
Imagination Override

"Damn it! Why?!" He threw the sword down, "Everything was going fine! But it always had to mass up somewhere!" @@ Lex was someone who had his life together, finally fulfilling part of his dreams. Till he isekai into another world. The world he is in is being ruled by a king who is known as power-hungry. The host before him is nothing a commoner and is forced to go to the training academy since he can't afford a normal school. He was an outcast in his school due to him not having talent. Now, Lex is in the role. 'I see, this talent.' He look at his hand, a wide smirk on his face as he chuckled deeply, 'Is most suited for me.' He clutched his fist.

razyro · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


/ "Trust is like a paper handed to you, and I enjoy crashing new paper. I don't like having too many white papers with me, it gets dirty eventually anyway, might as well hear the satisfying crunch from the paper." /

The message is written, while a finger is hovering over the send button. Instead, it went to the x button and delete it.

"Hgh." Lex's eyes open, as he looks at the different ceiling. He could feel the bed softer, and warmer. He touches the bed he is on and is an actual bed. 'Am I back?' He slowly sit up and could feel himself on a higher platform bed.

"Nope." He look at the wooden frames, remembering his bed was metal.

He looks down and saw the other side of the bed empty. The bed under him looks messy like someone was here. Looking around the room, he could see how simple it is.

Only two bunk beds in the room and a window by his side with the curtain rolled down.

'That's it..? Where do I put my clothes.. wait am I going wear like this to school??' He slowly got down his bed effortlessly, feeling weird due to not feeling the usual stiffness.

'My body feels lighter... is it due to the proper bedding?' He opens the door and saw the water balloon flying towards him. He just stood there, watching it coming towards him.

'My mind, has it speed up? Or just thinking?' He thought, as the balloon finally hit his face. 'I think I shouldn't try to do so much here... I don't want to risk my talent after all.'

He wipe his eyes from the water and saw someone rolling on the ground while clutching their stomach.

"I got you.. so hard.. hahaha!" The voice sounded quite high pitch, as he look at them.

The boy laughing have a set of grey hair cut neatly, and his face looks like he is going through publicity with a few pimples around the face. He has black square frame glasses and a black shirt with a white lab coat.

"Name's Knight," He finally caught their breath, "I'm not sorry for the water balloon." He smirks while saying.

"Than I'm not sorry for doing this," Lex says, as he swings his arm towards his head, hitting it.

"F*ck.." He held their head then started to laugh, "That was so fast! So you were letting the balloon hit you on purpose."

"Think how you like." He shrugs his shoulder, "Where am I? I remember passing out."

"Ah, so you got road sick, no wonder I didn't see you when we were getting out the schedule." He pulls his lab coat and says, "Let me be your tour guide today."

"Thanks." Lex tilted his head a little when saying that. Knight turn around and swung his arm.

"This is the stairs room. Each class dormitory is spilt according to your department. We are currently in the crafters one, you can change your department within the first two months. After that, you will stick with it for the rest of your school life. Since year one is just a trial."

The room has more doors behind, and a staircase going down.

"Our class only have twelve students, so we have more spaces." He shrugs his shoulders, "Let's go see the common room." He ran down the stairs, as Lex look around the room.

The floor is wooden, like a Morden looking house, but the lighting seems to come nowhere.

who is downstairs, wipe his sweat.

'What was that?' He recalls back when the water balloon was flying towards Lex. His talent is danger sense, when the danger is life-threatening, he can see where the danger will happen with a red hue. When the balloon left his hand, in his vision.

'Everything was red.' There wasn't a spot he would be safe.

He soon hear footsteps from the stairs, and he saw Lex standing there with his arms on the railing, a smirk on his face.

"You scared of me?" Those words make his eyes shrink a little, "Relax, I know just because of the way you act."

"Hm? Really? I found my acting quite believable." Knight could feel his legs shaking as he says those words.

Lex shrugs, "Sometimes, the audience sees what the actor can't, and the opposite too." He leans forward more, "Sometimes life is like a performance. The actors, the audience, the backcrew, the mastermind. There is many elements to it, don't ya feel?"

Knight legs seems to stop shaking on its own, "What a way to express yourself."

"Right now, I feel words are mightier than a sword." He shifts his body back and holds the railing with his hands, "So show me around the school?"

"Hah, yeah." He coughs and stands up straighter, "This is the common room." He waves his arm around, stopping at an open door, "That is the kitchen," He moves his hand a little more and the place where there's supposed to be a door wasn't there.

"The laundry area, there's many washing machines and drying machine." He wave his hand more to bring attention to a large open space, with couches and a floating screen, "There's the space when you can just chill, you can choose to add anything you want." He points at the wall with an even painting, "That's the toilet, when it's black means is occupied. So now there's no one inside."

"Wait, than where do we keep our clothes?" Lex asks, and Knight look at him weird.

"You sound like someone from beyond the ten District.." He jokes, but sees Lex's rose a brow, "Right, you are strong enough to be here.." He awkwardly chuckles, and climb up at the stairs, passing by Lex, as Lex follow up.

Opening their pale yellow door, he walks beside the end of the bed, and touch the wall. The wall seem to glow blue, surrounding his palm, and open up to reveal a space like a closet, with clothes hanging on a metal pole and a few fold on the shelve.

"I haven't fully explore the school, so during this week, you wanna go explore it?" Knight asks, and Lex pitch his chin and thought about it.

"Sure," He shrugs, "Not like I got anything to do, you can also explain to me more about this place, since its technically my first time here."

"Yeah." Perhaps is Lex's attitude, he calm down alot.

"Let's explore."