
I Trained For a Billion Years in Universe 7

My sole goal is to improve... and nurture another person. --- Dragon Ball Fanfic. From Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Super... all the way to Xenoverse.

R4IN · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

3 Billion Years of Solitude (2/3)

[Time Passed: 12,000 Years]

Noil blankly stood at the spot, looking at the white space, continuously releasing a mysterious aura as he looked at the space he fired his ki.

The aftermath of Noil's action persisted as the scorching heat and chilling cold remained in the air, continuously eradicating the matter filling in.

With a tremendous speed, his hand disappeared and the next moment it appeared, it was carrying the diary.

<How Should I Name My Original Technique?>

I've only consumed 8,000 years to create and perfect a Special Technique of my own but I am unaware of what to name it.

After pondering for a while, I decided to not name it yet as it should deserve a title for itself for the result it will cause, albeit I haven't a clue when I will use it.

As trivial matter as the 'naming' technique are, I love this kind of time when I am distracted.


[Time Passed: 51,000 Years]

Noil stood at the middle of unending white, emitting a red aura while unusually showing an expression of struggle in 50,000 years.

'I think my body can withhold more energy... 3x...!'

The red aura emitted a burst of explosion as Noil's nonexistent muscle became much bulkier.

Struggling, Noil summoned his clone and began sparring with it without sparing time.

Noil's body disappeared from the clone as he reappeared behind him, sending three streaks of punch in the neck and one leg swipe, splitting the body of the clone in half.

'Impressive! Physical strength, reaction speed, five senses, Ki, everything has tripled!'

Turning off the transformation skill he finally succeeds after experimenting for 47,110 years, he ignored the scream of his body as he took out the diary to write about today.


[Time Passed 99,999 Years]

Noil looked at the indicator with half-expectant.

[Time Passed 100,000 Years]

Nothing happened.

'Nothing happened.'

Noil spent the next hour silently staring at the indicator, unwilling to say anything as he won't get a response anyway.


[Time Passed: 500,000 Years]

<Martial Arts>

1 Million Years? 10 Million Years? 100 Million Years?

Sometimes, I wonder if this will even end and I very much hope that I will lose the track of time but this darned indicator refuses me to do so.

My feeling asides, I decided to revisit martial arts and research it more.

I was shocked to find out more mysteries in the physical realm. Have you imagined the power of 'liquid?'

While I was researching the fastest way to accelerate to my max speed, I found out that instead of unleashing every power in your body, it's better to relax every single part of the body 'as if melting yourself to liquid' and instantly alternate out a burst of force.

Martial Arts has many more things to offer than I expected.


[Time Passed: 10,000,000 Years]

<10 Million Years>

1 Million Years disappointed me, and so did 10 Million.

It's nothing different.


"Boost 10x," Noil said, his voice absent of any emotion.


[Time Passed: 21,000,000 Years]

This occurred during the spars between Noil and his clone.

Just as the two fists met...


A piercing sound reverberated before Noir's fist, and voids of nullity and color filled the space. These voids looked like shattered glass.

'This is...?'

<A Hope>

I engraved the feeling of punching the space in my heart.

Although it was slim and could easily pass through my fingertips, it was a tiny bit of hope.

If I am able to punch and shatter the space of this world, I may be able to get out of this room.

However, the problem is I can only slightly touch the space and the rest of my force will redirect to the 'world' I'm living in.

All I have to do is not only train myself to be stronger, I have to master the art of... making contact with the space?



The air around Noil silently vibrated.

[Time Passed: 35,000,000 Years]

<A Change in Ki Inside My Body>

For the past 2 years, the Ki inside my body has been undergoing a great change, as if taking the form of entirely different things.

I don't know what this is however I am aware that my Ki is converting into a better Ki in terms of quality, but if every bit of my Ki changed to this unfamiliar Ki, it will do nothing but harm to my body.

It is simply too powerful for my body to handle.

Although it is a pity, I'm taking the choice to throw away the remaining Ki inside myself and convert the remaining to the... 'Super Ki.'

As much as I want to get out of this place, I can't die by doing so.


Noil threw the diary back into the room as he began meditating.

In his lotus posture, his whole body began levitating, as an invisible pressure began to be released to all sides.

The Eternal Time Chamber has shaken for the first time in 35 million years, Noil's Ki running amok, around the atmosphere as if the end of the world.

The process it took for Noil to discard wasn't a long one but it wasn't short. Throwing away Ki was like throwing away your life energy.

Not only did it exhaust Noil, but it was also both mentally and physically stressful to him.

A pillar of white light ascended around Noil's, hiding his entire silhouette.

After a while, the pillar of Ki disappeared as the expressionless face of Noil came up above, then his body, coated with blue aurora, emitting a godly presence, appeared upfront.

'This is...' Noil looked at his fist, clenching it hard and loosening it, to feel the change in his body.

Noil blinked once his black-silver eyes glowed as the aurora coating his body was absorbed inside him.

'What a strange Ki.' Noil felt that he will have to restart his research about the Ki from one.

Wew this is taking longer than I expected.

I have no idea what to write here again.

Guess I'll release it 12/10

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