
I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God

Auteur: Darkpath
Actuel · 861 Affichage
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What is I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God

Lisez le roman I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God écrit par l'auteur Darkpath publié sur WebNovel. "I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God"Joshua, an orphan who has known only hardship and solitude, is suddenly thrust into a fantastical world alongside his unsuspecting classm...


"I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God" Joshua, an orphan who has known only hardship and solitude, is suddenly thrust into a fantastical world alongside his unsuspecting classmates. Summoned by five powerful gods, their mission is clear: defeat the malevolent Demon God threatening the realm. However, Joshua harbors a cunning secret and a thirst for power that far exceeds mere heroism. As his classmates grapple with their new roles, Joshua's keen intellect and ruthless determination set him on a path of manipulation and deceit. He masterfully plays the gods against each other, weaving a complex web of lies and alliances. His ultimate goal? To ascend beyond the very gods who summoned him, claiming their divine power for his own amusement. In a world where darkness lurks at every turn and nothing is as it seems, Joshua embraces the chaos. He cultivates a harem, leverages forbidden magic, and orchestrates betrayals with chilling precision. Each twist and turn of his journey reveals the depths of his ambition and the true nature of his heart. "I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God" is a thrilling tale of power, manipulation, and dark intrigue. With its complex protagonist, unexpected twists, and morally ambiguous themes, this story promises to captivate readers who crave an exhilarating blend of fantasy and psychological warfare.

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  • Tarif global
  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


En savoir plus sur ce livre

Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating