
Chapter 51: I'm More Afraid of People Losing Their Courage Than Death

It didn't take long for Peter to realize where the atmosphere in the classroom, was coming from.

"Peter, can you come out for a moment?"

Miss Fish, who was usually a somewhat curmudgeonly person, was standing outside the classroom waving at him. Peter nodded hesitantly and headed out of the classroom.

"This is Billy. Officer Nolan, he has something he'd like to ask you about.

She introduced a burly black cop next to her, to Peter, and then turned away with a desire to speak.

"I don't think we know each other, Officer."

Peter frowned at the officer in front of him.

"Yes, I don't think we've met before, this time I want to ask you something, about the New York Presbyterian Hospital."

The black police officer got straight to the point: "Didn't you stop a murder in the hospital yesterday?"

"Well, there was something like that."

Peter nodded and said, "What? Are you giving me an award for bravery? I'll forget about the award, but I won't refuse the prize money."

"Eh ..."

The black cop looked at Peter's solemn expression and wondered if he was joking or if he really thought so.

"Ahem, in fact, that suspect who committed the murder has already died, we need to go to the police station to question you about something, of course, your behavior belongs to bravery, and his death shouldn't have anything to do with you."

The black police officer made assurances to Peter that it was just some simple questioning.

Peter hesitated for a moment before nodding his head in agreement and following the opposite direction to the police car.

He really didn't expect the guy with the knife to die.

He himself did not use any force, the other party at most only suffered some superficial wounds.

Now so easily hanged, is itself what kidney weak man? He walked contemplatively to the police car, while the class exploded when they witnessed the scene.

First it was Josh's death, now it involved other deaths.

Although Josh's death was confirmed to be unrelated to him, why was this guy always involved in death?

Many students have already labeled him as the "bad guy" and the "grim reaper".

The class reporter and video blogger, Liz Allen, saw Peter being taken away by the police. Allen, who saw Peter being taken away by the police, immediately raised her cell phone and snapped a picture.

And she sent the photo to Gwen.

Gwen quickly sent her a question back, "What happened, Liz? Why is Peter with the police? "

Peter was taken by the police, and Ms. Fish said he might be connected to a death at Presbyterian Hospital.

"Walter? How? They're making a mistake, aren't they?

An anxious Gwen dialed her number directly.

As soon as Liz got on the phone, she was greeted with a barrage of questions from Gwen.

"Relax Gwen, it's nothing serious, we don't know what's going on yet."

Liz reassured a panicked Gwen, "Besides, I know quite a few lawyers that might be able to help Peter."

She thought for a moment before saying, ''Like, for example, the... Gwen do you know Greer Hagenson? Hagenson? New York legal heavyweight, tall, confident demeanor, calm and responsive face."

The briefcase is leather, the stainless steel clasp gleams, and his smile sparkles in a way that would make a female juror's heart melt like a hot pan of butter.

Gwen on the other end of the phone was a little speechless "I don't think that joke is funny Liz, I have to go to the police station, we'll talk later.

Liz shrugged her shoulders "Fine, talk to you later, but seriously, my dad is a lawyer, let me know if you need help."



New York Presbyterian Hospital.

Strange and Kristin walked toward the morgue.

"Is it necessary to test again?"

Kristen asked her old partner, "Didn't we already confirm Dan. Steen's cause of death?"

The police have already been here once, too.

Dan Styne, the man who attacked Strange. Styne, the autopsied body has been placed in the morgue.

The cause of the preliminary autopsy was anaphylactic shock.

"The cause of anaphylactic shock doesn't convince me."

Strange pushed open the door to the morgue, and the chilly, cold air instantly struck both of them, and Christine couldn't help but shiver.

"Are you okay? Otherwise I'll just go in alone."

Strange suggested to Kristen.

Kristen shook her head, "No need, don't forget, I'm also a doctor, I've witnessed countless corpses before, and I've gone through quite a few anatomy classes during my college days."


Strange walked over to a freezer and turned his head to his partner, "Death is different too, I thought you'd resist seeing that after you became a surgeon, after all, it represents a doctor's failure to fight death for his patients."

Kristin helped him pull the freezer away and said, "You know what? I've been through worse, when I lived in Worcester, I was hit by a mega tornado, the damage was horrendous and there were bodies everywhere."

"Much later, I followed my mother out and there was despair and dullness on every face on the street, men drinking beer in silence at the bar on the corner of Sullivan Street, women in their backyards talking about each other's grief and hurt."

She seemed to remember something and said with a grim expression: "Six months, the city's main commercial project became a funeral . ..... I fear a repeat of this, more than death, I fear seeing people lose their courage."

Strange nodded, suddenly understanding the reason why his partner had become a doctor.

Indeed, what was worse than death, was the loss of courage from the shock of death, and the doctor would give people courage.

Opening the freezer and gazing at the corpse's ghastly white face, Strange frowned and said, "His blood contains hallucinogen-like ingredients, and the level of blood hormones is above normal, it looks like he's taken some kind of drug."


Kristin gathered her emotions and examined the body for abnormalities and said, "Could it be that the reason for his hyper-emotional state and change in temperament was also due to the hallucinogens?"

Strange shook his head, ''Can hallucinogens cause anaphylactic shock to occur? Or even cause him to go into cardiac arrest and respiratory distress, as well as blood hormone abnormalities?"

As he spoke, he examined the other man's mouth, "I'm sure this allergen is not a common hallucinogen."

Hesitating for a moment, he said to Kristen, "The altered disposition that makes Dan look like a different person would be some kind of finished chemical product unknown to us, or taken from some kind of plant-animal hormone."

"What's this marking?"

Christine suddenly asked Strange, pointing to a spiderweb tattoo on the back of the other man's head area.

"A gangster's mark."

Strange said with a grave expression: "Usually gangsters who have been in jail before in a gang will tattoo this kind of mark, or .... also has the meaning of being trapped by a spider web and never being able to turn over."