
Imagination Override

"Damn it! Why?!" He threw the sword down, "Everything was going fine! But it always had to mass up somewhere!" @@ Lex was someone who had his life together, finally fulfilling part of his dreams. Till he isekai into another world. The world he is in is being ruled by a king who is known as power-hungry. The host before him is nothing a commoner and is forced to go to the training academy since he can't afford a normal school. He was an outcast in his school due to him not having talent. Now, Lex is in the role. 'I see, this talent.' He look at his hand, a wide smirk on his face as he chuckled deeply, 'Is most suited for me.' He clutched his fist.

razyro · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Choices to make

Going back down the common area, the main door is just below the stairs.

Exiting it, he saw a path ahead and fences up ahead.

Lex turned to look at the building he was at and saw it looked like a small house.

"Yeah... Since we don't have many people," Knight said, walking past Lex, he stands on the brown path and opens his arms."We get this whole plot of land to ourselves." He grins while saying, "We can do all kinds of experiments here without disturbing anyone!"

"How are we going to get to the main campus.." Lex asks, looking around. He could see the main campus up ahead.

"Gotta walk, or build something that allows us to travel faster." Knight shrugs."I'm planning to use my money to build some stuff."

"During new days in school, we will have a school tour, right?" Lex asks.

"That's right! They will test our skills that day, too. Since you are in the crafts department, you will be tested on what you make."

"Is there a place where I can try crafting?" Lex asks Knight. He looks up at the sky, seeming to be thinking

"Are you going forge or machinery?"

"Am I able to try both?" He asks. Knight nods and smiles.

"I know just the place; let's go."

"Are we going to walk there?"

"Do you have any other choice?"

"Sure." He shrugs, "Take the lead."

Knight starts walking in front while Lex follows behind. While walking, Lex just looks at the barren land. Then, he notices Knight opening his coat and taking something from it. His eyes narrowed as he got ready for anything.

"Calm down!" Knight quickly turns around, showing a device."This is something I work on not long ago." He throws it on the ground, it opens up, and a yellow barrier like light appears, "Hoverboard, cool, eh?"

'At first, I thought this world was just a magic world, but there's such tech.' Lex thought, 'I never tried this before.' He looks up at Knight, bends down, and touches the board. Causing it to shine and disappear.

"My board!" Knight cried, something drop from under his sleeve and cover his fist, a forcefield blade shoot out from his fist, "Bastard!" Before he could even move forward, his vision is covered in red, feeling frightened to his core; he takes a step back.

"What an interesting talent, eh?" Lex says, swiping his arm, two light appearing, and showing two boards. "Danger sense, I suppose?" He looks at Knight, "That's right. If you had taken one more step, I would have to turn your leg to ashes." He swung his hand, and a piece of land not far away, the grass turns to ashes, leaving only the dirt.

He stands up, "My talent sadly uses a lot of mana." He shrugs as Knight calms down.

'That's right, active talents like this needs mana.' Knight looks at the board; his glove seems to retreat into his sleeve, and he steps forward. Sensing nothing happening; he touches both the board.

"Who are you? Your talent can perfectly duplicate things and can turn things to ashes?" He slowly stands up, looking into Lex's eyes.

"Your real name is Louis, right?" Looking at the chat function he has, he sees the name Urn sent.

Louis smiles, "The experiment was a success? Bring a soul from somewhere else. My dad's greatest work." He bows down."I'm sorry for my action just now." Straightening his back, he looks at Lex; his eyes seem to shine, which cause Lex to take a step back, "What was your world before this? To use the King's power to such a degree. Duplicating things is something I won't have thought at such a moment."

"Stop.. You're embarrassing me.." Lex said, swinging his hand."It's just a way to test how far I can use my talent."

"How did you know my name? I was supposed to protect you without you knowing."

[ He should be trusted; his father is the king's right-hand man after all. ] — Urn

"Do you want to be called Knight or Louis?"

"Knight is just a title, so I prefer Louis. But do call me that with others around." Louis says, "Don't avoid my question." He smiles.

"Maybe one day I will tell you. You don't expect me to fully trust a stranger, right?" Lex asks. In the end, he still left it all up to his gut. Not knowing why he has a bad gut feeling about this, and his gut is usually right.

"Pity, but I do understand. So, let's go to the location. yeah?" He walks over and stands on the board.

"Lead the way." Lex also hopes on his own.

"You know how to ride one?"

"Hm." He lean forward, shifting his weight forward, and the board flew forward. The wind blows him, but it isn't as fast as riding the Shorse.

"Not bad, man!" Louis caught up."Ever flied something this fast before?"

"Roller Coaster." He lies, confirming his gut feeling. 'He didn't know about how I got here. The person that brought me here might be part of the King's true men. Or Louis is trying to rebel.' In many scenarios he thought of, he felt like he was making progress.

[ Ain't you overthinking this? ] Urn asks when Lex explains some theories he has.

[ He might be the son of the King's right-hand man; his ideals might differ. ]

He looks ahead at the village that is approaching faster than if he went on foot.

'My life hasn't been easy, and it's just gonna get harder now.'

It's like in his head, he can see countless traps around him. This time, these traps don't cost his reputation. It costs his life.

Stepping outside, a young boy with a stick in his mouth, look at the queue in front of him. He is wearing a cloth that covers half his head; his dark purple eyes scan the crowd. It seems to glow a little.

His small arm raises up. "You." He points in the crowd, in his vision, everyone has a periwinkle colour in their body, some have more, some have less. "The one with his head down."

The person raises their head, seeing a boy with a long black coat that reaches his ankle, with a grey shirt inside and a brown strap across from his shoulder. A brown short pants, and slippers.

"Child, come on." He says, going back in.

Many in the crowd who wish to complain know better not to.

Alas, some don't.

"What makes you think this little girl is any better than me, huh? What makes you think you get to pick anyone?" A large man in the cword yells, picking up the little girl.

"I'm not a girl." He says, raising his feet, placing it under his armpit, his brown eyes change a vermillon colour. "Let me go."

"Or?" The man hand grip harder, yet it starts to loosen, and he let go. A print of a foot is seen as the kid lands down.

His eye turns back to brown, and he walks forward to the store.