
I Want To Kiss You

She is stuck between her past and her present relationship. The question is, is she ready to let go of her past and build a new future when she finds out about his real identity?.

Christelle_Etah · Urbain
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39 Chs


1 YEAR LATER. Annabelle arrives home from work tired. She walks straight to the bedroom, the only room she shares with her mom and siblings. Her mom's loud snoring has become a habit.

1 hour later, at the living room, Annabelle is seated at the floor eating pasta when her younger sister Clarissa joins her and starts a conversation.

Clarissa: Today, mom didn't cook dinner for us again. This keeps on repeating and I feel so suffocated already. Don't you think we should tell her?. She comes home drunk every single day. What if she finally loses her job?. You can't support us forever Anna. Why don't you talk to her?(Annabelle continues to eat slowly, ignoring her question and Clarissa leaves to watch tv).

The next day, around 7am, Margarate goes to wake up Annabelle who is sleeping on the couch.

Margarate: (tapping Annabelle on the butt to wake up) Anna, hey Anna wake up.

Annabelle: (waking up but still half asleep) What is it?

Margrate: Can you send me the money for electricity on Cashapp?. You know, this time around it went up to $400 (pretending to look pissed but it doesn't work on Annabelle). That's why I always tell you girls to always turn off all the lights before you go to bed.

Annabelle: (Getting frustrated) Did you even pay the electricity bills for the past 2 months?

Margrate: (Getting infuriated) What do you mean?

Annabelle: I got the bill from the mail box and it says you haven't paid since May 3rd. This is July mom!

Margarate: What is that suppose to mean?

Annabelle: (In a lower voice, trying not to be disrespectful) What exactly do you do with all the money that I give you?

Margarate: (Trying to be defensive again) Are you doubting your own mother?. Do you know how hard it is to pay the rent at this point?. Water bill and including food. Are you out of your mind?

Annabelle: (In a loud and a more frustrating tone) You never like it when I'm being honest. I can't even save, I can't buy anything I want for myself. Out of the little money I get from work, I buy groceries for the house, I pay for the internet as well. I need to buy textbooks for school but I cannot afford it right now, which makes it even more frustrating. You know the school won't grant me the aid I filed for.

Margrate: (In a lower voice) Just send me the money for electricity on Cashapp. I'm sure you don't want to come home in darkness. I'm already late for work (leaves and slams the door behind her. Annabelle tries to go back to sleep but she starts to cry, being careful not to wake her sisters, Clarissa and their youngest Eline. Clarissa, who prefers to sleep on the carpet in the living room is awake after overhearing their conversation)

Clarissa: (To Annabelle) Didn't I tell you?, the more you give her money, the more she would want to take from you. Always try to say the word "No" at-least. She can't come to me asking for money. She knows exactly what I would tell her. I'm going to keep saving until I get my own car. You should do same. We can't keep relying on Uber forever. That's a lot of money and I know you work hard for it( goes back to sleep and Annabelle tries to sleep as well).

Later at night, at Annabelle's Work Place.

Annabelle is on the phone with Daniel, her long time childhood crush.

Voice: What year do you actually plan on getting a Boyfriend?. When I finally get married?.

Annabelle: Tease me all you want, but I'm not interested.

Voice: Are you really not interested?, or you're just scared to?.

Annabelle: I don't think I'll ever want to date again. Maybe when I'm 21?.

Voice: Never say never. Remember you had a crush on me(laughs teasingly).

Annabelle: I'm glad you used the word "had". That was a long time ago. (Trying to tease him) You used to be so handsome then. I'm not sure about now.

Voice: (laughs) You're one mean person. I'm just saying, try meeting new people and go out on dates. You'll never know who might be waiting for you on the other side (referring to winning Annabelle's heart).

Annabelle: For a 21-year-old you speaks too much, you do seem like you have a lot of experience. However, I'm not interested

A few hours later, Annabelle is on the phone with her best friend Diana.

Voice: I'm telling you girl, you better not be thinking of getting yourself into a relationship now. Remember what your ex did to you.

Annabelle: You're right. There's just no serious guy out there right now.

Voice: Girl I broke up with my ex a month ago because he was just so obsessed with me, I couldn't take it. This is my 7th boyfriend and I'm still not sure if we're going to end up together.

Annabelle: ( In shock, she teasingly asks her age even when she knows) How old are you again?

Voice: Are you my best friend?. You know I just turned 18.

Annabelle: Oh (I can't believe I've only ever dated 3 boys and I'm older)

Voice: Girl you need to step up.