
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Films
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29 Chs

Pablo Ochoa pt2

"Ugh!" Dutch groaned as she ate a can of beans. She laid on a giant branch looking at the river flow. 

She felt comfortable and at peace. Looking towards the side she saw a bunch of branches and leaves. Looking in between two branches, she saw a watchtower. A man was climbing down at a quick speed.

She had been in the rainforest for three days now. In these three days she hadn't made a move against Pablo or his people. 

She wanted to make sure the footage she saw on A's screen was accurate. Having spent three days watching and observing she now knew it was all true.

Although they turned out to be true Dutch still found things she wouldn't have been able to find from the lab. 

One the people patrolling the exterior of the compound were normal Columbian guards. While the super clones were on the interior of the compound. 

Today she would make her move. The watchtowers would be the first target. 

Dutch sighed as she looked back at the river. Since she came to this world it has been one thing or another. She realized she needed to relax a little. She closed her eyes, while listening to the river flow. 

She not only used these three days as a reconnaissance but also a time to reflect on herself. She had learned a lot in these days, giving her an idea of what she wanted to do in the future. 


Dutch opened her eyes. She heard a twig snap not far away from the tree she was on. Her eyes never moved from the river. 


Slow steady steps crept closer to her tree. Dutch still didn't move. Her relax expression turning into a cold one. 

A man came into view not that far away from the river. His back was turned to Dutch. She didn't move. 


He pulled down his pants and peed in the river. Dutch slowly got up. She moved with swiftness as a knife appeared in her hands. 


Blood spattered everywhere. Dutch ignored the blood and dragged his body behind the tree. 

Dutch moved quickly, picking up the radio from the corpse. She moved towards the tower guard in front of Pablo's window. 

Pftt Pftt Pftt 

Dutch killed her way towards the west side of Pablo's house. Taking a breath before walking in, she saw two big men standing in front of her.

"Hmm.." She hummed as they both turned towards her. She noticed their giant bodies was a large difference from her small body. 

"When am I going to grow?" She complained as one of the men charges at her.

He threw a powerful punch at Dutch's face, who swiftly ducks. She kicked out towards his shin causing him to staggered backwards. 

"Mmm," She winced. That hit actually hurt her foot. She was surprised seeing how tough their body is.

The other man didn't give Dutch a chance to breathe as he rushed in with a flurry of punches and kicks. Dutch dodges every attack. 

Not as effortless as she would have liked.

"So he's the strong one and your the fast one." Dutch muttered to herself. 

Feeling the pressure Dutch decided to end this fight quickly. She had been observing his fight pattern this whole while.

Without hesitation she stopped moving back and rushed forward. She flicked her wrist, the knife appeared.

Pftt Pftt Pftt 

Hitting his ribs twice before leaving large gashes on his legs, Dutch jumped to the side evading a punch from the other man. 


She used all her strength to uppercut him, causing him to fly upward. She turn her attention back to the other one. 


Stabbing him through his neck, she quickly turn back towards the other one. Seeing him struggle to get up Dutch kicked his feet, before rushing up and stabbing him in his neck. 

She breathe out. This had to be one of the most challenging fights she had. "A's right fighting against stronger forces is way more fun." Dutch smiled as she rushed to the next floor.

Seeing a small woman with nunchaku standing on the first floor Dutch moved towards her. 

She looked a Dutch. Dutch smiled innocently. "May I kill your boss?" She asked politely

The woman not wasting a breath brought out her nunchaku, charges forward with a flurry of strikes.

"Wow! What did I do to you?" Dutch moved backwards as she countered with quick slashes and precise stabs, neutralizing the relentless assault.

"I just asked a simple question! A no would have done just fine." She seizes an opportunity, hooking the nunchaku with her knife and disarming the woman, expertly tripping her to the ground.

The woman kicked up, throwing Dutch backwards. The woman rushed forward hitting her hard in the stomach. 

Dutch gasped as she rolled over. That hit was definitely not a joke. She regretted taking the nunchaku from her. 

The woman grabbed Dutch by the hair and lifted her up. Dutch face turned cold. She quickly twisted to the side where the hair was being pulled. 


As soon as the grip of the woman loosened, she pushed backward. Hitting the woman in the face, causing her to release the full grip of Dutch's hair. 

Dutch moved away, before rushing in again. The woman seeing Dutch coming close also rushed in. She pulled her hand back, prepared to leave a devastating blow. Dutch jumped up before dropping her weight hard. 

She slid down to the ground, knocking into woman causing her to fall the floor. Dutch stopped not far away from her knife. She grabbed it.

Rushing forward, Dutch plunged her knife into the woman's throat killing her.

"What the are they feeding you people?" Dutch sighed as she patted her stomach that no longer hurt. 

She rushed up the stairs, deflecting strikes from the katana, carefully sidesteps the sweeps from the tonfa, and counters the dagger-wielding super clones with a combination of agile footwork and disruptive locks. Her movements are fluid, precise, and relentless.

She made it to Pablo's room. She sighed as she looked at the door. Sweat and blood covered her body. She was tired, she heard him talking inside and took this time to catch her breath.

When he finally stopped talking, she walks in. It was a bare room. A desk, chair, a couch in the middle of the room, a few boxes to the side and a plant in the corner.

Dutch saw Pablo stand up. She pulled out a Beretta with a silencer, she found on one of the super clones. 

Pew Pew Pew

Dutch walked toward him as she shot him in the head. She wasn't going to risk it. He could have gained anything from harvesting his clone organs. 

She emptied the clip in his head and chest. She huffed loudly before hearing footsteps coming towards the room.

Being exhausted and not feeling like fighting she jumped out the window. She rolled quickly before standing up.

She rushed towards a underground bunker. She didn't know what it was but for him to have super clones guarding it, it must be important. 

Pftt Pftt 

She rushed into the bunker. Without any problems dealing with the guards. She had fought over twenty of them in the house. She felt like she had grown stronger, like she was finally using her body to its full potential.

Dutch continues forward. Going inside she becomes speechless. 

She saw humans in large tanks filled blue liquid. They wore oxygen masks, that covered their entire face. She looked further in and saw bodies on metal tables. People working to harvest their organs.

Dutch looked towards the other side, she saw tables of weapons, drug crates, and more. She moved to one of the unmarked crates. Opening it up she saw explosives.

"Hell, of an exit." She mused. 



Not looking back, Dutch rushed far away from the compound. She could feel the explosions rippling through the ground. Not minding it for a second she kept going. 

 When she believed she was far enough away she slumped down. Catching her breath, she started to run again. Following the route she had chosen earlier.

Not stopping until two hour later when she got to a giant tree. She climbed high seeing a hut that blended in with the leaves. She moved towards it. Only after crawling inside did she relax.

It wasn't a large hut just big enough for her to put her things and to lay. Taking a water, she quickly downed it. 

"Man, that was hard." She laid down afterwards and huffed. She quickly fell asleep. Trusting the route she chose.