

Name: Kim Min-sook

Date of birth:November 10 2005

Place of birth: Paris,France


Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Blood type:A

Debut date:

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Facts about Min-Sook

🎤 She was born in South Korea 🇰🇷 , and at the age of 5 she moved to Sydney,Australia.And at the age of 10 she moved to South Korea

👨‍👩‍👧 Her parents

🎤Her mother is a Black woman while her dad is Korean. So she's mixed(kindly imagine that she is tan in complexion but with the same big eyes)

🎤from the birth till she was at the age of 10 she was raised by her mother alone

🎤Her mom and Dad met while her dad was on a business trip and after a year of dating they had Min-Sook

🎤Due to the lack of approval from her dad's family they ended up breaking up. However they remained friends.

🎤when Min-Sook was 5 years old her mom married again to an African business man.