
I Will Follow You to the End, Like I Always Have

Third time’s the charm! I apologized for all the confusing uploads from me. I finally got the account and fanfic setting right this time. This is the one where I will continue to upload future chapters. This is my Marvel's Eternals storyline rewrite. And currently is 1 chapter per week every Saturday. Hope you guys enjoy and happy reading!

Astronius · Films
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18 Chs

The Tesseract

Since that transformative moment, your and Ajak's lives had settled back into a semblance of normalcy. Occasionally, the dynamic duo of Peggy and Wendy would pay you a visit. They always arrived together, a tag team of updates. Peggy, the ever-watchful sentinel of SHEILD, shared the latest news from the organization's inner workings, her words a tapestry of intrigue and secrets. Wendy, on the other hand, had a different role to play – the bearer of news regarding her current project, a responsibility she had taken charge of.

You and Ajak, like two sages atop a tranquil hill, would sit and listen to their narratives. However, your interactions with them were never ordinary. From time to time, you would find yourself deciphering the cryptic riddles that Ajak would weave into her words, offering insights veiled in an aura of mystique. These enigmatic messages, while intriguing, sometimes tested Peggy's patience, causing her to bristle with irritation.

Then came that fateful day when Peggy arrived clutching an envelope of documents. The gravity of the situation was palpable as she sought your guidance,

"Have you seen this in all your years here on Earth?" Peggy's question hung in the air, laden with an air of anticipation, as she handed Ajak an envelope bursting with documents. In that fleeting moment, it felt like the weight of the world rested on the contents of that envelope.

This evening, it was only Peggy who made her way to your abode. She confided that Wendy had been caught in a whirlwind between the SHIELD base and the Air Force base, juggling her responsibilities as a SHEILD scientist and her role in shaping the next generation of Air Force pilots. The strain on her schedule was evident.

Ajak carefully extracted the papers from the envelope, her countenance transitioning from curiosity to a stern seriousness as her eyes locked onto the inscriptions laid out before her. Without hesitation, she passed the paper to you, and you accepted it with a sense of solemnity.

At first glance, the item depicted on the paper resembled an ordinary cube. However, you knew, in this extraordinary realm you inhabited, that if Ajak was passing these papers to you, they harbored secrets beyond the mundane. The unmistakable handwriting of Howard Stark adorned the pages, and with a steady hand, you began to decipher the enigmatic message etched upon them.

"I stood amidst the vast and icy expanse of the North Pole, my breath visible in the frigid air. Determination etched deep lines on my face as I meticulously combed through the wreckage of the ship crash site. My heart weighed heavy, burdened by the task of trying to locate and recover Steve's lifeless body, my dear friend and comrade. Each step I took was deliberate, my eyes scanning the treacherous terrain, searching desperately for any sign of him or the crashed ship. But looks like fate had a different plan for me that day.

As I rummaged through the debris, my gloved hand brushed against something cold and metallic hidden beneath the snow. Curiosity ignited within me, and with careful precision, I unearthed the object from its icy cocoon. What lies in front of me, looks to be a cube, emanating a mesmerizing blue glow. Its allure was undeniable, captivating my senses and momentarily overshadowing my original purpose.

Time stood still as my scientific mind raced, contemplating the possibilities that lay before me. This cube clearly held unimaginable power, it may even be the key that could unlock the secrets of the universe we're in. Forgotten were my intentions to retrieve Steve's body, as the potential of this extraordinary artifact consumed my thoughts. A mix of trepidation and exhilaration coursed through my veins, realizing the magnitude of the discovery in my hands.

The Arctic landscape seemed to whisper secrets to me, the howling winds carrying echoes of untold wonders. Though a pang of regret tugged at my heart for straying from my original mission, I couldn't resist the allure of the cube. It was a pivotal moment that demanded my attention, redirecting my path towards an unknown and extraordinary future.

With a heavy heart and a profound sense of responsibility, I carefully secured the cube, fully aware of the world-altering power it possessed. Yet, as I stood there, the weight of its potential weighing upon me, I couldn't help but wonder about the cost of such immense power. For now, my focus shifted, my original mission temporarily set aside as I embarked on a new chapter in my scientific endeavors. I believe this discovery I held in my hands holds the power to forever change the human race, and I was prepared to embrace the destiny that awaited."

As your gaze lingered on the drawing, a sense of realization washed over you. It revealed what Howard had stumbled upon and the perilous path that Steve might have embarked upon before his cosmic connection fell silent in the vast expanse of the cosmos when you attempted to contact him.

In historical accounts, Howard had christened the enigmatic object "The Tesseract." Yet, you and Ajak, who had witnessed its mysteries firsthand, knew it by a more profound name. Within the confines of this cube lay untold power, the kind that would undoubtedly tempt the desires of every human being on Earth.

In that silent exchange of glances between you and Ajak, an unspoken understanding passed. The gravity of the situation was underscored by the memory her gaze invoked—a recollection of the slaughter that had occurred back in Tenochtitlan.

"We do, actually,"

"What is it?" Peggy asked.

Ajak's response hung in the air for a moment, shrouding the room in intrigue. She retrieved the papers from your grasp and then gently handed them over to Peggy, who eagerly accepted them with a look of curiosity etched across her face. Ajak sat across from Peggy, her expression serious yet filled with a sense of awe. With a gentle motion, she extended her arm, directing Peggy's attention back to the pages of papers in her hand. Ajak began, her voice tinged with a mixture of wisdom and mystery. As Peggy's eyes studied the cube, Ajak continued, her words carrying the weight of ancient knowledge.

"What you see appears to be a cube, but there is something far more powerful, beyond human imagination, housed within."

As Ajak spoke, an enigmatic aura enveloped the room, and the atmosphere itself seemed to change. The air around them grew heavy with anticipation, as though the very essence of reality conspired to preserve the mystery at hand. Every breath was measured, every heartbeat synchronized with the unfolding revelation. Ajak's voice, usually resolute, now bore a tone of reverence and caution, as if she was entrusted with ancient wisdom, and Peggy was about to be initiated into a profound chapter of their shared history. In that moment, they were on the precipice of understanding a truth that transcended time and space, a truth that had been guarded by the ages and was now ready to be unveiled.

"Before the birth of our kind, before the universe knew of our existence, there were the Infinity Stones. They predate us. Our gods use its power, shaping destinies and civilizations alike. The various civilizations you see now sprung from its power."

The weight of Ajak's words hung in the air, each syllable a ripple in the grand tapestry of cosmic history. The room, once mundane and ordinary, now felt like a portal to a realm of unfathomable wonders, as Ajak's revelation echoed in Peggy's mind, forever changing her understanding of the universe and its boundless mysteries.

"Infinity Stone…"

"How can we open it?" Peggy asked.

Ajak's words resonated in the air, casting a sense of mystery and caution over the room.

"No tools on Earth could crack it open," she stated with unwavering certainty, pausing momentarily to savor the warmth of her mug before continuing.

"The cube housing vessel was a testament to the ingenuity of our kind, the secret inside locked away from the prying hands of mortals."

"It was designed by Eternals. Only an Eternal could open it."

"No," Ajak warned, her eyes meeting Peggy's. "We advise you not to take lightly what the item inside is capable of."

"But," Peggy's attempt to protest was met with Ajak's unwavering resolve. After seeing the Tesseract on paper, you knew as well, there was no room for negotiation.

"No 'but,' Ms. Carter," Ajak asserted, her voice carrying an air of authority. She emphasized the significance of the artifact's existence. "There are many things you can do with the artifact, as it is with the cube housing."

"We will not open it for you."

The boundaries were drawn. Ajak's words served as a solemn declaration, resounding with a sense of responsibility. The artifact would remain a mystery to humans, its secrets hidden away.

Well, at least for now.