
I was reincarnated as a Crow? (DROPPED)

A man dies and comes back as a crow in the MCU. How thrilling! But then dies again and comes back as a crow (again)? What the heck? It has a bit of a rocky start up mostly because I wasn't taking it seriously, but I promise it balances it out later in the story.

Banchii · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Cuteness Overload.

Thor channeled lightning through Mjolnir, turning the clear sky into an dark overcast as a thick, blue, bolt of lightning came my way.

Using [Devoured Space] very lightly, I brought the lightning bolt to the Shadow Realm before I unleashed it behind Thor, hitting him in the back. Thor was a bit shocked and was sent crashing into the tundra again.

'That lighting bolt was strong, let's see what I can do with [Sky Magic] then,' Immediately, a large amount of energy was channeled within me and I envisioned a lightning bolt. If the clouds before were dark, then these clouds were the difference between night and day.

Small discharges of white electricity came off of my body and a huge hole appeared in the sky. Soon a thick, white, bolt of lightning, crashed down on top of Thor.

'Okay, Okay, I think I overdid it a bit much, holy shit!' Despite my slight worry for Thor, he was relatively fine and he came out of the crater with some minor cuts.

"You sure pack a punch bird!" Thor laughed as he spun Mjolnir and flew towards me. Once he got within range, I smacked him with my wing again, but once he hit the ground he recovered and threw Mjolnir, smacking me in the face with it.

I was left stunned for a moment, giving Thor time to catch Mjolnir and get above me to smack me on top of the head, sending me into the frozen tundra. I wasn't given anytime to recover as I felt Thor grab my legs and he began to spin me around. He spun me, then threw me into the air before finishing his combo with a lightning strike.

I was sent crashing down back into the tundra, slightly angry. I used [Devoured Space] to eat the space around me, bringing Thor closer to me, think of it like Universal Pull. Thor couldn't fight the literally fabric of fucking space, so he was flying my way at high speeds.

I balled my fist and once he was within range, punched him with all my birdie might. Thor was sent flying, and I mean flying. I think he crashed into a distant mountain, that was like half a mile away. I flew towards his general location and found him lodged in a mountain, he was out cold.

'Whoops, didn't think I'd knock him out,' I shrugged my feathers. Soon, a rainbow colored beam came from the sky and picked Thor up. Thor will never live this day down, he's going to be made fun of for the rest of his life.

'Now that that's taken care of, what should I do now?' It was a bit too early for any major plot movements, at least any that can give me a challenge and or threaten my life. I shrugged again and flew upwards. I continued to fly higher into the sky, going through the thermosphere, and eventually exiting Earth's atmosphere.

'I'll be back here in like, six years,' I flapped my wings and somehow, I moved, space bird physics...

I was flying around for a couple of hours with no real direction, I was long past the moon and probably closer to Mars. After a few more hours, I decided to fly past Mars and I entered the Asteroid belt.

I lazily flew around, playing soccer with the asteroids until I heard a loud distress call. Normally I would ignore this, but this distress call triggered something within me. It was hard to explain, so I decided to check it out. It took me a few minutes, and the call was coming from the Dwarf planet, Ceres.

I flew around the planet to find the location of the distress call and after a few minutes I found it. What I was met with was heartbreaking...

It was a small platoon of Kree, shooting at a large beast. This beast had the head of a panther, body of a tiger, wings like an angel, and a snake for a tail. This beast was comparable to me in size, and I could tell it's life force was waning. That wasn't the heartbreaking part though, the heartbreaking part was that I could see a much, much smaller version of this beast hiding behind a few rocks.

It was clear that this beast was protecting it's child, and was willing to die to do so. I found that honorable, so I decided to help it. Using [Twilight Call], I heavily stunned the Kree forces. The large beast noticed me, but decided to use the last of it's life force to take care of the pesky Kree.

It opened it's mouth and let out a huge plume of blue fire, and I could feel the heat from here, mind you, I was around a mile away. The flames washed over the Kree, turning them into ashes. The beast roared before collapsing. I flew towards it's location and it looked at me with wariness before looking at me with trust.

"B-Bird, I hope my trust is not misplaced. Take my child far away from here, that is all I ask, as a final request," I could hear a female voice enter my mind, most likely the beast in front of me. I looked the beast in the eye before responding, "I swear on my honor, that your child will be looked after."

The beast smiled before it's body turned into an array of beautiful blue lights. The lights dissipated into space, and when I looked up at the deep expanse, I swear I could see a new star twinkling.

"Farewell," I curtly said before turning my attention to the little cat biting my leg. I made myself around 4 feet tall, just enough to meet the beast eye to eye. It tried attacking me again and I lightly slapped it with my wing, causing it to fly in the air before it flipped and landed on it's feet.

I could see that it was full of anger, sadness, and grief. It tried attacking me again and I spoke to it, "I know you are angry child, but I am not the one to take your anger out on. Perhaps you could come with me to find those who have done this to your mother," The beast stopped trying to attack me and calmed down. I mentally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good, now what is your name?" I asked the little beast and it turned it's head in confusion.


I was shocked by how adorable that was and almost went to try and pet the little beast. I regained my bird pride and sighed.

'Telepathic speech would come in handy about now,' I sighed again and a notification popped up.

[Speech has evolved and turned into Telepathic Speech]

'Very obviously influenced by my mother. Thank you!' I hoped to meet her one day, she's obviously excited to meet me, or at least see me.

"Testing, testing, can you hear me?" I telepathically spoke to the little beast and it's eyes widened in shock.

"Uwaaaa, the birdie can speak with his brain?" The little beast was female it seems and I didn't need to hear her voice to know she was a child.

"Yes, but my name isn't birdie it's Ragnarök but you can call me Ragna," The little beast nodded it's head before looking a bit conflicted. It was odd how I could read this beast, I've never seen before, like a book.

"Your name is Ragna, so then what is my name?" The little beast asked in the most adorable voice in the world. I fought the feelings to pet her before I began to deeply think about a name.

"How about, Hemera?" I don't know why but that name just clicked, it felt right for her. What happened after I named her was something I wasn't expecting at all...