
Chapter 71:Humans are never simple

"I ... I don't understand."

Kristin frowned at the out of sorts Ryan.

"There are some things I would try to advise you not to touch, like what you're holding right now."

Ryan said as he walked towards her.

"I'll explain to you about my irregularities, but for now..."

He stopped and held out his hand towards Kristen, "Give me what you're holding.

Christine gazed at the other man's tense expression, and many doubts rose in her mind.

Why does he care so much about this thing?!

"Is it important to you?"

Kristen hesitated, handing the object in her hand to Ryan.

"Of course. "

Ryan let out a long sigh of relief as he took the CT sheet.

The information was something he had left behind without Peter's permission.

If the other party knew about it, he would definitely not end up in a good place.

Although the other party's identity was that of an ordinary high school student, he wouldn't be deceived by the other party's appearance.

Ryan even suspected that the Spider-Man that appeared in New York City was Peter. Parker!

It was hard not to let the embryo on the other party's chest alienate into the shape of a spider, and it was hard not to let him associate it with anything.

"This is your patient's profile?"

Christian glanced in the direction of the door, ready to run away if anything went wrong.

"I'm sorry, I generally keep my patients' information private."

Ryan shook his head and took a step closer to Kristen.

"But this . . .... Impossible, it exhibits characteristics contrary to all of our perceived science."

Kristen took a deep breath, forcing herself to recover from the shock she had just experienced.

"What is it?"

"Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with you, Dr. Palmer."

Ryan's expression was a little impatient.

He pointed at the door and said to Christian: "You should leave now. "

Christian wanted to say something else, but looking at the other party's increasingly impatient expression, he ultimately did not say anything.

After Christian left, Ryan closed the office door and walked to his desk.

Opening the drawer, he wanted to put the documents into the drawer.

But after hesitating for a moment, he walked over to the document shredder.

Turning the machine on, he shoved the CT form inside the running machine.

Watching the document being shredded into pieces of paper, the uneasiness within him gradually disappeared.

Even if Christian guessed something, as long as he destroyed this thing, then there was no possibility of the secret leaking out.

and he himself avoided the possibility of drawing fire.


"Do you have something on your mind? Christine."

Early the following morning.

Strange looked at Christine, who had vaguely revealed dark circles under her eyes, and said to her, "Your spirits don't look a bit good."

"I'm okay, I just had insomnia last night."


Strange nodded, "Uh-huh, and while as a doctor I can give you some proper advice, from a psychological standpoint, I thought maybe you'd be more receptive."

"Okay, what kind of advice?"

Strange told her as he changed into his hand-overalls, "When you have insomnia, it's from waking up in someone else's dreams."

Kristen put on her medical mask and glared at the other woman, "You're a doctor, not some dream magician."

Strange disagreed with the other man, "Psychology has many applications in neurological disciplines, it's not all nonsense."

"Thanks for the psychological comfort joke, Strange, but it does nothing, and I'm not the least bit interested in waking up in someone else's dream."

"Then another opinion - ''Perhaps you need a break,'' was the most reasonable opinion after excluding psychology.

Strange suggested to his partner as he changed into his overalls and walked with Christine in the direction of the operating room.

"No need. "

Kristen shook her head as she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Strange stopped after her, "What's wrong?"

"I ..."

She hesitated and asked Strange, "What do you think about Peter. Parker?"

"Why do you suddenly ask that question?"

"Because you two seem to know each other well."

"You can't assume we've become friends just because he gave me a slap on the wrist."

Strange took off his mask and took a breath of fresh air.

"I can sense that there's something hidden inside him, or maybe it's just an illusion, but he's certainly different from other teenagers."

Christine nodded.

The being that she had seen that had caused her to lose sleep all night, could it be Peter. Parker?


Midtown High School.

Peter stepped onto the campus and realized something was wrong.

"As of the two most shocking events of the twenty-first century, one of which was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, Peter, do you know the other?"

Before he could scrutinize what had happened, his thoughts were interrupted by Gwen.

"No. What was it?"

Gwen was holding a newspaper in her hand, she looked at the text on it and said to Peter, "The other thing is the appearance of two superheroes, Spider-Man, in New York."

After reading the text of the news on it, Gwen's head peeked out from behind the paper.

"Everyone seems to be interested in Spider-Man."

Gwen's put down the newspaper and her mood was cheered up.

"Wait a minute ..."

Gwynn soon realized that this Daily Bugle, it seems, was giving less than positive reviews.

"Both events have become household names because of the mass media, and both, almost universally, reveal the terrible fact that some things seem to be over, but at the same time others, irrevocably, have begun, and the future of everything is uncertain."

Gwen felt that the paper was in the shade.

"If comparisons can be made, then the so-called superheroes, the Spider-Men, are playing the role of Lee Harvey Oswald - disaster triggers.

Gwen's mood soured.

"Well, I declare this newspaper permanently blacklisted by me."

She made the decision to permanently pull this newspaper into her blacklist catalog.

"You like Spider-Man a lot?"

Peter asked Gwen, who had put down her newspaper.

"Which do you mean? Spider-Man or the new Spider-Man? "

Gwen blinked and without waiting for Peter to speak, said directly, "Well, I like both.

"They're both special and it's cool to help people isn't it?"

Gwen let out a breath and continued, "Whether it's the ones you've suffered before, or the bullying I see all the time, I've always wanted to help . . if I had powers like that, I'd be special, too, so I like them.

She blushed and complimented herself.


Peter nodded, "But that's the norm, and so-called superheroes alone rarely go on to change anything."

"Wait a minute ..."

"Birds don't try to save the self-esteem and self-image of a, socially lower-ranked kind; they don't gently lift their kind out of the dust; on the contrary, they immediately and desperately drive it away."