
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Films
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29 Chs

Null And Void

Dutch looked around the restaurant. She put her bags on the ground calmly.

"Lam Fung?" Dutch tilted her head. She flicked her wrist, a knife appeared in her hand.

Before the guards could react, Dutch pushed off the ground. In an instant she appeared behind the burly man standing behind Fung.


The knife sliced through his neck. The blood spattered forward covering Fung. He looked to the side, his eyes wide in terror as he and Dutch locked eyes.

He saw an evil glint in her eyes as she smirked.


Dutch foot landed on the ground, in that instant she moved.

Pfft Pfft Pfft

With swiftness, one after another Lam Fung guards fell. Blood flooded the floor. Lam Fung looked at her in horror. He was told she was a skilled assassin but this was something else.

"The problem is you assume I'm an ordinary person, so you brought ordinary people." Dutch landed on the table in front of Lam Fung.

"Another problem is you assume. That I only came to kill Lee Hong." Dutch jumped off the table. She walked towards her bags.

"Tell your boss that Lady Bell sends her regards." Dutch picked up her bags and walked out.

Dutch left the restaurant satisfied with her meal. She also didn't expect to meet one of her targets so easily.

Lady Bell expressed to her that she was not happy with her selling the rights of the five fathers to A. So to shut her up, Dutch agreed to take on a few more contracts.

One of them being The blue lotus, a rival to The red dragon. Lady Bell wanted to send a message to Madame Goa, by taking down a few of her businesses.


Dutch sighed as she put her bags on the table in her room. She was staying at the Hong Kong Continental.

She laid on the couch and turned on the tv. She sighed, before getting up after an hour.

She had already planned everything. Now all she had to do was execute.

Dutch left the hotel with a suitcase in tow. She smiled as she walked down the street.

"This should only take a Week to setup." Dutch stopped in front of a small store, on a quiet street.

She walked in. The man behind the counter watched her as she picked up some sweets from the isles.

Placing the sweets on the counter, Dutch frowned. She had to stand on her tippy toes to get them all up there.

The man snickered slightly. Dutch glare intensified.

She soon walked out the store with her arms filled with sweets. She walked away with a smile on her faces.

"Hey! You forgot your suitcase!" The man stood at the door with Dutch's suitcase in hand.

Dutch who had gotten a certain distance away turned around. "How nice of him."


Dutch didn't move from her spot, she watched the man take a step forward, only to be caught in a large explosion.

Boom Boom

The store caught on fire. It wasn't long before more explosions rang from the store. Dutch frowned, "it seems Lady bell was right. This is where they kept their explosives."

She turned and walked away. Police cars and fire trucks passed by her as she walked. She didn't turn back as a crowd formed not far away.

On her way pass she heard a few conversations.

"What isn't that the red dragon stash house?"

"Yeah who would have a death wish to target that place?"

"Yeah, my cousin is a red dragon he says that place is used for storage explosives and guns."

"Oh so they accidentally set something off."

"Serves them right, if you ask me."


Dutch came to a small market. This place was packed with different stores. People walked around with bags in hand.

Dutch had already finished her sweets, she saw all kinds of food. As much as she wanted to taste everything, she stayed focus.

Tonight was the start of her killing Lee Hong.

She walked into a small restaurant. The place packed filled with people. They all turned and to look at Dutch.

"Hello!" She smiled brightly being the center of attention.

She stood tall and waved at everyone, not forgetting the people in the back.

"The restaurant is reservations only." A tall man stood up and spoke.

"Oh, I know!" Dutch laughed slightly

"That's why I'm here. You can only get a reservation if your a member of the blue lotus." Dutch looked around.

The people in the back started to move forward. Everyone was on guard.

Dutch frowned, "I'm a kid! Why are you guys so tense?"

"We know who you are, Dutch." The men stepped forward.

Dutch shrugged, "Well that saves me some time. I mean it might go a lot faster if everyone was like you guys."

"Yeah there's a reward for your head. So why don't you be a good girl and stand still." The man brought out a gun.

"Aren't guns illegal here or something?" She was confused she didn't know if the laws here were the same as in her old world.

Bang bang bang

Without hesitation the man started to fire. He had heard all to much about this little girl in front of her. He wouldn't let this chance go.

Dutch moved on instinct. She didn't expect them all to be so willing to die.

"You guys are going to be fun." She smiled

Moving forward, knives appeared in her each of hands. She sighed as she waved her hands.

One by one, Dutch's opponents fell before her. She unleashed a whirlwind of acrobatic moves, her strikes landing with pinpoint accuracy.

"Boy, you people are relentless." She complains after taking out her knife from a man's skull.

She looked around the room with a frown. Blood and guts scattered across the room.

"I know she wanted ruthless, but this is just disgusting." Dutch hated this, but Lady bell had specific instructions.

She wanted Hong Kong to be filled with blood.


Dutch cleaned herself off before leaving through an secret compartment. She found a few extra people hiding there and took care of them.

She found herself in an dark alleyway. Dutch knew someone had been following her since she left the restaurant.

Going deep enough she stops. "You going to show yourself or what?" She spoke coldly.

A dark figure came out the shadows.

"Your instincts are sharper than expected." Dutch turned around abruptly. The dialect told Dutch this person wasn't from Hong Kong.

"Who are you?" She looked at the Chinese man dressed in all black. His face the only visible part.

"The dead doesn't deserve to know my name." The man rushed forward after speaking.

Lauching a lightning-fast series of punches and kicks, testing Dutch's speed and reflexes.

Dutch was surprised, who ever this guy was he was even more skilled than Bucky. His strength and speed was something even she had trouble keeping up with.

"What the fuck?!?" Dutch staggered back after the mysterious man landed a powerful punch to the chest.

Dutch was slightly shaken, she had a feeling that this man wasn't even using a quarter of his strength against her.

She rushed forward quickly retaliating with a barrage of strikes, forcing the man on the defensive.

They both engaged in a fierce exchange of grapples and throws, kicks, and punches using their strength and technique to gain the upper hand.

Despite the intense struggle, neither willing to back down, only to increase Dutch's worries.

She didn't know who this guy was, but she knew she had to end this fast.

Sweating and bruised, Dutch continued to push her body to the limit, refusing to give in to exhaustion or pain.

With a burst of energy, she manages to land a devastating blow, momentarily stunning the man.

Unlike she had expected, he stepped back. Dutch got low in a fighting stance. Waiting for him to strike.

The man stands up straight. He nods at Dutch, before turning and running off.

Dutch breathes heavily, she doesn't know what's going on but she hated it.

Wee woo! Wee woo!

Hearing the sirens coming not far away, Dutch took off. She frowned deeply, "Did he hear the sirens before that? Is he testing me?"

She arrived at a different location. She hated this feeling, she was feeling, she wanted to let out some steam…

So opening the door to a spa buliding Dutch smiled. She drowned her feelings out with the sounds of slicing skin and blood shooting out.


Dutch flopped on the bed after taking a hot shower. She spent the entire night killing her way through Hong Kong.

She wasn't quiet about her moves after the guy she faced in the alley.

Dutch opened her eyes quickly, she sat up. Her body tensed.

"You put to much trust in these buildings." A chill ran down Dutch's spine as the man from last night stood at the foot of her bed.

She didn't even hear him until he was close. This was something only Lady bell was able to do.

He held a long sword pointed at Dutch's neck.

"You can't kill me here!" Dutch quickly pointed out.

"I wasn't planning on it." The man lowered the sword.

"Who are you?" Dutch moved from the bed.

"Doesn't matter. All you need to know is… I'm Lady bell's brother. " The man took out a small paper from his coat pocket.

He threw it on the bed not far away from Dutch.

"This is my son. When you get a chance I want you to find him and allow him to follow you." Dutch frowned at this.

"And why would I do that?" She was confused. She was sure this guy wanted to kill her, why was he trying to get her to raise his kid then…

"Doesn't matter." He spoke coldly.

"Also, your contracts against Madame Goa have been terminated." He puts up his watch and taps on the screen.

A holographic image shows up. Dutch saw that the official seals on the contracts her and Lady bell had signed were broken, signaling the contracts were null and void.

Dutch frowned. The man turned to leave, "Please tell Bella, Mother G is in my care."

Before Dutch could speak the man turned into black mist before disappearing.


A small gust of wind blew from where he left. Dutch looked at the picture, that blew closer to her.

"Damnit I'm about to be sucked into some family bullcrap."