
Chapter 34

After unspeakable torture and suffering humans should not be able to experience, Allan took the corpse of the wolf from the inn and left it in a secluded corner outside the city.

Do not ask how he could take it alone; despair makes us do things that we did not think possible.

However, Allan couldn't leave the wolf out in the open so he had no choice but to skin it there.

Skin a Wolf isn´t very different from skin a rabbit, but of course this is not a common wolf, it was bigger, stronger and a pain in the ass work with.

When Allan started the process, he knew it would be impossible for him to do it alone, so he had no choice but to ask for help.

Ten minutes later Allan was at the same point with two other people.

"Wow, what a beast, I understand why you called us" said Fred while he admired the animal.

"Yeah, whatever, what do we get if we help you?" the other person replied.

"Come on, don't be like that Matt, help the boy for once" said Fred.

The other person was Matt, a tailor who with his wife had the only tailor shop in town.

"No, that would spoil the young man, he has to understand that there is nothing free in this life. Also, it has just dawned, if we don't hurry in a couple of hours the customers will start arriving at our stores" answered Matt.

"Thanks for the help Fred, but what Matt says is the truth, there is nothing free in this world. So if you help me I will sell you the skin and the meat of the wolf at 80% of its price" said Allan.

"80%?" Matt said with slight disdain in his voice "Look at the condition of the fur, it has cuts all over it and it's stained with blood, I'll give you 20%.

"20% is not even the price of an ordinary wolf's fur, before I sell it to you for that price I'm going to another town to try my luck" Allan said without raising his voice.

"Haa, you really think that someone is going to pay you what you ask, also do not forget that you still need skin it, I offer you 30%"

"70%" said Allan.

Seeing how this was going for a long time, Fred found a place to sit and got to rest, after all it was still early.

After much negotiation both parties agreed that Matt would have the wolf's skin if he made Allan leather armor with the fur for a 50% discount.

Although Allan thinks he could have gotten more decided not to force the issue, of course the offer also included a reduction in the price of wolf meat for Fred, after all Allan can't have them working for nothing.

Once they started working Allan saw the good business he had made, the speed of both was impressive, obviously his skills were of a very high level.

With the help of Matt and Fred, what should have taken half a day turned into two hours, and not only that.

[Congratulations! Thanks to your efforts your skinning skill has level up]

Working with professionals helped Allan level up his skinning skill that had been stagnant for some time.

"And done" said Fred smiling while admiring his work.

"Tsk, I should have asked for more money" said Fred after seeing how long it had taken them.

When they finished the work, all that remained was a majestic skeleton of what was once a majestic creature.

(A skeleton that… I won't sell to Roderick) Allan thought in his mind.

Allan didn't need money right now and Roderick is a jerk so he preferred to keep it and have it take up space in the inventory.

After they finished Fred paid Allan for the meat and Matt said he would call him when the armor was ready.

In Idle Online there is no loot beyond what you would get in the real world for defeating such a creature.

In a way it makes sense, otherwise not only would the game lose realism, it would also decrease the value of the crafting classes.

In the game weapons only have a small description and properties such as durability or resistance to heat or cold. The equipment that says Str +1 or Int +35 is out.

In online games of the previous era, in most cases the best weapon and armor set was not obtained thanks to the work of the players with classes such as blacksmith or tailor, but was obtained after defeating the final boss over and over.

It was as if the developers were telling you:

Thank you very much for playing our game, but with your effort you will never be able to create the best equipment because we don't feel like it.

That hurt and was also one of the reasons why some players quit the game after a few months.

Returning to the present, after Allan finished with the animal, he decisively returned to the inn to sleep.

He entered the inn and without speaking to anyone he went to his room, once inside he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

Knock knock

Not ten minutes passed and someone was knocking on the door.

(That is! Where is my sword?) Thought Allan as he listened incessantly the sound of the door.

Allan opened the door with the sword in his hand and a face that looked like and was going to kill the one on the other side of the door.

In front of him was a guard with a stoic expression who looked at Allan without any emotion, the most characteristic thing was that his bald head seemed to shine brighter than the sun.

"Captain Smith wishes to speak with you. Follow me" And with just that, Eric turned on his way to the barracks.

"Ugh, today is definitely not my day" he said as he said goodbye to his bed and walked in the direction Eric had taken.


In the middle of a large forest that seemed to extend infinitely were a group of five individuals that seemed to be divided into two sides and fighting each other.

On the side with the fewest number of people, a voice was heard whispering:

"Get ready, we only have one chance," said one of the people as he held a pair of daggers and watched the three green-skinned individuals preparing to pounce on them without any mercy.

"HAHAHA, I was born ready" said the other individual who held a shield and a sword in his hands.

"Why are you laughing" reproached the figure "Here they come"

While the two were communicating the other three individuals attacked with short swords in their hands.

At that moment John ran forward with his shield and collided with the first individual, sending him towards the others, causing them to brake and go to the ground.

After that Jake moved at full speed and penetrated the neck of the first goblin with his dagger, then he took a small jump to reach the other two that were behind him and stabbed them both in the skull.

-550 (Bleeding)

-2000 (Deadly Strike)

-2000 (Deadly Strike)

The instant Jake had finished with the two goblins John was heard behind him as he finished with the last goblin.

In the area where they were fighting, only the two of them were left without a single scratch.

"HAHAHA, We did it" said John after checking that there were no more enemies nearby.

"It wasn't bad," said Jake with false modesty, the truth is that he was very proud of what they had achieved.

"Of course, my shield mastery skill is at level 7, those green bastards didn't stand a chance" John said as he smiled.

They both began to search if the goblins possessed anything of value as they chatted with each other.

"Ugh, I can't believe we still have to work for that old man for two more years in the game," Jake said as he searched the goblin's body.

"True, but we can't do anything that was the deal," John replied.

"The deal was that the hunters would train us, but after a couple of months of teaching us the essentials they stopped paying attention to us, they won't even let us see their training" Jake complained as he kicked the body of the goblin he had just searched.

"I also think they are hiding their skills from us, the only thing we have learned is how to set and detect traps and how to use our weapons minimally" John agreed with Jake, obviously they were waiting for a much more complete training.

"Do you think they will teach us something else before the two years are up?" Jake said with a hopeful tone.

John took it upon himself to crush it.

"I doubt it, the attitude of the chief was clear and I do not believe that any of the hunters will extend a charitable hand to us and he is willing to help us" said John after a moment of silence.

"Arg, those self-centered bastards," Jake growled as he thought about the group of hunters and how they made fun of them at every possible moment.

The situation is not going to change they both know it.

Yet there is nothing they can do, no one is going to teach them to fight, nor can they defeat hunters with the limited abilities they now possess.

A depressing atmosphere invaded the clearing.

After checking if they had forgotten something, they both return to the tribe by the way they used to come here.

"Hey," John said.


"Do you want to run away?"

They both stopped at the site and looked into each other's eyes.

Thank you Robust for your power stones.

All help is appreciated.

DaoistwgQxZLcreators' thoughts