
I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God

"I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God" Joshua, an orphan who has known only hardship and solitude, is suddenly thrust into a fantastical world alongside his unsuspecting classmates. Summoned by five powerful gods, their mission is clear: defeat the malevolent Demon God threatening the realm. However, Joshua harbors a cunning secret and a thirst for power that far exceeds mere heroism. As his classmates grapple with their new roles, Joshua's keen intellect and ruthless determination set him on a path of manipulation and deceit. He masterfully plays the gods against each other, weaving a complex web of lies and alliances. His ultimate goal? To ascend beyond the very gods who summoned him, claiming their divine power for his own amusement. In a world where darkness lurks at every turn and nothing is as it seems, Joshua embraces the chaos. He cultivates a harem, leverages forbidden magic, and orchestrates betrayals with chilling precision. Each twist and turn of his journey reveals the depths of his ambition and the true nature of his heart. "I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God" is a thrilling tale of power, manipulation, and dark intrigue. With its complex protagonist, unexpected twists, and morally ambiguous themes, this story promises to captivate readers who crave an exhilarating blend of fantasy and psychological warfare.

Darkpath · Fantaisie
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The Day I Was Summoned

Joshua was walking to school since it was just a short distance from his house. As he entered, he saw the daily routine of these "dumb" students. He didn't care and just went to his class. As everyone assembled in the classroom and Joshua sat down, the teacher entered and started to teach math.

*Fourth wall breaks:* "You guys see this old bitch teaching math? She's not even good at it, bruh. I can solve it so easily, but you see, I don't want to attract attention, so I'm acting as a side character. Well, I hope you guys are good at math too because I know, readers, that math is a hellish subject. But you see, I hated math also, but I never gave up on it. So give it a try and love math."

As the fourth wall ends, the classroom was as usual: some students started to sleep, some were using their phones, and some were drawing and doing other stuff. But Joshua was enjoying the view of the trees. Suddenly, the leaves started to freeze in mid-air. Joshua was stunned, and then he started falling into space.


*Fourth wall comes up:* "Guys, it's taking too long to fall. The main story is going to begin, so be ready. Get your popcorn and clear your browsing history. Put your tissues and cream aside because the story is going to get spiced up. Well, I'm just trying to create interest so you readers will stick around. See yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

*Fourth wall breaks* and Joshua continues to fall: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He lands in a dusty room, surrounded by cobwebs and books, with a small table. Joshua thought, "Did I reincarnate or get summoned to a poor family? Bruh, I was already poor in my previous life."

The door opens, and a man wearing a black coat adorned with stars enters. Joshua asks, "Where am I and who are you?"

The man replies, "I am the Eternal, the god who rules the stars, space, and galaxies. I have summoned you."

"Wait," Joshua interrupts, "did I get summoned to defeat a devil king?"

"Uh, yes, I guess," the Eternal responds.

"So I am the only one who got summoned?" Joshua asks.

"No," the god replies.

"Fuck, I thought I would be the only one summoned, like in some novels. It would be so interesting. But I guess not, huh? This is going to be boring."

"Can I speak?" the Eternal asks.

"Oh yes," Joshua says.

"I will explain to you. We are called the gods, and there are a total of seven of us: the god of nature, the god of the sea, the god of lightning, the god of fire, the holy god, the god of wind, and I, the god of space, stars, and galaxies. I am known as the Eternal God," the god explains.

"Oh, so why does a god live in a crappy place?" Joshua asks.

"I will explain the details of this place later. The reason you and your friends were summoned is that there is a demon king who is a threat to the world and many universes. We gods are the protectors, and you are the heroes summoned to kill the demon king," the Eternal says.

"Stop. Why don't you gods just go and stop him? You are gods. Why do we need to kill him?" Joshua inquires.

"Well, you see," the Eternal starts.

*Joshua breaks the fourth wall:* "See, readers, this is going to be said by the god: We gods cannot interact with the world and have no power to do anything to the world directly. We have the power to grant and summon heroes, but we cannot interact ourselves."

*Fourth wall breaks:* "And back to the story, we gods are absolute beings created to protect the universe. But the demon king has created a power that prevents us gods from interacting with the world or its humans."

*Fourth wall breaks:* "Oh shit, I didn't expect this. I hope you readers didn't expect this either, huh?"

*Fourth wall breaks* and the god continues: "So that's why we have summoned heroes. Among the summoned, you are the first to arrive in this world. Your friends are still being summoned, so it will take time for them to reach here."

"So you guys will give us power, and we have to train and defeat the demon king? Whatever," Joshua says.

"Yes, but the heroes will be born into noble families and will retain the consciousness of their previous world," the god explains.

"Oh, I didn't expect that. But before you continue, can I ask for three wishes?" Joshua interrupts.

"Yes," the god agrees.

"I want the power to grant any wish. My second wish is to have the information of this world, its gods, and the universe. The third wish, I'll ask later," Joshua declares.

"What do I get for granting these wishes?" the Eternal asks.

"So you don't have the power to grant these wishes?" Joshua mocks.

"I am the Eternal God. I can do anything that other gods cannot," the Eternal responds, shocked.

"Well, if you have such power, why do you live in a crappy room?" Joshua inquires.

"I summoned a hero before, just to make sure nothing happens to this world. But that hero changed into a demon king due to some situation. Because of that, all the gods decided to punish me by taking my wealth. This is what happened," the Eternal explains.

"Well, did you accept the punishment because of the mistake you made? But what if the hero becoming the demon king was orchestrated by a god who hated you?" Joshua speculates.

The Eternal is shocked. "Well..."

"You didn't think of that, huh? Some gods might have been greedy and tried to take your position. But because you are more powerful, they framed you. Gods and humans are the same; everyone wants to be superior, and some are greedy," Joshua explains.

The Eternal is taken aback. Joshua continues, "If you grant my wishes, I'll help you get your revenge and make you the superior god that all other gods will obey."

The Eternal thinks and then smiles, "It's not a bad deal. I will do it."

Both shake hands, and the god grants Joshua's first wish. A bright light enters Joshua's heart. Then Joshua wishes for two things and speaks to the god.

The god asks, "Now that you have the power to wish for anything, how will you crush the gods?"

"I have already wished for two things: one, to have greater power than the gods, and two, to be invincible against any god's power," Joshua reveals.

The god is shocked. "What? Are you saying you have become more powerful than the seven gods with just two wishes?"

Joshua smiles, "Yes."

The god laughs, "I didn't think a human with just two wishes would become more powerful than the god who summoned him. Ha ha ha ha ha! So interesting."

Joshua says, "I will wish for the other powers later. Now, teleport me to a royal family."

"The summon just happened, and all the gods are explaining things to your friends. Including you, seven humans were summoned, and six of them are your classmates," the god explains.

"Oh, very interesting," Joshua remarks. He and the god make a new scheme to crush the other gods. Joshua is born as the youngest son of the Agnus family, a great duke family, one of the top seven great families. Joshua's journey of satisfaction has begun.

Joshua was born into the prestigious Agnus family. Henward Agnus, the current leader of the family, was his new father, and Rosemary, the daughter of the royal empire family, was his new mother. As a baby, Joshua experienced something extraordinary.

*Fourth wall breaks:* "Hello, readers. As you see, I am a baby now. A lot of you might be confused about how a baby is speaking to you. Well, I guess I don't know either. So, see guys, the second chapter has come to an end, but hereafter, the main twist will happen. Wait and enjoy the story, and I guess I'll go back to the part where my new parents are showing me so much love. I guess I'm going to be drowned in their kisses."

*Fourth wall ends* and Joshua's mother, Rosemary, says, "Honey, look, our baby is so cute."

His father, Henward, replies, "Yes, he looks like me."

Joshua's sister, and his brother are twins and just few years older than Joshua. They come over and look at Joshua, pinching his cheeks and saying, "They're so soft!"

For Joshua, this was a new experience. He had never had a family that showed so much love. He liked it and was happy with what he got.