
Chapter 57 : Ghost Spiders and Black Cats


A black shadow landed on the rooftop, splashing many water droplets.

The black shadow that was crouching on the ground slowly stood up.

The other party possessed long silver-gray hair, and even with a black uniform over her body, she couldn't completely hide her exaggerated figure.

After surveying her surroundings, she turned around.

Even though the night color completely hid her, Peter's sight could still see the pair of green eyes under her mask.

Pupils that looked like black cats glittered in the night.

After confirming that no one was around, she walked to the edge of the rooftop and glanced down before stretching her figure and jumping down.

Grabbing the open window in the middle of the floor, the black shadow easily jumped in along the window.

Landing on both feet, she moved as deftly and silently as a cat.

The room she entered was Matt. The room she entered was Matt Murdock's law office.

The law office seemed deserted at the moment; all the rooms were dark, and no sound could be heard.

The dark figure entered the room and took a quick look at her surroundings before walking over to the other side's safe.

It looked like she was more interested in the safe here.

But soon her footsteps stopped, and after a moment of hesitation, she abandoned the safe and walked towards a painting hanging on the wall.

It was a bizarre oil painting that glowed with a cold light.

The painting shows a huge Jehovah with a beard, who is throwing a group of screaming people from the clouds into a purgatory of fire.

Below them, horrible black figures writhe in agony in the flames of destruction, while the devil sits on a huge fire-red throne with a trident in his hand.

The black figure had the body of a human and the head of a jackal, as well as a barbed tail,After staring at the painting and observing it for a few moments, she reached out her hand and tried to take it down.



Gwen stood at the top of the tower of the clock tower, feeling the cold rain drops dripping from the sky, although her current physical quality could no longer feel the erosion of the cold, she still unconsciously clasped her arms in front of her chest.

Raising her wrist, she glanced towards the watch on her wrist.

The hands on the watch pointed to eleven o'clock, and it was about to step into the latter part of the night.

She had received an unfamiliar phone call half an hour ago.

The caller was a lawyer who called himself "Matt Murdock". The caller was a lawyer who called himself "Matt Murdoch" and claimed to have a solution to her father's illness.

Although she was half believing what he said, but now there is no other way, so she can only try to come to the appointment.

Before going to the appointment, Gwen specifically in the Internet research this called Matt Murdock lawyer. Murdoch's lawyer.

It was found that the other party did not have a good reputation, and was closely connected to the gangs, so he did not seem like a good person.

After hesitating for a while, she pulled out a mask from her pocket.

A white mask that covers the entire face, with the eye and face portions of the mask being a transparent color, and a red framing line around the eyes and face.

The styling was somewhat similar to Spider-Man's mask, except the black color scheme had been changed to white, making it more feminine.

"If I wear this mask... ..."

Gwen hesitantly wipes away some of the rainwater dripping on the mask.

"Maybe I'll be shouldering a responsibility that means I'll have to wear this mask for the rest of my life and have two very different lives."

Gwen had a dull feeling inside, as if her life was going to be different from now on.

Glancing towards the law firm not too far away, Gwen took a deep breath and slipped the mask onto her head before putting the hood of her sweatshirt back on.

She then took the watch off her wrist and put the spider emitter on.


The spider silk shot out of her wrist as Gwen swung around and hurried towards her destination.


Matt. Inside Murdoch's law office.

The dark figure with long silver-gray hair was about to take down the painting hanging on the wall.

"Hey, do you need this thing?"

A voice came from behind her.

The silver haired dark figure turned to see Gwen, standing behind her with her hands pinned to her waist.

Once Gwen sneaked into the place wearing a mask, she spotted the dark figure that was stealing.

She assumed that the other party was just a grubby thief stealing paintings.

Although it didn't seem to be any of her business, it didn't quite fit her personality to watch a furtive thief stealing and doing nothing about it here.

The silver-haired dark figure was also surprised at the appearance of a strange fellow behind her.

The point was that she hadn't even noticed when Gwen had appeared behind her.

"If I were you, I'd just pretend to turn a blind eye and continue to wear a mask and go out on the streets without getting involved in such dangerous things.

The dark figure's words were languid and sexy, but didn't drop the oil painting in her hands.

Gwen shrugged her shoulders and took a step closer to the other party, ''Since I saw a furry like you who is ready to steal things, I can't leave, after all, everyone has to do their part in maintaining the reputation of the city.


Hearing the other party call himself a furry thief, the dark shadow snorted, "Then your understanding is rather off, the so-called furry thief should be carefully planned and rehearsed over and over again, right? But my behavior doesn't have anything to do with that.

While saying that, she put the oil painting to her chest and said, "And the result of my behavior is with a poetic, twisted sense of justice."

Seeing that the other party seemed to want to take the painting away, Gwen wanted to step in and stop her.

"With a whoosh, spider silk shot towards her opponent from the spider silk launcher on her wrist. The long silver-gray-haired black shadow's reaction was quick, deftly flipping over to avoid the spider silk's attack.

After landing on the ground, in the moment when Gwen was unable to react, with a "click", the other party broke the painting in half.

Gwen watched the other party damaged the painting, frozen for a moment.

The black shadow ignored Gwen and took out a USB flash drive from the middle of the oil painting that was broken in half, then casually threw the oil painting on the ground.

"If you like this oil painting, it's yours, girl in pajamas."

The woman with the long silver-gray hair made a kissing gesture towards Gwen and then prepared to leave.

Gwen nearly exploded with anger when she heard the other woman call herself a girl in pajamas.

What she was wearing was clearly a bodysuit, and although the style was somewhat casual, it couldn't be related to pajamas in any case, right Just as she wanted to stop the other party, the lights in the room suddenly came on.

The large room was instantly illuminated as bright as day.

Gwen's eyes quickly adjusted to the bright light as she cast her eyes in the direction the voice came from.

A guy wearing red sunglasses was found standing in the direction of the doorway.

The other party was wearing a black suit, holding a guide stick in his hand, and exuding a lazy but dangerous aura.

Behind him stood several people dressed as ninjas, covered tightly, looking like they were not to be messed with.

"My office is pretty busy tonight, the last time it was this busy it had to go back to the opening day of the firm."

Matt pushed his sunglasses upward and turned his attention to Gwen, "Quite a surprise, Ms. Gwen, that you would show up in this getup.