
I Will Be A Good Person

An ex delinquent who plays around with bad people wants to change himself after reaching 30 years old after realizing the bleakness of his future. But when the thing seems to be perfect, he ended getting killed by the revenge for his past deeds. Having the new chance that he never even asked for in the first place, that person is forced with the choice of either lamenting or making a compromise after being born as a girl whom he never has treated nicely.

Polos · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


Having a whole life as children, student, and then a worker without even taking a taste a single time to live a decent life until he died at the end of his 41 years old's life, the past memory began to flash on that person's mind. He thought that by doing the things based on rules and predetermined way, he might be able to change the bleak fate he had for the bad things he did in the past.

Yet, only after going past 32 does the person realizes that changing one's way of living after such long of a time is something that closes to an impossible degree without someone's help.

"What're you lookin' at!? Ohh! Aren't you a bad student, bringing a game console to this holy ground school I am so proud of? Do you think our school rules are a joke huh!?", said the one who takes that very game console forcefully and then ditches the class by playing on the rooftop.

"Ahh!!! Why did you bump me so hard!?? I feel like my shoulder just dislocated!! As a good-natured citizen, I don't want to trouble people to pay my medical fees but, gahhh!!!", said the one who claims to be injured and then beat the crap out of others as he asks (?) for medical fees.

"Hey bro! It's me, you know!? Gahh, why are you making that confused face when we are the best buddies in high school! What? You didn't attend the school around this area? Of course, I know that you idiot! What? You are younger than me? Don't spout any more bullshit and treat me some food to this old pal of yours will you!?" said that very best buddy as he takes all of the old pals of his possession and then runs away while laughing.

As he grows, his action becoming bolder after dropping out of high school and then linger around with a bad circle. Just like any other people, once someone used to something, they will find it difficult to stop, and that is exactly what happens, especially if the action starts to get worse.

'The silver lining is, I never kill someone and never done any physical harm toward my mother', thought that 40 or so muscled uncle with blood all over his face and bodies. But he knows that such a reason doesn't mean all of his doing is something that could be taken lightly.

"Because of you, my life is ruined!! My job, my girlfriend, my family!! Because of you!! Diee!!!!"

That flash of memories of his is the karma that he sowed in the past.


That's what he did out of all of his record for that person to bite him after he tried to amend for all of his wrongdoings even after ten years had passed. No matter how hard he ran away from it, the traces of his wrongdoing didn't disappear but tag along slowly before chomping on his neck.

'I should have apologized directly to each of them instead of forgiving myself and be done with it', regret that bloody uncle as he smiles wryly while on his last breath.

Looking around in a hazy daze, the sight of the only family, the mother who is already full of wrinkles with a blob of tears and snot makes that already diminishing pulse of his start to ache even more. Hot tears unknowingly start to flow making the already hazy sight of his become completely useless. In the dark and cold feeling, that old, wrinkly, and bony hand which trembling while grabbing the bigger hand of her beloved son wouldn't let go even after the power on that very big hand start to lose its strength.

If even given a little time, he wants to donate every organ possible on his sinned body so that the little meaning of his very existence can help his mother to feel even a little proud.

With that much money, she can live rather at ease without worrying about money, right?

With my organ, at least my mother could boast to others that I saved someone's life, right?

But, more than that…

'Thank you'

'For everything'

I am glad that you are my mother.

…At least that is what he wants his mother heard for the last time but he knew that it is a tall order for the current him.

Hoping that the "If" might exist somewhere, out there, a dying last breath of his mouth began to open seemingly wanting to try that "If". But, that man flicker of life unfortunately unable to carry that heavy of order and thus, vanish along with its owner, leaving behind the last of the old grannies one and only family in the world.


In the room with a woman crying and shouting in all her might, the seeming nannies who keep encouraging her start to become uneasy.

"It's been too long of a time. At this rate…"

Hearing that mutter on the woman, the pregnant woman knows that it might endanger her and the child on her stomach if she didn't finish this as soon as possible. Not caring about anything else, well it's not like she didn't at first but that determination just so happen to be burned ever so stronger after knowing the fruit with her beloved might be in danger put her into a new realm.


That shout even startles the 2 people outside who is currently laden with anxiety and worries, let alone the one who is inside. Time passed and so the shout becomes even more difficult to be heard, let alone the one who experienced it. At last, the shout finally stopped and leaving behind the stillness that eerily contrasting with what's happening before.

Is it finally?

The 2 men outside looking at each other with a confused face but then begin to darker each with each second pass without the follow-up sound.

Something is happening.

Thought both of them as they barge in, ignoring the request that they readily agreed upon to only come when's called.

What welcomes both of these men after coming in is the out of breath woman wet with her sweat lying on the bloody bed, a middle-aged man who chant something, and a nanny that is carrying a bundle of a towel with a seemingly bloody thing in her hand.

As if on instinct, one of these men inch closer slowly with a trembling hand as if wanting to reach that bloody thing. But before even manage to that, he comes to an abrupt stop with a desperate shout coming from the woman on the bed.

"My child! How about my child!??"

'My child? What is going on?'

That shout brought the man to his sense and thus slapping his mind awake as to what is making him uneasy all along.

It is too quiet.

Looking closer, that bloody thing, his inborn baby didn't open his/her eyes and just lay on the nanny's arm. Taking that child of his with an even more trembling hand, the nannies hesitate a bit before helplessly give the child to his daddy's arm.

But, the babies didn't make any sound.

As if in a desperate attempt, his hand starts to caress the baby's chest before a sigh of relief unconsciously comes out of his mouth.

'At least he is breathing, but...'

The worst-case scenario had been eliminated but the second one didn't prove any better.

A spectacle of a young but somewhat matured face with a brown short hair and a white face was now as white as a corpse with a cold sweat running all over his face, down his body, wetting the cheap and rough but still good quality shirt of his.

Recalling certain memories of his experiences, he set his gaze toward the nannies as if asking what he should do.

"…Why is the baby only looking at you without crying?"


'Ah, my friend'

As if remembering something important when his sight was set to the neglected best friend of him who paid a visit who is looking at the babies on his hand while asking confusedly, the new dad starts to bow his head and answer albeit stuttering.

"I—I am sorry, I can't …what?"

The man, the dad flinched again for the nth time when realizing what the friend who goes through thick and thin with him saying about before lowering his gaze toward the bundle in his hand. At the time, there is this once sentence that popping out of his head when their gaze met each other.

The time where you wouldn't forget for the rest of your life


Right when the sun starts to go down toward its slumber, a man with a dirty cloth and a hoe on his hand was wiping the fresh sweat on his forehead. What in front of him are a garden of flowers, a pond with a man-made waterfall, trimmed trees, and a bud which just grows for a few centimeters, the man stretches his body from the tiring job he had just finish.

Looking left and right and confirming that nothing seemingly inconsistent, he then nodded his head and left the area toward a big mansion on his back, leaving behind a place full of flora and natural energy.

On the way there, he greets a lot of people with a uniform that looks clean and very tidy with a bright smile. Yet, even though his clothing and cleanliness are out of place in the middle of this grand and important looking places, some would smile and greet the man back who start to skip toward a certain place on the back of the mansion.

Over there, the man glances onto the word "Servant Dorm" that's always there atop of the wooden entrance door before entering. That skip walk of his then start to become a fast walk, passing the notice board, one door after another door, and goes to the certain floor before stopping in front yet similar-looking door he just bypasses but a with a familiar door name hanged in the front.

"Rian and Anna's Familly"

Reading that thing out loud as he suppresses the smile and happiness that's bursting forth, he then gets in with a happy gait and then shouts "I am home~"

Behind the door, there are a living room, 1 bathroom, 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a woman with her apron on just getting out of the kitchen while preparing the food on top of a table, and a little white, soft, and adorable looking baby on the cradle not far from her.

"Welcome home"

As if just realizing the man who comes inside, the woman flinched a little before a blooming smile brighten her beautiful and yet somewhat mature face as she welcomes her dearest husband from work.

Like a normal family around the world, they then began their little happy family habit of eating, talking, teasing, and then enjoy their happy quality time along in this little room they live in.

Where the young family living is a servant dormitory, where a certain big and ancient family prosper as the top dog of the area. Of course, someone like him couldn't possibly capable enough to be hired at such a place. This place he works at is merely a branch of some sort so the requirement is lowered to a degree.

Out of this dormitory, there is this big mansion where this ancient family lives in. Some might wonder just what kind of activity do these people doing in such a big place where this tiny little room is just enough for a family of three to live comfortably.

Of course the young dad, one of these certain family gardeners, never once get a foot in this mansion-like palace. But, it's not something to get upset about. Or to be exact not even the young dad, the young wife, and not, even more, the little baby in the cradle who is looking reluctant to see his/her own dad rubbing his cheek on his/her soft could care about such a far away question.

"Honey, how about your work?"

"Everything has been completed, at least for this day's task that was given to me. Tomorrow, I will go back to the garden and do some recheck and improvisation to make it better"

"Fufu, good work then. Be careful when working alright"


Such is their conversation including the little baby who didn't want to be left out.

Because of the nature of his job and the generosity of the family he works in, every servant who has a family on their own is allowed to live in the dormitory so that they can go back and enjoy their quality time.

"But dear, you know that my maternity leaves going to end in a month, right?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, we need to leave our sweetie on the daycare"

"Make sure to get a different work schedule than me alright. I am worried to leave our kid just like that for work."

"Haha, no need to worry about that! Because this place always cherishes their servant, their care must be reassuring, right?"

"Well, some of our seniors already experienced such a life so it should be fine. And once our sweetie reaches 4 years old, then we can let the family train our baby a servant related technique to prepare for the future in the daycare unit all the same anyway."

"*sigh, if we can help it, I really want to live and work in this place and let you just in the house to take care of our child but…"

"I know what you are feeling right now. But we already agree upon their rules to make our children become their workers right after she grows up."

"That's why it is better to prepare from young to prevent our sweetie to not get shocked"

"If you ask me, I just want our child to live their childhood with happiness and free of worry but…"

"Yes, we are protected, and thus eligible to pay for the price. Well, it is can't be considered a price, more like a restriction. We will certainly get used to it over time"

And thus their little talk finish and each one of them continues their respective activity for the day, leaving behind a child that's currently sweating after listening from the side

'The heck is my life as a servant was set in stone before I can even speak!?'

"And she is a girl, so it is better if we take care of her personality and behavior as to make her easier to get married", said the young dad with a face full of worry.

'The heck, I am a girl now?!'

But a certain baby on the side got shocked by a revelation from a "Sweetie" and "Angel" they always call him, always call her for the past few months was actually a literal meaning in a sense. Trying to confirm their nonsense by looking down, what meets her is a white cloth on her lower body and a flat chest which gives no information whatsoever so she starts to pay attention to their conversation instead.

"It might be harsh for a little child to bear such pressure so let's do it in leisure instead."

"Well, that's true"

'Mother~ Thank you for the supp—'

"But at least, let's make her wear a pretty skirt, dress, and cute and girly accessories to show her girlish appeal!"


But the little talk somehow perceives as a judged sentence to the little lady, to the ex-guy who just manages to understand her parents' language into despair.

'Wait, now that I am a girl…'

Suddenly, a certain thought begins to flash on the guy, on the little girl's mind.

Random Guy: Hey cutie, you are so pretty

Me: Thank you, you are handsome and manly too *Blush

Random Guy: Hehe, would you like to go have a drink with me?

Me: Stop talking handsome! Don't you realize that my sexy and frilly panties under this short skirt already wet now? *kiss

Random Guy: Well, such a hot body, I can't hold it anymore if you keep shoving your cleavage on to my arms like that

Me: Kyaaa~ Don't grab my ass like that, or I will go splosh~

Random Guy: Hehe, such a cute kitten should be punished! *Licking lips

Me: *Bathump!


That certain baby who didn't even reach 6 months old suddenly start to scream and flail all the more afterward.

'F*ck with your*Blush & Kyaa~!! And don't you dare *Bathump me you asshole!'

Being killed because of bad karma is all the cause of the bad deed he did in the past. And the thing that involves a woman took a majority of it because he is a horny dog who thinks with his below half. On top of being an ass in the bad environment, the thing that he is talking about mainly about girls, and what to do to them.

The girls he knows of who manages to get familiar with such a world are a b*tch, a sl*t, a jerk, a snake, or even a shameless bastard so that flash of the imagination of girls who lack morals and shame might be influenced by his, her memory without the person herself realizing it.

The new parents who didn't know what's going on start to get anxious and scared as they ask each other what is wrong. The unpredictability of a baby is renowned throughout the world, but dealing with it is on a different level altogether.

'Not only has my future been decided, now even my gender is going to be…'

Unfortunately, the familiarity and affection they show toward the little girl couldn't stop her from worrying over her future. Suddenly, her foot was being lifted up and her pants (?) being taken off forcefully by the worrying parents, and somehow it starts to make a certain memory unconsciously being replayed… as she herself is the main target.



The emotion of dread and helplessness start bubbling up without control, making tears pouring out of her eyes.

'What did I do to deserve this…?', complaints her with a feeling of injustice from such an unreasonable life she would tread in the future.

One bad thing after another begins to materialize on her mind, and all of the characters on that start to change into herself, into a muscled guy that was her of the past who is somehow or another become helpless and scared. Not even the former bad guy who was walking the dark path in the past dare to complain anymore. What did he deserve? Actually, it is so much that she might be glad that it only up to this level.

But, no matter what she believes and accepts, the feeling is still unable to be controlled and thus, the spectacle of chaos ensures until the little baby starts to tire herself out and fall asleep. Unfortunately, the little lady couldn't even sleep properly under one nightmare after another and then forcefully woken up, cry, being tired to sleep, and it continues for the day, making the dad who was working on the next day makes his coworker worry over his big black eyes.