
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Films
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29 Chs

Hong Kong

Dutch sat at a table with A and Lady bell. She happily ate her pizza. 

"When is Bucky going to wake up?" Dutch looked at Lady bell.

"That.." Dutch furrowed her brows seeing Leah speak and not Lady bell. "What?" Dutch put her pizza down and looked at Lady bell.

"That's the thing, although they recovered his original memories it would take some time to sort out and cleanse him of his altered memories." Leah spoke again this time nervously.

"How long is that going to take?" Dutch furrowed her brows. 

"We don't know, we were right, his original memories were suppressed being replaced with his altered ones..." A spoke up this time.

"Bringing back his original one's helped us realize that his altered memories had a fail safe. If we were to remove them his original memories would also be erased. We have to find a way to safely unlink the two, to erase his altered memories." A touched her chin, deep in thought.

"Ok, that's fine, I guess I'll have to find him on my own...." Dutch stopped and looked at Lady bell.

"What?" Dutch could feel Lady bell staring at her. 

"Where is the serum you stole from Stark?" Lady bell locked eyes with Dutch.

Dutch eyes widened, she had forgotten about those. "I have them.." Dutch nodded think about where she put them.

"You sure? You don't seem confident." A mused 

"Yes! I'm positive." Dutch straightened herself and nodded.

"I'll pay for them." A spoke quickly not wanting Lady bell to get ahead of her. She thought that with this drug she might be able to find a solution for her declining strength.

"Ok, I have three packs." Lady bell frowned when hearing Dutch.

"In Barnes memories there were five packs." Lady bell looked at Dutch skeptically. 

Dutch glanced at Lady bell. She didn't know she paid that much attention. "I was only able to get three." 

"But you had the case and the case had all five. What happened after Barnes fell unconscious." Lady bell sat up and questioned. The look of amusement evident.

"I don't have to tell you anything. If you want to pay for it let me know." Dutch stood up. 

"I got a mad genius to find." She stormed out of the room seemingly upset.

As soon as she came to an empty hallway her face went neutral again.

"She's going to be a lot more troublesome than I thought." Dutch muttered as she walked into a room. She saw Bucky in a chamber, frozen. She sighed heavily.

Scientists moved around the room, none paying attention to her. She sat in a chair not far from two monitors. She saw his vitals were in good health, while on the other monitor she saw his memories playing.

She watched his memories quietly a second time. Her thoughts unknown to everyone. 


Meanwhile in an underground facility, Peggy Carter could be seen walking down a hallway. Her high heels echoed in the hall as she walked. 

She reached a door. Stopping in front of it, she sighed heavily, before opening it up.

She walked into a lab, filled with all kinds of test tubes and beakers. She saw a old man and a young man in the room together. 

"Boys!" She called making both them stop what they were doing. They turned in her direction. 

Howard and Tony looked like they haven't slept in days. The musk in the lab told her they haven't shower either. 

"Both of you have been at this for days. Go get cleaned up and come eat." She demanded, her voice left no room for arguments.

Tony had rushed over the moment he heard what happened. He met Peggy, who had always been an aunt to him. She had told him that the car accident wasn't an accident.

She took him to the underground facility scared he would also be targeted. They had been using this place as a base of operations. 

Howard began to reevaluate, S.H.I.E.L.D staff along with government officials. He had also began reworking on the super soldier formula. He had found two packs in his coat pocket and a note.

It read that the serum wasn't finished and that it would make the super soldier go crazy if he gave it to them.

Seeing this he nodded and began to work on the serum. He didn't trust who gave him the note, but he was smart enough to be cautious to all possible outcomes.

Tony was told about S.H.I.E.L.D and what his father really did for a living. He was stuck for a while before he insisted on joining and helping with the serum. 

With Peggy's help he was able to get on. Howard had Tony not only focused on the serum but also Stark industries. He would come now and again to help with the serum. 

Tony was a little irritated with this as he wanted to help full time with the serum, but he accepted it knowing this was all he was going to get.

While Peggy would come every few days to give them updates on what's happening with Hydra and the location of Bucky Barnes.


Howard and Tony sat around a table, with a few other people, who were cleared. Peggy sat at the head since she would be leading this briefing.

"So as you know I have been overseeing the progress of the attacks on Hydra. Although I've been trying to act discreetly it hasn't been easy." Peggy cleared her throat, before continuing.

"A lot of the locations we have found has been searched and cleared, but the problem is that the rest of the organization have went underground." Peggy sighed.

"So, you brought us here to tell us you got nothing?" Tony was agitated. He had a limit amount of time to spend in the lab with his dad and now he was wasting it here.

"No.." Peggy hesitates to continue. Howard sat up. "Go on." He nodded.

"You remember the red room?" Howard and Peggy were the oldest in the room. They had lived and experienced more than any of them.

Howard trusted Peggy, more than anyone. He knew if she was being this up then it was for a reason. 

"You mean that bed time story you used to tell me? The one with the assassin girls." Tony frowned.

"Don't tell me that was true.." Tony looked at Peggy then at Howard. Both their faces told him all he needed to know.

"What about them..." The man to Howard's left spoke up confused.

"The red room trains girls at a young age to be assassins.... I think they might still be active..." 


Dutch had left the room with Bucky, after staying there for a while and without saying goodbye she left for Hong Kong.

"I should really start working." She commented holding all kinds of shopping bags. 

Turning around to head to find a hotel, she saw a Small restaurant not far away. She couldn't read the name but she saw a blue lotus flower as its logo. 

"Ugh! I need food." She just remembered she had spent hours shopping and hadn't tried any of the food here. 

She quickly walked into the restaurant. She was met with many gazes. Some tried not to make it look obvious. 

She looked down thinking she had something on her shirt. A woman walked over to her. 

"Good evening little girl are you lost?" The woman knelt down to Dutch's height. Dutch frowned and tilted her head.

"I came to eat food." Dutch pulled out a stack of money from one of her bags. 

The woman stood up quickly. "My apologies, Madame." 

The woman quickly lead Dutch to a table. Dutch frowned the further in they went.

Everyone in the restaurant was carrying weapons. They were very well concealed but it was nothing for Dutch to find them. 

She even noticed stashes of weapons, money and drugs around the restaurant. Her frown was quickly masked as they arrived at the table. 

She sat her bags down and sat in the chair. She order one of everything on the menu. She wanted to make up for not trying anything since she got here. 

Eating happily Dutch saw several men come into the restaurant. Their appearance got many of the people in restaurant tense. 

She glanced up at them scanning the room before their eyes landed on her. They moved over towards her. She focused back on her food.

They stopped around her table. A burly Chinese man looked down at her. She looked up at him, her mouth filled with food.

"Are you Dutch?" The restaurant fell quiet when he spoke. Dutch took her time to chew, the man didn't rushed her. 

"Yes, I'm Dutch." The man nodded when hearing this. He turned to one of the men behind him. He waved his hand.

Soon all the men that followed him, moved. They hurried the people out of the restaurant.

Soon the restaurant was empty of everyone including the staff, leaving Dutch with the men who came in. 

The men were scattered around the room. They all looked like guards waiting. The burly man stepped back towards the seat opposite of Dutch.

He stood behind the seat as if waiting for something. Dutch was curious, but seeing none of them wanting to talk, she returned to her food.

After a minute or so, the door opened a elderly, Chinese man walked in. The guards around straightened up. The burly man pulled out the chair. 

Dutch looked at the man curiously. The man sat down without acknowledging Dutch. Only after he was comfortable, did he look at her. 

Dutch saw a hint of disdain in his eyes, as he watched her. Dutch rolled her eyes inwardly, she went back to eating not caring for him.

The old man frowned slightly. He waited seeing if she would talk first. Dutch focused on her food, she happily ate, tuning out the everyone in the restaurant.

She had understood he wanted to make a grand entrance, and show off his power, but the look he gave her like she was beneath her infuriated her. 

She didn't know why, A and Lady bell gave her similar looks in the past, but this one pissed her off. 

So she ignored him, showing him that he wasn't important enough for her to acknowledge. 

This infuriated him. They both sat in silence waiting for the other to break. Or so he thought, Dutch genuinely loved the food. She could care less about that man anymore.

Dutch finished her food. The man smiled slightly knowing she wouldn't be able to focus on anything else, now that her foods gone. 

Dutch cleaned herself off. She burped loudly before blowing the air towards the man. He frowned hard at this. She reached down and brought out the money. Not counting she put it all on the table. 

She stood up and picked up her bags. The man frowned. Dutch walked towards the door to leave. Seeing this the man sat up. 

"Wait!" Seeing her stop, he continued. "My name is Lam Fung. I heard you were here to kill Lee Hong. Maybe we could help each other."