existence.

Bringing their own retribution for the wrongdoings they committed against the mortals. 

No one knows where this unknown entity came from or even the conception of its existence. 

But one thing is for sure, it's power is beyond what anyone can imagine. Making the gods & demons who thought themselves as the first children of the

{Universal Genesis} know their place. 


Some thought of it has the personification of mortal's wishes, answering their dying call. While others thought of it as the being that created everything. 

Although there's no basis for this rumours, leaving every detail about its existence a mystery. 

After this entity appeared, it challenged the authority of the gods and demon races. Pummeling them into submission and granting salvation to mortals - while also blessing the humans & animals with the ability to evolve, bringing about an unprecedented revolution. 

At last! Order was restored to the chaotic creational laws that were in disarray because of the {Ruin}. Finally balancing the universal flow into

Stability. And at the same time bought about the existence of {7 Elemental Artifacts} that are only second to it in status. 

In the end disappearing into nothing, just like it appeared out of nowhere. Leaving behind a trail of mysteriousness in its awake. 

Later, this era was referred to as the primordial times. 

After that begun the {Survival Era}, where might reigns supreme. With mortals awakening the capability to go against natural order and fought back against the forces of {Divine & Demonic}. 

Both humans & animals started evolving, gaining different forms and abilities. 

Heroes rose & immortals started roaming the land. Opening the chapters of history. All kinds of legends and myths begun their advent. 

Of course! As long as there is the concept of {Good & Evil}, there will never be true neutrality. Just like how there are heroes - Naturally there are also villains who sought devastation. Leading to chaos. Wars began because of the discrimination of races and nationality. Power hungry people started dominating the lands. 

Basically being theme of what an unprincipled and lawless creatures are like. 

But this time no one appeared to stop this disorder

Even the mysterious entity remained silent. 

Giving leway to the demons who were watching the changes with destruction-seeking eyes, till now because of fearing the mysterious entity - both the demons & gods remained passive in their roles of balancing the flow, not daring to come out in the open. 

But now, when the mortals are disrupting the balance of order - the mysterious entity didn't interfere. 

And so the demons coming to the conclusion that the mysterious entity might slumbering, used this chance to fulfill their unbridled desires. 

By using the excuse of playing their roles as the creatures of destruction, the demons came out of the shadows joining the chaos. 

Invading worlds, destroying the life forms that opposes their tyranny. 

With them setting a precedent, some ambitious gods also joined the fray with schemes and conspiracies at their disposal. Although there are some gods who did their best to bring about order

again, only to showcase their helplessness in this jungle running on the term - {Survival of the fittest}

The whole universe became a battlefield of carnage. And at this point when everything's hanging on the line. 

One of the { Elemental Artifact} that was left behind by the mysterious entity at last made its advent. As fate would have it, the elemental artifact that was discovered happened to be the representation of order - {the Elementalization of Light ~ Ragnarok}.


Being in the possession of a ordinary mortal , the Ragnarok showed power beyond the universal sense. Making all living beings belatedly understand why it's second only to the mysterious entity in existence. 

At first, the mortal who is said to be the possessor of that artifact was nothing more than a talentless child. But the mortal has a absurdly pure heart, which is no different from a miracle in that survival era. So basically, the mortal was destined to be chosen by the {Light}.

From there, the mortal's journey started from an unremarkable planet to the {Summit of the Universe}. While also facing innumerable trails and

tribulations along the way. Creating their own legends that were passed down in the eons to come. 

With Ragnarok's celestial abilities in tow and their own unshakable Wilpower, The mortal thrawted the ambitions of divine/broke through the tranny of demonic & sanctioned the mortal life forms for their unprincipled craziness. 

Being feared and worshipped by all living beings in retrospective to their capability & Ragnarok's transcendental power that almost made the primordial beings experience the repetition of {Ruin}.

In the end! Defeating the last boss ~ {The Demon God} and Earning the title ~ {Monarch of Light}.

At last, Putting an end to the [Survival Era].

With the aftermath being unknown. 

The only thing that was known about the ending is that - The {Elementalization of Light : Ragnarok} was buried in the annals of history and Never too make its appearance ever again. 

Even in the {Catastrophic Events of the Future} ___.

After that, Order was restored to the universe. 

Which continued for a eon to come.

Till! Darkness started looming over the entirety of universal flow again. This time with a complexity that threatened the very {Fundamentality}.

Thus begun the {Doomsday Eon}, with the {Devil} as the catalyst - which set of a series of events that plunged the universe into a {Nightmare of Dread}.

It's goal was to Rain Blood upon all living beings and Slaughter the entirety of existence. 

Which was later called {Madness of the Damned}.

And if that isn't enough, 

The remaining {6 Elemental Artifacts} started showing themselves one by one with their respective possessors who has their own uniqueness. 


Almost making the living beings have a heart-attack of death. 

After all, in the past just one elemental artifact alone was enough to make even the Divine & Demonic powerless to the point of admitting defeat. 

So you can only imagine the despair brought by the six elemental artifacts that are no less capable than the previous one and that is not taking into consideration whether they will be used for {Good or Evil}.

The only saving grace is that, the 'Ragnarok' never showed itself again - Disappearing into the caskets of time along with its User. 

But that aside

Adding the Damned {Devil} who is controlling things from the shadows to the mix - only made it unbearable to even explain. 

Galaxies were annihilated, World's were devoured, 

Blood started flowing like rivers according to the {Devil's Will}. 

Complete chaos ensued. 

Among the retrospectory of stars, there is one blue planet🌍 that's unbothered by the ongoing hell. 

It's a star situated at the very center of the universe but with no specialty to talk about - other than the fact of it having a unique technology called science. 

Which is quite an interesting fact - since its nothing more than a mortal instrument of power. 

At least thats what the outsiders who unknowingly ended up on {Earth} thought. 

As for why it wasn't dragged into the ensuing chaos is a mystery in itself, even though its should be in the epicenter of the nightmare doom because of its strategical location. 

There are many questions that are left unanswered by this blue planet of Mysticality. 

One such is the birth of {Saviour} - Who has an

All-Round talent to do and excel at everything he tries, whether it be his intelligence that shook the {Earth's Scientific Realm} to its core or the {Magical Constitution} that granted him affinity to all basic elements of nature. 

Giving him unparalleled potential to the point of unrivalness. 

Last but not least - he as an ultimate destiny prepared for him beforehand. 

Which set him on the path of a conqueror, 

While simultaneously tangling him in the scenarios

of the ongoing {Doomsday}.

Having him cross paths with the 6 elemental artifacts & the {Devil}.

And as the heroic soul he is, there's no way he'll watch everything from the sidelines. 

Forcing him to step into aray of events to become the {Saviour} everyone is in need of. 

On this destined path, he has no choice but to confront the six elemental possessors, who he was forced to entangle in all sorts of ways - whether its for {Righteous or Wicked} reasons. 

Taking advantage of all kinds of coincidental and fateful scenarios to seal way the elemental artifacts one by one till the end of his journey. 

On the other hand, His entanglement with the devil was no different from a classic {Hero & Villain}


Just like the battle between {Light & Darkness}.

The only regretful thing is neither of them possess attunement to either of the elements... At least on the surface. 


In the end, shouldering the heavy responsibility of saving all living beings from the agony. 

With innumerable predictable and unpredictable events. 

The {Saviour} & the {Devil} reached the end of the line. ~ At least that's how it should have been. 

Unfortunately, before the final battle began. 

A {Fundamental Calamity) struck the existential realm. 

Which caused {Black Phenomenal} of Earth. 

Forcing its denizens into total despair, with the {Saviour} being not an exception. 

Causing confusion among the higher entities because of this looming threat, while the lower entities remaining oblivious to the unknown. 

In the end, all paths were cut off for the universe. 

Unless a real miracle happens, nothing will written to normal. 

Which is precisely what happened. 

The {Saviour} in desperation found a way to gather all the energy origins in existence. 

Using his Constitution as a medium to fusing them into one Magical origin. 

Lastly, Combining the Magical origin & a Scientific Theorization to formulate the {Material code}.

Which forced the {Chaotic Semblance} to awaken from its deep slumber? [who was speculated to be the mysterious entity that appeared at the Universal Genesis], although its a rumor circulating among the minority. 

As no one knows the actuality of this so called chaotic semblance - Since no one knew whether its a thing or an entity or perhaps something unimaginable. 

After that, the fundamental calamity which was later known as {Demise} was somehow stopped. 

Although, the details of what actually happened was an unknown mystery - just like the material code Theorification & {Universal Transformation}, 

Which triggered the {Material Immersion}.

At the end! The {Devil} was annihilated, along with the {6 Elemental Artifacts} being sealed for good. 

Bringing the {Horrific Catastrophes} & {Doomsday Eon} to an end.