
I Trained For a Billion Years in Universe 7

My sole goal is to improve... and nurture another person. --- Dragon Ball Fanfic. From Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Super... all the way to Xenoverse.

R4IN · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

5 Dragon Ball

Sometimes, I misunderstand Noil's physical age as 14, when he is 13 years old. Wonder why.


<My Name is Noil and I am in Dragon Ball World>

I am a former Japanese who was reincarnated on the planet called Earth of Dragon Ball.

13 years after my reincarnation, I pressed a button that teleported(?) me here.

I don't know the remaining time because the indicator is bugged but I hope that it is within a year or two because that would be too boring if not.

I trained for a day, but I got bored of it because there seem to be no progression so I decided that I will laze around for a year.

Noil briefly looked at the first page of the diary. Truth be told, Noil doesn't remember what happened inside the Eternal Time Chamber for the first 200 years so every content written before that timeline was all foreign to him.

Albeit in exchange for losing the first 213 years of memory... in exchange, he gained a perfect memory...

"Dragon Ball World..." Noil muttered to himself.

"Dragon Ball... What is that?"

'Perhaps I can find more about it here?' Noil thought.

'Here' was the Parsley City of Earth. After the small talk with Towa, Fu brought him back to his hometown, and obviously, nothing much has changed because only a day has passed outside.

However, despite the lack of changes, Noil was still amazed by the sight of the orbital structure hanging above the sky and the floating cars traveling in a hurry.

Never once... in a billion years was Noil surrounded by this much of structures around him and it slightly overwhelmed him like a country bumpkin who came to the bustling city for the first time.

"Noil? It's you Noil!" from behind Noil, he heard a woman of tender age shouting for his name while panting tiredly.

In that instance, Noil felt the Ki of innocence entering his attack range, and just as he thought that his body will automatically dodge the charge of an unknown individual, he was surprised to see that he remained in complete still.

"Noil! It's you, right? What happened to your hair? Why is it white?" the girl embraced him from back and urged a hundred if not, a thousand of questions.

"Where have you been? I've been searching for you all day since yesterday, Oww, I'm going to be scolded by mom for skipping school but it's all good if you're alright!" confused by Noil's silence, Meimei finally released her hold as she went in front of him to see his face.

Noil's face was that of 'confusion.'

"Who are... you?" unfazed by the urge of strange emotions welling up inside him, Noil slowly asked Meimei whose clothes were wet with sweat and stuck dirt.

Catching Noil's question, Meimei gasped.

"Is this... Noil have you been affected by the Mei Antoinette Syndrome!?" Meimei asked surprised.

Briefly explaining Mei Antoinette Syndrome, it is a story of a girl called Mei who was tortured by an assassin called Tao Pai Pai for a piece of certain information and the immense stress caused her hair to turn white and lose a part of her memory.

The change in appearance caused Tao Pai Pai to not recognizes her in her escape but after returning to her sister's side, her body was unable to hold in anymore as she died.

Thus conclude the small story behind the 'Mei Antoinette Syndrome' and how it became a disease.

"Waaah!" upon the recognition of this possible disease, Meimei began wailing as tears flowed.

"Uwaaaah! I don't want you to die," upon the realization that the past 13 years they spent together may become 'just a memory,' Meimei cried even harder, her voice messy thanks to the continuous sobbing.


"Meime- Meimei, calm down," Noil stuttered as he recapped the title of a diary from his memory.

At the same time, he sent a gentle wave of godly ki inside Meimei's body, calming her down at the same time restoring her exhausted body.

Although untrained mortals can't detect normal ki nevertheless god ki... or super ki in term of how Noil calls it, Meimei was able to faintly feel something change in her body as if being healed by a cute cat video.

"Hmm... I'm sorry, I shouldn't be panicking in this dire situation, right? Believe in me Noil, I will find the culprit who kidnapped you and I will make him pay for torturing you so badly that your hair changed in one night!" Meimei said determinedly.

As it says in the book, it took a process of 3 days for Mei's hair to entirely turn white.

Noil pondered on how to make this strange girl lose her interest in him without changing her.

But then he forgot that he forgot everything and currently he lacked the necessary communication ability to cheer her up.

"I just don't have interest in you... anymore? So stop searching for me anymore. It's pointless and I don't want you going everywhere in search of me," said Noil without considering the other side's feelings.

Then he turned into a streak of lines as he disappeared from Meimei's sight... Completely.


'Dragon Ball... Dragon Ball... Dragon Ball...' sitting atop the highest structure in Parsley City, Noil pondered deeply about the keyword, [Dragon Ball].

Then he decided that he was bored anyway, so why not search for it?

With that in mind, he asked many people in Parsley Town about Dragon Ball and surprisingly, not a single person know of the mysterious ball.

'This is hopeless, no person knows of this mysterious ball I am searching for,' thought Noil while gazing at the passing night.

Since getting out of the Eternal Time Chamber, his sense of time has been somewhat quick and awry.

When people look at the time clock, they will find the needle pointing to the time, the hour hand slow but in Noil's case, he will begin feeling the hour hand accelerates.




'I fell asleep without knowing it,' Noil stretched his body gently.

Looking below him, he saw a few humans either looking at him or recording his levitated state.

"I must have sleep floated," Noil muttered to himself as he began his search for Dragon Ball again.


'Hoi Poi Capsule, an advanced technology that makes it able to contain a huge object in a small body... a production of Capsule Corporation, created and developed by the world's genius scientist called Dr. Brief'

In Internet Cafe, Noil first searched for 'the smartest person in the world,' and the result he was given was 'Dr. Brief' and the achievement of his, Hoi Poi Capsule.

As for where the money came from, he stole it from someone.

Paying up 300 Zeni, he left the place and flew away from the site.

'If it's the smartest man on Earth, he must have known what Dragon Balls is. West City is just northwest here... since it's so close to here, I can fly slowly and enjoy the scenery this world can offer.'

To solve the 'puzzle' his past self left, Noil flew toward the direction of West City.

I'm unsure when to release this chapter and below but I'll do it when I feel like it.

I don't know how the first adventure will turn out, but in honesty, I am looking forward to seeing the interaction of emptiness and pureness.

Look forward to the first major changes Noil will bring.

P.S. I have no idea how I want to write Meimei.


1,100 words

R4INcreators' thoughts