
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Films
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29 Chs

Memories pt1

"Maria." Howard called as he stirred in his bed. His eyes opened to see an Iv bag connected to his arm. His head pounded, as he moved.

A small breeze came from an open window. "Howard." A feminine voice came through the door.

He turned quickly, "Maria?" 

Seeing a familiar face Howard relaxed. "Peggy.. Maria?..." 

"She's ok." Peggy came close to Howard. Holding his hand she spoke gently. Howard sighed loudly in relief.

"I have our guys, standing guard at both doors." Seeing Howard tense up, Peggy brows furrowed.

"What happened? Talk to me?" Howard looked at Peggy. The things they had experienced in their lives together, he knew if anyone could be trusted it would be her.

"Hydra... They're still active... We can't trust anyone." Howard held Peggy's hand tightly.


Meanwhile, Dutch just finished explaining everything to Bucky for the third time.

"This is ridiculous!" Bucky paced around the living room. He glanced at Dutch a few times.

"Your telling me.. I was taken by Hydra? And you some how saved me?" He looked at Dutch questioning everything he knew. 

"Your a child?" He stopped and looked at her.

Dutch sighed. She stood up off the couch. She lifted up the couch with one hand. 

"A child with a modified super soldier serum coursing through her veins." Dutch was annoyed, she didn't even get to sleep, and the sun was coming up.

"What about Steve.. the unit...Stark! I hurt him." Bucky started to panic. His mind raced as images from the past resurfaced.

His chest heaved, he turned trying to see straight as the room started to spin around him. "What have I done. Howard, his wife..."


"When he originally gained his memories back it was slowly or was it because of Steve's presence." Dutch muttered to herself. Seeing Bucky getting worse she no longer held it in. She rushed at him slapping him across the room. 

"I can help you adjust to your memories and stuff, but you need to calm down." Dutch wasn't lying. She still remembered when Mia and Alexandria memories merged. 

She sat in the dark void for years, which only turned out to be a few hours in the real world, to sort out her own mind. Even now she was still working on figuring out who she truly was.

She was Dutch at this moment but even then it didn't truly feel like her. This is why she had made effort to learn about herself.

She sighed as Bucky stood up. Forgetting all of these useless thoughts, she sat on the couch.

Bucky hesitantly sat next to her. Seeing this Dutch smiled childishly, "Ok Let's get started."


"We were supposed to leave today. You know for the red room." Dutch walked down the street holding Bucky's hand. To an outsider, it would look like a father walking hand in hand with their daughter.

"Hey, this was your idea." Bucky refuted as they walked across the street to a large hotel. 

"Sure the grown man blames the child." Dutch rolled her eyes at him, as they approached the receptionist desk.

A dark skin bald man stood behind the desk. "How may I be of service to you today?" Dutch seeing the man grew excited.

Bucky looked down at Dutch feeling her tighten her grip on his hand. Seeing this Dutch relaxed. 

"We would like a room please." Dutch placed as gold coin on the table. The man swiftly moved his hand over the coin, putting it under the desk. 

"Of course ma'am, and will either of you be needing any services?" He turned his full attention to Dutch. Seeing their brief interaction he figured she was in charge. 

"No, thank you, but I was wondering if the lady was in today. She wanted me to come visit." Bucky took the key card off the desk. Completely confused about what either of them was talking about.

"Oh yes, she did say she will be expecting a guest soon." The man smiled

"I'll give a call and see if she's available. Would you like help to your room?" The man was prepared to call someone over. 

"No, it's fine we can find it ourselves." Bucky finally spoke.


"So, who is this woman again?" Dutch looked around the room. She had already told him who she was.

She ignored him as she looked out the window at the street below. 

"Yeah I know, but she got to be important to you if you ditch your own organization just to come see her." Bucky seeing this knew exactly what she was thinking. 

"The red room isn't my organization. I'm independent. I just take contracts from them. This arrangement came from Lady Bell, so I guess I kind of owe her." Dutch shrugged 

Dutch looked behind Bucky and saw a snack bar beside the tv. "Yes!" She rushed over taking some chips, cookies and candy bars, she sat on the couch happily.

"You know me, being an adult and you technically being in my care, I don't think it would be responsible of me to let you continue to eat junk food." Dutch turned her head sharply. She glared at him as she hugged her snacks protectively. 

Bucky chuckled, seeing this. He raised his hands as he walked closer towards her.

Grabbing some chips from Dutch he sat next to her. Dutch secretly sighed in relief. 

"What's up with you and sitcoms?" Bucky looked at the tv. 

"What's up with you and all your questions?" Dutch refuted. She snatched the chips from him.

Snatching the cookies off Dutch lap they both watched tv.

"Why haven't you tried to leave yet?" Dutch turned towards Bucky after a while of watching tv.

"I don't know, a lot of my memories are back and the people... the places... it's all different... plus I wouldn't even know where to go." Bucky looked out the window. A sad expression appeared on his face.

Dutch had been helping him with his memories, he had spoken to her, about a lot of things. From his childhood to his time in the Army to the pieaces he remembers from hydra. 

She knew better than anyone what he means. He was afraid that this was only temporary, that he would become a killing machine again. 

She felt sad that it was true. She had remembered a few code words that they used to control him. She had fought him over seven times, to get him back again.

In order to get him to let her help him Dutch also shared a lot of personal information with him. They had both grown close with eachother since then. 

Feeling like this Dutch remembered why she chose to come see lady bell now. She wanted to see if she could help him.


Knock Knock Knock

Bucky quickly stood up and opened the door. He saw a tall burly man wearing a neat suit. The man put on a polite smile. 

"Lady bell would like to see you now." Bucky looked back at Dutch.

Jumping off the couch Dutch sighed. She walked out the door with Bucky following close behind. 

Dutch rolled her eyes, Bucky looked like a bodyguard tailing behind her.


"Are you sure you can trust her?" Bucky looked at the restaurant in front of them. 

"Nope!" Dutch smiled as she walked inside. 

Bucky sighed at her recklessness, before walking in.

"Oh!" Dutch looked around. She smelled the food that was being brought out to the full tables.

A warm feeling welcomed her as she looked hungrily at the food.

"You just ate." Bucky commented lowly

"Junk food. We haven't had real food in how long?" Dutch wasn't lying there was only enough for three days. She started to think they didn't want Bucky to eat. 

"Still ate." Dutch sighed.

"Right this way, sir." A slim woman came over and smiled at Bucky.

Bucky gave her a charming smile. His eyes wandered her body as she lead the way to the back. Dutch rolled her eyes.

"Will you two be dining on your way out?" Dutch no longer paid attention to them. She stepped into the elevator. 


Stepping out of the elevator they saw a large open space.

Bucky's eyes darted around the balconies at the top. His body on alert. He could easily sense several strong presences up there.

Dutch on the other hand had her eyes on the floor in front of them. 

A man was strapped to a chair. His clothes were tattered as bloodstained his body. His face was to beaten up to see who it was.

Twelve blindfolded and tied up people were kneeling facing away from him. Three of which were lying on the ground with a bullet wound through their heads.

Lady Bell stood in front of all of them with a gun in her hands. She turned and looked at Dutch and Bucky.

"Looks like we have an audience, so let's not disappoint. Now tell me where is Mother G?" The man trembled in the chair.

"I told you.." 


Before he could finish talking Lady bell pulled the trigger. A older woman fell to the ground. The man seeing this lifted his head to not see.

"And I told you the only thing that come out you mouth is a location." Lady bell spoke coldly.

Dutch looked at Bucky, who stood speechless.

"Where is she?" 



The man not speaking causing Lady bell to get even more angry. She shot another person, this was was only a little boy.

"Look at your son... so sad..." Lady bell placed the gun to a little girls head. Tears rolled down her face. 

"Your daughter's next.." Lady bell looked the man in the eye.



"The hand!... The hand helped her go underground." The man blurted out with much reluctance.


"Please, I told you, what I knew please stop..." He cried as his daughter fell to the ground lifeless.

"Yeah but you lied to me before so we're about to be even..." 

Bang Bang Bang 

One by one the bodies fell to the ground. The man thrashed around the chair trying his hardest to get out. 

Dutch saw a gold like energy appear. She watched as it empowered the man. The chains holding him creaked against him.

Putting down the gun calmly, the blood on the ground flowed towards Lady bell. Her hand extended towards the blood.

Dutch watched as the blood twist and turned until it shaped into a long sword. Lady bell held the sword high. She calmly walked over the bodies, to the man.

"I'm impressed, your able to use your chi even after it was suppressed. It to bad, you would have made a good operative." 


Dutch saw a red blur as the man head rolled on the ground. 

"I'm not hungry anymore." Dutch turned to Bucky.

"Yeah." Bucky nodded. 

Turning to Dutch, Lady bell smiled. She waved her hands. The blood sword in her hand swirled into a ball. Smaller and smaller, Dutch watched as a black substance fell from the blood.

Bucky looked in the balconies. Five people dropped down. Dutch eyes never left Lady bell, she watched her as the blood turned into a small marble ball, the color lighter than before. Lady bell happily ate it. 

The men who dropped quickly went to the bodies, while one approached Lady bell, "Find me Madame Goa." She ordered. The person bowed and left.

"Now let's get down to business!" Lady bell walked towards them.