
I transmigrated As Muzan In naruto

I was just about to go home after i bought a new game to play, then next i saw myself in a river with a handsome man staring at me...wait is that me? also this face looks familiar.... and where the hell am i?

Entyt · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter.1 Am i not a demon?

[A/N: Just so you guys know I'm, not a gamer and I don't play many games unless it's on my phone and free, so if there's anything wrong with my information please do tell me and I'll fix it]


A hooded youth was quickly running through the crowded streets, his ragged breath could be heard by people by people he passed by.

This is of course our mc.

An hour just passed since the new release of the game he's been waiting to play, and as soon as he saw the news he quickly went to the nearest game shop to buy, he just finished buying the game and is quickly running back to his apartment to play it.

But alas as soon he step on the pedestrian he was bashed, like how you bash a Piñata as a kid, FULL F*CKING FORCE. And all the people behind him was was showered with blood.



"what happened?"

He opened his eyes to see he was on a river surrounded by trees.

"I'm hydrated let me take some water"


"ah~ that's so much better"

'now, where am I? the last thing I remember was running through a pedestria- oh Naruhodo-Naruhodo'


As I looked into the river I saw my reflection an unnaturally pale skin which can be easily confused as being unhealthy and sickly, curly black hair, and sharp, almond-shaped eyes.


I was only assuming it, to think it was actually real, ill miss my collections, game, and family, I may not look like it but I was an introvert so I don't have friends.


"Okay, let's not look into the past anymore"

I glanced at my reflection again

"Now where have I seen this face before it's awfully nostalgic, hmm...!!!! Ma-masaka kibutsuji muzan!?!?"

*thump* *thump* *thump*

My inner Chūnibyō is coming out, I have to calm down(inhale/exhale)×3


'Finally, I have calmed down I'm not even sure if it's actually muzan, let's recheck it'

I glanced at my reflection again

"pale face check, curly black hair check, plum red eyes check, what else?... I think that's all'

'i guess I'm really kibutsuji muzan now'

I smiled satisfactorily as I bask in the heat of the sun....wait.....the sun!?

I hurriedly went to the closest shade to avoid the sun


"That was close, wait I was able to stand the sun does that mean I'm not a demon?"


[A/N: I'm gonna try to make the next chap longer but this is all my mind can create and I hope you enjoyed it also I made this in a hurry since I am on a timed quiz ]