
Chapter 27: Why do you eat so chic?

"Wow! Wow!"

Forest Knoll, Parker's house.

The leaves in the courtyard were swept together by a broom, accompanied by a slight dust raising.

The two of them, Peter and Uncle Ben, swept the fallen leaves together.

As the weather turned cooler, the leaves in the yard became more numerous.

"We've been spending a bit too much lately and the bills are starting to accumulate, Anna, I didn't expect it to be so expensive."

In the kitchen, Aunt May was on the phone with her best friend.

"Boom" she closed the refrigerator door with a bang, cell phone in her left hand and the long bill in her right.

"I know, we've been using credit cards, but it's not a permanent solution, maybe I need to find a new job


Aunt May hung up the phone with quite a bit of a headache and placed the bill on the dining room table, this aspect of household expenses was quite a headache for her.

She was already thinking about finding a job!

Peter, who was in the courtyard, heard Auntie Mei's voice on the phone. Under the influence of the alien gene, his hearing was different from normal people.

Even though he was a few meters away and separated by a wall, Auntie Mei's voice was still clearly captured by him.

When he heard Auntie Mei worrying about her family's expenses, his brows furrowed. He had a sum of dollars in his hand that he had stolen from the Handshake Association.

But how to get Aunt May and Uncle Ben to accept it was a bit more of a problem.

"You really don't feel sick? Peter."

He was thinking about how to get the two to accept the money when Uncle Ben's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

Uncle Ben cleared away the last of the fallen leaves and looked up to Peter, "You looked a little worse for wear in church yesterday."

"I'm fine, Uncle Ben, I just had some trouble breathing, maybe the air there was too oppressive."

Peter made up a random excuse to put Uncle Ben off.

Yesterday, he was discovered by Gwen in the hospital, although he wanted to muddle through, but under Gwen's pressure, he could only use the excuse of "early stage tumor" to explain in the end.

Now he doesn't want what happened yesterday in the hospital to happen to Uncle Ben, so he can only continue to lie with good intentions.

"Well, maybe what happened at school affected you a little too much."

Uncle Ben sighed slightly and said, ""None of us want to see a tragedy like that happen.""

"Need a break?"

Uncle Ben, who had been silent for a while, put down his broom and walked toward Peter and asked.

"My stamina isn't that bad, Uncle Ben. "


Uncle Ben laughed and sat down on the steps of the storage room next to him and stretched.

"Then it's Uncle Ben's stamina that's a bit off, and I suddenly remembered a funny story, Peter."


Peter stopped sweeping up the leaves and made a show of listening.

"When I was your age, I hated sweeping up leaves so much, I'd rather spend my time coloring model trains, and then one day, an idea suddenly occurred to me . ..."

Uncle Ben paused, "If everyone in the neighborhood hired me to rake leaves, then I'd have enough money to buy trains.

Peter nodded, "That would be a good idea."

Unfortunately, one isn't able, or has the leisure, to earn money as a cleaner.

Besides, both Aunt May and Uncle Ben would never believe that their nephew could make tens of thousands of dollars by sweeping leaves.

"I'd say so, Peter."

Uncle Ben smiled and continued to say to Peter: "Sometimes labor, may inspire you to come up with new ideas.

"Good idea, Uncle Ben."

Peter was noncommittal, nodding slightly towards Uncle Ben before continuing to start sweeping up the leaves.

Although he himself hadn't told Uncle Ben anything, he always seemed to be able to read his mind.


"Ten thousand dollars?!"

Peter froze in place as he looked at the lu of green American dollars in front of him.

He did think about money, but he didn't realize it would be in this way.

The place was the Sunshine Café near the Presbyterian Hospital, and the time was evening.

Peter, who had just finished sweeping up the fallen leaves, received a call from Gwen, saying that she wanted to invite herself for coffee.

As a result, he had just sat down when Gwen handed herself a look at dollars.

"I'm sorry Peter, my original plan was to raise more, but there wasn't enough time." Gwen said somewhat apologetically.

She had originally wanted to borrow fifty thousand dollars from her father.

But not knowing what she wanted to do with George . Papa Stacy, ended up only shelling out ten thousand dollars.

Even though it was ten thousand dollars, it was a large amount for a middle-class family. "Gwen, I...don't need this."

Peter, who was touched inwardly, slowly raised his head and said to Gwen, "I can take care of it myself. "

"We're both in high school, Peter."

Gwen bit her lip and said, "Even if you went to help your neighbors rake leaves or work as a paperboy delivering newspapers, you wouldn't be able to make much money, not to mention that you haven't told Uncle Ben and the others about your situation."

At this time the light yellow sunlight, through the curtains that were as thin as light gauze.

The sunlight that had been diluted by a layer, shone on Gwen's blonde hair, glittering.

Peter looked at the girl in front of him and suddenly felt that maybe it was wrong of him to deceive this girl, but this thought was wiped out of his mind in an instant.

"Anyway, I want to help you, Peter."

Perhaps afraid that Peter wouldn't take the money he had borrowed from his dad, Gwen said sincerely, "Maybe you'll think this money is important, but it doesn't matter to me at all."

Gwen stared down at the food on her dinner plate, she had some urge to cry, but held it back."You were the one who caught me on the other side of the rooftop when I was being chased by the Hand Handlers and jumped off the building; you were the one who held me back when I was attacked by Frank, maybe you don't think that's much, but it matters to me, and if there's one thing that can't be measured, then these are."

"When I was being chased by the Hand Hand and jumped off a building, it was you who caught me on the other end of the rooftop. When I was attacked by Frank, you were the one who held me back, and maybe you don't think that's much, but it meant a lot to me! If there's anything that can't be measured, these are."

Taking a deep breath, Gwen lifted her head and said to Peter, "Compared to what you did to me, this amount of money is nothing at all."

Listening to Gwen's words, Peter was silent for a few seconds.

Half a second later, he smiled slightly towards Gwen, "Thanks, Gwen."

"You are willing?"

Gwen asked inwardly with hope.

"Well, even if I borrowed it from you, I promise you that I will be safe and will return the money to you soon."

The string in Peter's mind that had been taut because of the alien embryo suddenly loosened.

The heart that had been filled with anxiety couldn't help but relax.

"You haven't eaten anything yet, right? I'll treat you."

Peter called out to the waiter and started ordering.

Seeing that Peter was willing to take his money, Gwen's mood completely cleared up and she began to happily order her food.

The toast, slathered in maple syrup, was shoved into her mouth in one swift motion.

"Do you eat like this all the time? Gwen."

Peter looked at Gwen with the same expression as if he were watching a boa constrictor devouring the pet cat next door.

Gwen's mouth bulged and rose like a hamster's, and she barely managed to say back, "What?"

"I'm talking about the way you eat, every time you eat, you look chic."