
Chapter 77: A Story Without a Fairytale Ending

"A demon from a foreign land, granting the host great power."

Helen raised her right hand.

The slender and white right hand instantly condensed a faint black aura that covered it.

Her gaze was cast towards Peter, "Those humans who were used as ordinary vessels by the Hand Combine are parasitized within their bodies.

of the 'beasts' were far from the real 'beasts'.

"The kind of warriors bred by the people of the Hand Combine are a bunch of utter failures."

The expression on Peter's face became grave as he asked Helen, "Could it be that what is parasitized within your body is a true 'beast?'''

Helen shook her head, "I'm not going to tell you that easily Parker, it's not in line with the principle of fair trade, to you have to tell me where that thing in your chest came from?"

"Sorry Ms. Helen, I didn't agree to trade with you."

Peter frowned and said: "We are not much of a partner.

The red light in Helen's eyes increased as she smiled at Peter and said: "Why not? We're both the same kind of Parker and we both have a demon living inside of us."

With that she took a step closer to Peter, but the next second the arm wrapped around the black aura was grabbed by Peter.

"You seem to overestimate your importance."

Peter said to her in a cold tone.

"Don't be nervous Peter, I don't mean you any harm."

Helen was grabbed by her arm without any semblance of fear, and still said to Peter in a lazy tone, "Don't you want to know more things that will be useful to you?"

"Just now, for instance, I can tell you about the ones that interest you most."

She pulled her arm back from Peter's hand and cast her eyes outside to the dark night that was raining.

"The story starts with a mom, and boys usually have experiences of being abused by their dads, so a lot of the stories center on daddy issues, and because men walk the world, men's stories spread a little wider."

But if women were to tell them, then most of the stories would involve mothers.

Helen paused for a moment, as if listening to the rain.

"There was a little girl whose father died, so she had to live with her mother, who was a religious nut, and at home her mother had one hand on her, and had a high-handed policy of locking her up in life as if she were a prisoner."

Helen's voice was unmistakable as the rain outside grew louder.

"But it was out of character for the little girl, instead of just being what her mom thought she should be, she tried everything that interested her, she was crazy about those plants in the backyard."

"But she's going through a low point in her life, and honestly, her mother isn't really that bad, she's never physically abused the girl, she doesn't whip her daughter with a metal coat hanger or anything, she doesn't take a curling iron to her skin."

She turned her gaze to Peter as she spoke.

"But she's not exactly a good mom either, she abuses her daughter every day, calling her a sinner, a whore, a slut, or something like that, and in this mom's eyes, that little girl represents an eternal disappointment, a dead weight she can't get rid of."

"Maybe it was her mom who could smell the promise of sin, or maybe it was her mom who detected the buried devil's breath


Helen's gaze became complicated, "Why is there no love between those who are close? Instead, hatred?"

"This little girl's frantic mind is constantly filled with crazy thoughts like ripping her own hair out by the roots, knocking out her own teeth with a hammer, or hurting herself in other horrific ways."

One day she overheard the plants in her backyard and she was able to control those things to hurt herself, as well as absorb the scent of the violets' flowers so that her mother would love her and not hate her as much as she did before.

Peter frowned as he listened to the woman and said, "Nice story, Ms. Helen, were you a radio storyteller in your previous profession?"

"No, I certainly wasn't, Parker."

Helen smiled and said, "But the story doesn't end there.

"Not all stories have happy endings, and in the end, this one does. ..."

She paused and continued, "This mother killed herself in the bathtub, she was still a good person, even in death she didn't want to cause trouble for her daughter.

"Then a Japanese man found the girl, he said he could adopt her because inside that girl's body, there was something that was incredibly important to him."

Peter stared into the woman's eyes, wondering why she was telling him this.

There was no doubt that the little girl in this woman's story was herself.

He also had a general idea of what species was parasitized within the woman's body.

"I know what you're thinking, Parker."

Seemingly reading Peter's thoughts, Helen said to Peter: "My saying this to you is exactly the first step in our honesty, now that the terms of a fair deal have been fulfilled.

While saying that, she cast her eyes to Peter's chest.

"And what kind of being is it that is parasitizing your chest? I'm very interested."

Peter flatly refused, "Unfortunately, I'm actually not very interested in your story."

Helen wasn't disgruntled after the rejection.

She still said to Peter in the same tone as before, "Actually, you're forgetting one thing, Parker."


Helen's delicate face showed her disappointment "I have to criticize you, Parker-san, you forgot what I taught you in the last lesson, and that is that the whole purpose of parasitic organisms is to reproduce."

Said she taking a step closer towards Peter, "Even you can't suppress its instincts."

She didn't know the type of parasitic creature inside Peter, but the world of keen senses, the extraordinary power given to her by a demon from another dimension, allowed her to always tell something.

No sooner had her words left her mouth than Peter felt a stronger scent emanating from the air.

A stronger odor of volatile grease than the classroom.

Even as he shut down his respiratory system, he could still feel it invading his body.

As he moved with his thoughts, the pitch-black exoskeleton instantly covered his body.

The head was also covered with a mask, completely covering his entire body.

At the same time, he waved his hand and grabbed at Helen, but Helen's speed was faster than he expected.

The black aura, as black as ink, wrapped around her body.

Lightning-like movements allowed her to dodge Peter's attack.


At the same time, the floor of the room shook.

The wooden floor was constantly tensed and bounced into the air.

The ground surged like seawater, and furniture and other items all fell to the ground and shattered.

It was as if there were giant snakes burrowing and churning the ground below.