


I have known you ever since kindergarten, even though you have never noticed me and always blocked out anyone else who you didn't know I had always admired you from afar. The littlest moments I had with you I cherished the most, like the time I gave you a pencil when you didn't have one or the time we bumped into each other in the hallway and you picked up my books apologizing, I never met a guy so caring. When I had gained the confidence to try and talk to you, you actually accepted me into your life and it was something I would never forget November 1st  the day you became what I thought would be the most beautiful friendship.  

However, when we finally got closer I began to have more feelings for you and I believed you felt the same way, then she came into the picture. Carly McIntosh was of course the prettiest girl in school getting the guys with a simple walk and look, she had never lasted with a guy longer than three years. She took you away from me and I couldn't have any say because if you knew how I felt about you, it would ruin everything, so I kept up a good act being friends with Carly but she isn't the right person for you Marc. You should leave her for all the pain she caused you, leave from a relationship that could never work out, I heard most things she said about you and I have seen something as well you should know.

    I've seen Carly's schedule as she seemed to plan out the whole week, we had planned a girl's night out for the hell of it, and right after it was a day where you both were supposed to hang out. I was confused why she picked a day to have a girls' night out before a hang out with her boyfriend but I never questioned it until the night finally came. Friday night we met at a club together and she wore an outfit that showed so much skin every guy looked at her and she simply looked back with a smile on her face, we began to hit the dance floor as we both began to dance with the crowd the guys beginning to come closer but focusing their eyes on Carly. When I turned around I saw John coming into the club looking around as if he was looking for someone then he made eye contact with me smiling and waving. I didn't know if it was a coincidence or if Carly invited him but he came our way passing me and straight to Carly he went, I guess it wasn't me he had seen but Carly dancing with other men almost kissing one of her lips already close to theirs. John took Carly back to the bar away from them as I was left behind in the crowd. I began to push my way through the crowd but it was a struggle when I was trapped between dancing bodies but finally made it out. I looked around trying to find Carly and John but it was no use, they were gone and Carly was the one who drove me here so I took out my phone beginning to call Danielle to pick me up but as I walked out in the corner of my eyes I've seen Carly against a wall with her hands around someone's neck kissing them and once I turn my to get a better look seeing John on her.

 "Hello? Sara? What's up?" I placed my hand over my mouth trying not to get seen and walked quickly away behind another building, 

"Danielle you're never going to believe this!" I tried to keep my voice down explaining to her what happened as she squealed in excitement for the gossip.

    Saturday morning I got a call from Carly as she had seen a post from Anna's Instagram her voice yelling filled with rage ranting on about how you were cheating on her with Anna. Her voice was high pitched like her lungs were filled with helium and began to ring in my head as if she didn't cheat on you with John. She invited me to her house to help her get ready before she saw you and just planned her confrontation. AnnaBanna " Me and my fav guy at Matt's bonfire last night" she paced back and forth as I held her phone with the post showing the first thing. I read the comments as everyone seemed to like their friendship and she had gotten upset that another girl was with him at all. 

I took this chance and opportunity to lead her into breaking up with you so then you can finally be mine again, so I agreed with her saying how Anna always had a crush on you  for so long the bonfire was a chance where she can finally ask you out since Carly wasn't t there which only angered her more. She tried to finish getting ready as it was already 5;40 pm 20 minutes before the hangout, a smile appeared on my face as she left for you. I went back home as I laid in bed imagining us finally together once she was out of the picture, the moment was finally close to coming and when I offer my help to you it would be the moment you realize it was me you should have been with all this time but instead you made the stupid mistake on going with a girl who sleeps around with every guy they see.

    Instead of you coming to me when Carly fought and yelled at you I was trapped with the skank herself and she was drunk and leaning on me as if we were besties. Even so, she began to spill out her feelings and secrets to me while we watched Netflix and she ate most of the food that was supposed to be for both of us but she continued to speak about how she was starting to lose feelings for you and only staying because she felt bad for you, that you were the one who would give her things and help her cheat during school to pass all her classes, you were her Ginnie pig that ran in circles trying to please her. Therefore, she believed no matter what she did she could always make your stay with her so that's where the idea came in on getting with John came in. She has been sleeping with him every day when you were gone because he was better in bed and a better kisser. She knew she could have you to herself but once she saw you with another girl with you she got upset thinking you would actually leave her. She admitted to using you ever since because you were an easy target, but when she said that I asked her to tell you about john to see if you would stay with her then she would be proven right that you would stay with her no matter what and that she did. 

    Since you couldn't leave her, since you didn't have the guts to break up with her, I have decided to do it for you. I had gone to her house to tell her the bad news because I knew you both didn't want each other, and you didn't belong with her, and now she won't ever be with anyone. After that night she never said anything, she never talked to you again, she never went to school, she never left her bed. I sat on the couch of my house then grabbed the control to the T.V as I turned it onto the news popping up police reports coming in "A girl Name Carly McIntosh, found dead in her own home looks as if it was due to suffocation causing her death, our first suspect is Marc a boyfriend of hers who had gotten into a recent fight with Carly and could have killed her" you should have chosen wisely Marc, please, forgive me what I had done. There was no other choice, from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew we were meant to be but you had chosen Carly instead of me. 

Then when you went to the bomb fire with Anna, it had gotten me filled with range because you were to blind to notice me so I had to get rid of anyone in the way, please forgive me. The police proceeded to investigate for any  evidence of "We searched the suspects house for any evidence and we had found a body that was in his basement that seem to belong to a girl named Anna who was also reported missing since Friday the 20th of October" There was no other way Marc, you were to blind to see and I helped you make a choice, you should have broken up with Carly from the beginning you should have been with me. 

Sincerely Sara xoxo,