
I Will Be A Good Person

An ex delinquent who plays around with bad people wants to change himself after reaching 30 years old after realizing the bleakness of his future. But when the thing seems to be perfect, he ended getting killed by the revenge for his past deeds. Having the new chance that he never even asked for in the first place, that person is forced with the choice of either lamenting or making a compromise after being born as a girl whom he never has treated nicely.

Polos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


No matter what, one simply can't escape their fate just because they don't want to. If the parents, the circumstances, and even the contract already settled beforehand, then either you get used to it or find the loophole and tried to compromise.


With that, their daily lives continue, and the time to leave the little 6 months babies to the servant daycare begins.

The husband is a gardener, and the wife is a servant.

As both of them are nobodies like the majority of the servant are, they can't voice their thought carelessly let alone make a complaint. And because of these restrictions, they both then leave the baby who can't even talk yet and start their promised day as a servant who left their own child for work.

Inside the specialized building not far from the servant dormitory, a varying baby, toddlers, and children maximum of 6 years old are all gathered as they listening to the servant in charge of teaching and nursing the young generation of professionals.

"Look, it is the Side Servant who dares to use the family benefit for free"

"Just how long do they think they have worked here? Such useless people who can't even enter an outer circle, yet expected the family to invest in their children?"

"Well, such a shameless couple would very well have a shameless child so it is better if we warn our children to get far away from them"

But even though the majorities of servants are nobody, there still some kind of hierarchy between them, and a side servant that married and have a child who benefited from the family ended up gather the ire of some.

Because of its nature, the parents of those children always come to either send or fetch their children, making the parenting circle to grow over time.

In such an environment, gossip always travels fast, making the new parents who heard such a snide remark feel resentment and anger burst from within as the mother pretends to not hear anything while lowering her head and the father to glare at their direction.

'What did'ja say!?'

But, a certain baby that the mother carries suddenly flailing her chubby arm, making the mother feels surprised.

"What's going, honey?", said the mother worriedly while looking at the bundle of white cotton on her arm. The father also changes his attention toward the little angel of him in a weird and confused expression.

"…heh, such a wild baby"

"I am pretty sure he/she would become useless with how unruly his/her behavior is"

"That is to be expected. What did the saying again? Orange wouldn't fall too far from its tree?"

"Isn't it supposed to be an Apple? And an orange tree isn't that tall you know?"

"Well, He/she would be as sour as an orange anyway. On top of that, wouldn't it be quite rude for the apple tree if it is compared with such a useless family?"

"Hahaha, yes yes! The short orange trees are very befitting of such a family that didn't grow even after a long time!"

Forget about how rude their remark is, they even blatantly ignore the fact that they are badmouthing a baby not even 1 year old about behaviors and conduct.

Of course, such a chance to badmouth others wouldn't be wasted by a group of snakes no matter how unrealistic it is. Their snide remark might as well be called a full-blown curse in this case considering how loud their voice is.


But, their laugh suddenly stopped as if they are choked on the neck. The flailing baby that they are called unruly a moment ago suddenly became well behave while sucking on her thumb as if what they just see was a lie.

While being stumped, the mother and father pairs took their chance to get into the daycare in hurry, not knowing the shock the groupies felt over a middle finger pointed at them from the baby not even 1 year old they just badmouth as she was carried away.


After having a goodbye kiss with her parents, she was then left alone in the daycare where a group of small creatures plays and studies together.

It's not like with every single year, a servant couple would birth a new baby and thus making the daycare looks filled. But at least, once every 2 years is bound to be happening to make this building area all the paradise for those who like children but the hell for those who can't endure it.

"As the future worker for Mengku family whose power is not that different from the normally famous sects, you are expected to grow both mentally and physically and protect our names."

Every kind of doctrine and motivation was poured on a daily basis as the servant teach and give a study material for them to finish.


Not only to the toddlers, but even a baby who first capable of speaking would then be subjected to a high level of task and training which then makes them perceive as a natural habit.

Coupled with the rules who already established forever, this kind of environment is going to be something to get used to with a little push of time. With that, a daycare filled with a variety of brats and toddlers and some nurses who teach a basic knowledge for their servant's future was born.

Of course, the real teaching only happens past 4 years old but no one forbids the younger one to mingle while at it.

A talent who trained since childhood, growing with special training, and supervised with a standard that must be reached on a short term goal thus create a bundle of the young and specialized servants that no normal worker who only trained with the basic like the institution normally provides could compare.

Of course, as to how unpredictable the children are, they're bound to be troublesome ones who didn't and wouldn't like this kind of place that took their little playing time. Unfortunately, the ones who will take the brunt of it would be their parents, making them quite strict with their teaching back at home too.

Because of it, the daycare that normally filled with unhappy and anxious little children who had various familial problems become an institution where the children's growth spurred as much as possible making this family even more terrifying.

'Are you all are a demon? How come you take a children's happiness and expect us to be proud of it!?'

Except that if the children already realize the anomaly like a certain baby around 6 months who is currently listening silently toward brainwashing like teaching from the side, then this kind of teaching method would work as a world rule.

'I wouldn't care much about other children but now I am forced to learn something I possibly didn't like too!?'

Looking left and right while confusedly takes an admiring and longing the majority of the children in this room has, the little baby can't help but became speechless as she lamenting of what is happening,

After possibly dying and then wake up as another in a foreign place, with foreign parents, a foreign living environment, and a suck future, the ex-uncle feels pissed filled with anxiety for the mother she left behind.

'The first few days is a torture, a few weeks is angry inducing, and what I can feel for the past month were only regret and helplessness'

He, she didn't and couldn't care less about what, why, and how such an unrealistic phenomenon even could possibly happen but regardless, she really can't do anything about it.

'At first, I become scared of what's happening to my mother. But by the time I can talk and move on my own, there would be a little to no chance for me to get back'

Day in and day out worrying and then slapped awake by how powerless she can do for as long as 6 months continuously, she then decides to do whatever she can possibly do for now.

'What a suck life. But learning as a servant, huh'

-Oi, you know what to do right? Don't make a mistake

-You dare to oppose me?

-You are quite good, but it doesn't mean you can choose what kind of order you like and not. What I said is absolute, and I didn't care about your say in it.

-Punish him

'Am I going to be alright?', thought the little lady over her bad past life as an underling.

If a 6 months baby can smile wryly, she would be doing so right now but what the current her can do is just lay back while listening to the "we are great, you should be proud, you must, you ought, you mustn't", and other hypnosis inducing lullaby.

While doing some numbering calculations in her spare time, she suddenly heard an unexpected word coming from the servant in charge today.

"I heard that the fifth young master would visit?"

"Phrasing. A toddler who can't even walk yet wouldn't pay a visit, but his caretaker of and including the young master would."

"Ah, sorry. That's what I mean. SO, who is the caretaker? I doubt his parents, the third master of Meruk Family would personally come right?"

"I doubt so but it isn't a complete impossibility. As a martial arts family with the purpose of sending their most talented spouse toward the forest of the beast, they would take all of their time to teach the older ones instead of caring for the youngest son who can't even speak yet. "

'Hmm, an important figure appearing in the caretaker of servants? At least I can remember their face early on'

With a normal gossip of the day, a certain baby who always listens to any kind of news from the parents and servant start to nod her little head in contemplation

Minutes and hours passed, and the time when the sun was set comes yet a certain important figure didn't even show their nose.

Of course, the gossip could be right or wrong.

But, day after day and even two weeks had passed yet the little young master didn't come, making all of the servants on the caretaker including the parents of the said children who currently inside to breathe a sigh of relief and disappointment.

As someone who works in a proud family since their parents' time, of course, they want to take a glimpse of someone who protects, helps, and raises them.

That gratefulness, especially every time when the news of someone's death and certain chaos of war reach the servant's ears, they always thank heaven for their blessing to be born and allowed to work in the safe environment and yet still helped to grow their skill and power to survive in this dangerous world.

At least that kind of feeling is what they are trying to portray.

'He didn't come'

And that disappointment also has been felt by the little baby who waits alongside the servant.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know either. Some of the servants I know of said that the little young master seems to create something that makes the family excited or some sort."

"But, there is no exact information right?"


And thus the 6 months reach 1 year just like that. Within that time, a lot of thought and planning comes in and goes toward the baby's head who feels like she needs to take this life more seriously compared with before. Especially toward a certain fact, that makes the babies feel like cursing out loud.

"Come on, Little Anya. Ahhh~"


"Honey, what should we do about little Anya's future? As a girl, I am quite worried about her learning how to fight"

"You learn how to fight too. And, it is not that bad as long as she learns the graceful martial arts, making her capable of attracting boys interest"

"That's right; I don't want her to learn normal martial's art or plain one. Or else, she might end up reach as far as a side servant like us"

*chomp chomp

"Pa, Ma, I am fine"


"Kyaaa~! Why are you so cute!? This is exactly why I don't want her to be a side servant only!"

"I agree, with her smart head and cuteness, at least she should reach at least an outer servant."

'Why? Just. Why!?'

Within that soft-looking white peach-like cheek, sparkling and innocent eyes, fluttering black hair, and cute and adorable voice who always said a kind word toward her parents' laid a sinner muscled uncle who retains her past memory so being expected to gather boy's interest, A. Boy. Interest! couldn't be more unappealing than looking at the sh*t that floating by on the river.

'This is giving me the most headaches'

Not knowing their little daughter's dilemma, the young couple continues their worries regarding what should they do for their little angle.

"No normal worker could be promoted, so it is better if we teach her personally"

"There is a lot of precedence for a girl, a woman who reaches that important position in the past. The probability is 6:4 for the man who dominates, but it is purely because of the exact talent every woman servant had, not because of discrimination or the like. "

"That's right; the problem is how to get that far considering we got this far even though more than years had passed"

'What about my opinion?'

With each their own worry to consider, the dinner time thus finishes and the night approaches for the servant rest time, and work time for the other.

Inside Anya's room which consists of little girls necessities such as a little bed, wardrobe, desk and chair, bookshelves, and of course a little cradle in either pink or flowery for Anya's sleep place, the little lady is currently looking at the ceiling in contemplation.

'This room is one of the sole comforts of my life'

After confirming that he, or more like, her parents already go out of the room, she starts to sit on her little cradle and start to recall the teaching of the daycare servant.

'Gather the world Qi toward one's dantian, and then store it'

As she closes her black eyes which the same color as her hair, Anya starts to concentrate while erasing any unnecessary thought out of her head.

Slowly, very slowly the light of particles that normally couldn't be seen by the naked eyes starts to be visible through her sense.

'This is really magical no matter how many times I see it'

After taking a little breath, the little particle starts to slowly crawl toward her, gathering as if attracted to something. 1 minute, two minutes, only until it reaches 3 minutes that the certain particle that's moving at a snail pace reaches the little girl's bodies.

If someone were around, they would be shocked that a little baby could manage such a feat because normally, qi gathering knowledge is something that needs a certain amount of intelligence to comprehend and thus couldn't be understood by a mere baby.

But more than that, the second most important part is the number of particles and the time needed to gather the said qi particle.

'Too slow, too inefficient'

Such a thought suddenly pops out on Anya's head but she erases it as soon as it appears lest it disturbs her concentration. The amount of Qi in the air is very dependant on the place but more than that, the amount even in normal circumstances isn't something that could be trifled with. Yet, within that sea of the particle, a lot of it ignore her attraction, some move slowly before stopping, and the rest which the amount quite pitiful to look at are the one which finally reaches the girl's body.


'…this is annoying'

Thought Anya as she frowns her little eyebrow and that completely disturbs her concentration, making the light that's gathering start to disperse.

Anya's adorable and squishy cheek was sweating and her breath became a little rougher. It might be dangerous, it might be not.

'The problem is, I don't know which'

Because of exactly that reason that Anya stops the practice whenever it almost reaches the dantian.

Such a complication, method, and an act of gathering Qi at a mere a year-old is not something she ever heard in her whole life in this world.

'Or rather, this Qi gathering thing is not something that exists in my past life'

Maybe, because of such uncertainty, she stops practicing starts to sleep right after. When she closed her eyes after around 10 minutes of trying the technique she learns, a thought couldn't help but fill up her little brain.

'I don't know whether practicing for a toddler is bad or not for one's growth, don't know whether the process is right or wrong, and don't know whether putting the Qi above all else toward an undeveloped body is bad or not'

Thought her ignoring the fact that she is born as a girl, being reincarnated with memory intact, having to do a shameful thing as a baby, and fated to live as a servant for her new life to the side.

'It is though, but what matters right now the most is to do what I can do for the time being'

A couple of minutes passed and the little lady begins to close her eyes for the day. In her sleep, she dreams of her past when the time she tried to live a new life.

"Shit! Why does a younger dude become my boss!?'

"Isn't it because I am more capable if compared?"

"But, isn't it unfair for my seniors? I've been working as a construction worker for the past year, and some of them had already a senior of my senior. Yet, someone suddenly appears and becomes the leader instead!? How come!?"

"…Because seniority and age difference, you think they are eligible to get an advantage?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Then, isn't it because they are only doing what expected to? 4 years is more than enough for one to get a promotion. Aren't you a daily worker? Why haven't you realized the reason why you never become a contracted worker yet?"

As if hearing some kind of enlightenment, the person in her dream, the man's mouth became agape not knowing what to say. That person wants to say something to refute but when he saw the calm and collected expression on that young yet somewhat matured face, he then realizes that it might indeed weird for him to always work as a Daily worker only.

As someone tied under contract, and another who only called when needed, the benefits each have are completely different such as fixed pay and additional service pay. But, before the person in the dream answer that important question, the person who just dreaming for the night awakens from her slumber.

A couple of seconds passed and the agape mouth of little Anya didn't that manage to close her mouth, she recalled what she said at that time.

'…Then, what should I do?', copy her mouth movement as her question at that time.

'Isn't it obvious, do what you can do for the time being? Doing what you are expected only is something an ordinary person does. Goes beyond that, and you can become anew', said the young boss toward the muscled and hard-headed-looking worker who is looking at him in confusion, a stark contrast with his outburst a few seconds ago.

'That's why regretting is too useless of an action. One step at a time. let's renew me one step at a time'

What's greet the little toddler awaken face was a darkness that's like telling her it's not the time for the new day yet. Knowing the familiar stuffed feels from below, she realized that it is time to call a certain someone.


After a round of crying, a change of pants, and a cleaning session with a little lullaby, she got her new alone time again with her reddened face. Looking back at the departing woman after pretending to fall asleep who, despite having trouble walking steadily, still takes care of her with a smile, care, and worry mixed into loving and soothing care, she starts to feel her heartwarming up.

After shaking her little head as if trying to clear her thought, she then starts to do her routine of a little Qi practice.

Just like before, the Qi moves at a snail pace, gets in contact with the little baby's body, yet didn't get inside her Dantian and only stayed on the body before dispersing after a few minutes passed. After calming the somewhat rough breathing herself, she then repeats her action a few more times until somewhat exhausted then she relaxes and falls asleep again.

'What? You receive such a saying too often? Then, isn't it time to apply it now? Aren't you curious, what might you become if you do such a thing?'

As if on cue, that young boss's voice starts to ring again on her dream. Inside the dream world, the deep consciousness of her starts to act on its own as if it wants to show something. With the surrounding start to warp and then show the life of a muscled man who did his best, what appears after was a life of a man who slowly but surely getting promoted as a contracted staff in the span of 1 year and a half. That happy face, that tired expression but with bright eyes, and the congratulations of the already aged mother who is happy for her son's new version was something she was happy about but had forgotten.


It only has one answer.

She will become someone's better. Way better than before, and the little lady has decided that it must be done.