
I wake up in my boss body

MATURE CONTENT “Give me back my body!” He said furious “Do you really think that I like being stuck in a stupid man’s body?” She said in a disgusted way “I don’t know what type of witchcraft you made but regain your body” he said still in the same tune She sighs heavily “Me too I want to regain my body but I cannot. We have to find how and why we have exchange our bodies “ Krista is a feminist young woman who has been working for her boss for 3 years. She dislikes him very much and him too doesn’t like her as well. One morning , she woke up in her boss body and she got dragged in his world of luxury, lust , prejudice and cruelty. But then she also realized that her boss too was in her own body. Will she regain her own body ? Will she survive in that world? Will something intense will happen between her boss and her? Read the adventures of krista to know it Note: Hey guys! This is my second book , I’m still a newbie in writing but I hope you will like it. The cover is not mine.

Isybebe · Urbain
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

The two of them were displeased. Each time their face met , they feel that envy of squeezing the neck of the other. It was as if they saw a demon that they didn't want to see.

Krista smirked, a displeased smirk . She sighs heavily and put her hand on her face.

"It could only be you who could do this stupid act, don't you have eyes ?" I said

William looked amused by the words of krista

"It's the pot calling the kettle black , isn't it?. You don't know how to cross the road and you say that I'm doing a stupid act?" He said

Mr William approaches near me and stopped just few inched in front of me.

"You're stupid " he said

[ He dare call me stupid?! ]

I know that, I don't have the right to talk to my boss this way but he put me off this man. I know that I need this work, but I can't support it longer. I will slap him.

[ Don't do that krista! Don't do that krista! ] my subconscious was advising me but it was more than me , so I lifted my hand to slap him but the sucker hold my arm.

"Never try to do this again!" His tune was cold and threatening, same for his eyes

"You have your chance that my father consider you as a loyal employee, if not I would have dismissed you since" he left my arm brutally and turned back , entered in his car and went.

Leaving me dumbfounded .

Waiting for the taxi , I wondered what Mr William was doing here, the road going to the agency was in the opposite way or maybe he was going back to his home.

I shrugged.

"It doesn't concern me afterward"





Arriving in the agency, I greeted everyone. I get along with everybody in the agency but couldn't say that I have any friends here. They all remarked that Mr William and I didn't have much affinity because he will always give me extra work to do and liberate me at 10pm sometimes 11pm and the other way I will spoil all his relationship that he had.

My colleagues always tell me in joking way that

"Love always start by hatred " , when they said it , I always feel nauseas. I preferred better much to married a mad man than him.

I entered in my office, the boss wasn't there yet. I started to work on some files when I received a call.

"Knight agency , what can I do? " I politely asked

"I want to talk to my baby, where is he?" A feminine voice said acting like a baby, she seemed to be a capricious girl

That type of question which irritates me, I'm not his shadow, I'm his secretary . I tried to control myself and I force a smile.

"Don't you have his personal number , miss?" I asked politely

"He's not taking the phone, I call him several times and I thought he will be in the office " she said

I always had this kind of calls because 'mister' had many girlfriends so he will not take the call of the ones he had already had sex with.

When the girl in the phone has finished to speak and idea came in my head, I had a mischievous smirk on my lips.

"Maybe , he is with another lady, miss" I said with a Smirk

"What?!!!!!!" She screamed

I removed the phone from my ear because she yelled so loudly, after some seconds I brought back the phone on my ear.

"Yeah! Because yesterday, he was speaking with another person on the phone talking about a rendezvous "I said with a smirk

I could feel how the girl was boiling from inside and it was so funny . I will see how my super boss will get out from this situation.

"Okay, thank you " she hung up the phone

I chuckled by what I just did .

After 2hours, Mr William finally arrived in the office. He was greeted by everyone, I could see it because my office was surrounded by glace.

He didn't seem worried at all, his girlfriend didn't call him? I wondered.

He entered in the office.

After some minutes, I heard how he called my name furiously

"Luthman!!!!!!!!" He yelled angrily

I chuckled.

This will be a Slow burn , don’t be in a hase (lol)^^

Isybebecreators' thoughts