
I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God

"I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God" Joshua, an orphan who has known only hardship and solitude, is suddenly thrust into a fantastical world alongside his unsuspecting classmates. Summoned by five powerful gods, their mission is clear: defeat the malevolent Demon God threatening the realm. However, Joshua harbors a cunning secret and a thirst for power that far exceeds mere heroism. As his classmates grapple with their new roles, Joshua's keen intellect and ruthless determination set him on a path of manipulation and deceit. He masterfully plays the gods against each other, weaving a complex web of lies and alliances. His ultimate goal? To ascend beyond the very gods who summoned him, claiming their divine power for his own amusement. In a world where darkness lurks at every turn and nothing is as it seems, Joshua embraces the chaos. He cultivates a harem, leverages forbidden magic, and orchestrates betrayals with chilling precision. Each twist and turn of his journey reveals the depths of his ambition and the true nature of his heart. "I Was Summoned By a God But I Tricked The God To Become a God" is a thrilling tale of power, manipulation, and dark intrigue. With its complex protagonist, unexpected twists, and morally ambiguous themes, this story promises to captivate readers who crave an exhilarating blend of fantasy and psychological warfare.

Darkpath · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The Day Before the Summon

In a good morning beautiful world, where suns shine and trees and wind dance together in beauty, and birds fly and cats roam, the rich people live in a neighborhood called Richhood. And in that, there was a family, one of the richest persons in the world. And in that rich family, I am just a servant who cleans their floors and toilets. Huh, what a life.

Well, my name is Josuha, and I am a 17-year-old boy who is just going to high school. And where students just have fun with friends, and weak get bullied, and black people face racism with white students and teachers who don't give a shit. As female students fuck the home room or subject teachers to get good marks, and I just a person who doesn't care about this school or the society.

As handsome people get proposed or always a girl stays with them, and people use others for their advantages, and people always act happy and inside they whether have hate each other or just do whatever. And I just a normal student who doesn't give a shit, just blend in and sit in a corner of the classroom, and I can even score top marks, but I wantedly just score average, and I wanted to miss some classes also.

As the school ends, they go in a group or people come and pick up in a car or bike or some go in a bus, but I just cut the ties of my friends from the school and depart alone because I like to be alone. Well, like others, I am not rich as well, I am just an orphan who lives in an orphanage where I just work for my own expenses. I don't know who my parents are, and I didn't even want to know them. Well, I don't also care.

Well, in this situation, I just like this ice cream I have, and having a view of this beautiful sunset. Huh, what a life. Drrrrrrrrr drrrrrrrrr drrrrrrrrr. Who the fuck just disturbed my view? And fuck, it's the dorm lady. "Hello, Josuha."

"What do you want, dorm lady?" I asked.

"Well, you see, can you buy some bread for the children?" she asked.

"I don't have money, I just paid my school fees just now," I replied.

"I am so sick, Josuha, I can't even stand to cook. Please, I will give you the money after you return," she said.

"Fine, I will borrow some money from my friend," I said, ending the call.

I have more money because I worked a little, and my hip is blown up. As I checked my phone, my balance said 40,000 dollars. Well, I don't like to share what is mine, but this dorm lady, fucking old granny, just orders me and doesn't give the money in return. Why do I even care about the other children in that house? Just because we grew up together doesn't mean that I am a brother or something. Well, whatever, I will just buy some bread and go to my room, but soon I will leave this stupid place and live a free life.

I went to a bakery shop, and the shop worker asked, "How can I help you?"

"Can you give me 5 packs of bread?" I asked.

"How much is it?" I asked.

"It's 20 dollars," the worker replied.

"Fuck, this is expensive," I said, smiling and giving him the money.

"Here you go, sir. Come back, sir," the worker said.

"Come back, my ass," I muttered to myself. "So expensive. Well, this will be the last."

I entered the house and put the bread on the table, took a bread packet and picked up some jam, and went to my room. As I was having my dinner, the same time the orphan children were also having their dinner, and the night came. I did some exercise, did my homework, read some novels, and slept at 12 pm.

Well, this is how my life is going through, and I don't like it also. Well, I need freedom, I can do anything. I think that my life is just average or below. I don't care. I just want to live a life with some satisfaction that I can get. So maybe or maybe not.

When I read those manhwas or novels, I feel like what if I was a hero or a god or a main character. It would have been fun just to live. So I think that's not gonna happen, ha ha. Well, time's up. Who am I, guys? Huh, you thinking I am talking this all shits to myself or someone near me? Bruh, guys who is reading, I am talking to you only.

What is it called, ha? I remember, fourth wall breaker, huh? Well, I am kinda like that. Don't just give up on my novel readers. You see, this author doesn't want to just give the whole story just in the first chapter. The author is thinking to expand some chapters and then give the main story. But guys, just you wait, the main story will be so good.

Anyway, back to the story, huh? What a life. Well, I have tomorrow school, bruh. Why does it take too much time in school, but when I am free, it goes like so flashy fast? Well, I just need to study for one more year, huh. So paining. Well, I guess I will sleep now. So good night to me and to you readers also. We will see in the next chapter, sweet dreams.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but feel frustrated with my life. It was like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of boredom and mediocrity. I felt like I was just going through the motions, without any sense of purpose or direction.

I thought about the school, and how it seemed to be suffocating me. I thought about the rich family I worked for, and how they treated me like a servant. I thought about the dorm lady, and how she always seemed to be ordering me around.

I sighed, feeling a sense of desperation wash over me. I just wanted to be free, to live a life that was mine, not one that was dictated by others. I wanted to be able to make my own choices, to pursue my own dreams.

But, for now, I was stuck in this rut, going through the motions of daily life without any sense of purpose or direction. I could only hope that someday, things would change, and I would be able to live the life I truly wanted.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held, and whether I would ever find the freedom and satisfaction I so desperately craved.

Oh guys, you see, I am sleeping, but I came to say something... yawn... you know, like I forgot to tell you that my author also made 2 more novels, and if you type my author's name in Webnovel, they will appear, and those are some crazy good stories, so try those also... stifles a yawn... see how good the main character I am, lol.

Fourth Wall Shatters

KA-BOOM! The fourth wall explodes, and the author's face appears, looking frazzled and annoyed.

Author: sighs Oh, for crying out loud, Josuha, can you please just let me sleep? You're breaking the fourth wall again, and it's getting on my nerves!

Josuha: sheepishly Oh, sorry, author... I just got a bit carried away...

Author: rolls eyes Carried away? You're carrying away the entire story, Josuha! mutters under breath And now I have to apologize to the readers...

Fourth Wall Repairs

The fourth wall slowly rebuilds itself, and the author's face disappears.

Author: sighs Anyway, I apologize to the readers for Josuha's antics. Please, do leave some ratings and reviews, and I hope you enjoy the story despite the... ahem... creative liberties taken by the protagonist.

Josuha: yawns Yeah, see you next morning, guys... falls asleep

Author: facepalms Not again... sighs Good night, readers... trails off

As the sun rises the next morning, Josuha wakes up, feeling refreshed and ready to continue his story. But the author is still grumbling in the background, muttering about broken fourth walls and wayward protagonists...

As Josuha wakes up, he just carries his daily routine, doing exercises in the morning at 4 am, and having breakfast. He runs through the park, feeling the cool morning breeze on his face.

Fourth Wall Shatters

KA-BOOM! The fourth wall explodes, and Josuha's face appears, looking directly at the readers.

Josuha: Good morning, readers! winks So, here's my daily routine. As you can see, I keep my body in top shape because I need to live a healthy life. flexes You guys should also be healthy, don't be a fucking lazy pig, and do some exercise! Be like a gigachad, bro! laughs

Fourth Wall Repairs

The fourth wall slowly rebuilds itself, and Josuha's face disappears.

Josuha continues his run, stopping at a vending machine to buy some water. He takes a refreshing sip and returns to the house, going to his room to take a bath and get ready for school.

As he gets dressed, he can't help but think about his life and how he wants to change it. He wants to be more than just an average student, he wants to be someone who makes a difference.

Author's Note

The author's face appears in a small box at the corner of the page, looking frustrated.

Author: sighs I apologize, readers, but it seems Josuha has taken over the narrative again. I'll try to regain control, but for now, bear with me. mutters under breath And try to ignore Josuha's... creative... advice...

Josuha: laughs Oh, don't worry about the author, guys. They're just mad because I broke the fourth wall again. winks Anyway, let's get back to the story. It's time for school, and I have a feeling today is going to be an interesting day...

Also Josuha saying guys small information author now only limited access to fourth wall so you guys wont see him for some of the chapters but don't be sad i am here as back to story .

Josuha walks to his school .....!